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Armée ukrainienne

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L'armée ukrainienne pourrait perdre 20% de ses effectifs

Image IPB

KIEV, 22 juillet

D'ici 2015, les effectifs de l'armée ukrainienne pourraient subir une réduction de 20% des effectifs, lit-on jeudi dans un projet de Concept du développement des forces armées examiné actuellement par le gouvernement.

"Selon les estimations du ministère de la Défense, un réexamen des dépenses permettra de réduire les effectifs des forces armées à 150.000-160.000 personnes (actuellement estimés à 200.000 personnes)", stipule le document, en ajoutant que les dépenses militaires subiraient toutefois une augmentation d'au moins de 15 à 20% par an.    

Par ailleurs, le document prévoit de vendre les biens militaires superflus, ce qui devrait rapporter au budget une somme de 1,5 à 2 milliards de grivnas (188-250 millions de dollars.

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  • 4 months later...

Confirmation officielle par le chef d'état-major ukrainien :

"Dans les cinq années à venir, les effectifs des Forces armées de l'Ukraine seront réduits de 40.000 hommes, à 160.000 personnes, a annoncé jeudi le chef de l'Etat-major général ukrainien Grigori Pedtchenko, rapporte jeudi l'agence UNIAN."

L'Ukraine est disposée à participer au bouclier antimissile européen, a annoncé mardi à Varsovie la secrétaire du Conseil ukrainien de sécurité nationale et de défense, Raïssa Bogatyreva, citée par les médias européens.

"L'Ukraine n'a pas seulement exprimé sa volonté de participer à la création du bouclier antimissile européen, mais a aussi proposé de mettre ses radars à disposition", a déclaré Mme Bogatyreva. "Si cela intéresse l'Otan, nous sommes prêts à coopérer concrètement".

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  • 2 years later...

Une réforme en chasse une autre en Ukraine (et toute ressemblance avec une situation existante ou ayant existé dans un pays d’Europe de l’Ouest n’est pas fortuite). En 2010, dans le cadre du projet de “Concept du développement des forces armées”, l’état-major ukrainien avant annoncé la suppression de 40.000 postes pour la période 2011-15, avec pour objectifs de ramener leurs effectifs à 160.000 personnels.

“Nous comprimerons l’administration de façon substantielle, en commençant pas l’Etat-major général, à mon  sens, trop lourd aujourd’hui. Il sera réduit de 20%”, avait alors expliqué le général Grigori Pedtchenko, selon l’agence Unian.

Ce plan n’est pas encore terminé qu’un autre projet visant à réduire à nouveau les effectifs des forces armées ukrainiennes a été mis sur la table par Pavlo Lebedev, le ministre de la Défense du pays.

“D’ici fin 2017, les effectifs des forces armées ukrainiennes seront portés à 122.000 personnes. A l’heure actuelle, l’armée du pays compte au total 180.000 militaires”, a-t-il annoncé, le 26 juin dernier, dans un entretien accordé au quotidien Segodnia.

Suite :

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  • 3 years later...

Ukraine to develop next-generation infantry fighting vehicle
Aug 17, 2016


Ukraine aims to develop a new third-generation infantry combat vehicle to replace outdated BMP-1 and BMP-2.

That was reported by Secretary of the Committee on National Security and Defence of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ivan Vinnyk .

Vinnyk said that Kharkiv Tractor Plant could soon join production of military equipment under order of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine. The plant could resume production of multipurpose lightly-armored transporters and new infantry fighting vehicles.

“Jointly with the Defense Ministry with the help of the national security and defense committee we plan to resume production of at this enterprise. It is planned to start producing the Ukrainian third generation infantry fighting vehicle that would meet modern requirements,” said Ivan Winnick.

Kharkiv Tractor Plant (XTZ) used to be and still is one of few companies in the world, which develops and produces both wheeled and tracked vehicles.


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  • 5 months later...

Un nouveau parachute polonais pour les forces armées ukrainiennes

Polish DEDAL troop parachutes adopted for use by Ukrainian Armed Forces

The Polish DEDAL air assault parachute is designed for training jumps and combat deployment, was adopted for service by Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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  • 1 year later...

“We Use Coca-Cola to Clean Our Guns” – Grizzled Ukraine Army Vet Talks Shop in Video


Coke’s slogan is “Taste the Feeling”, but maybe in the Ukraine it should be “the Army’s Rust Remover!” instead. “We use Coca-Cola when the gun is rusty. Coca-Cola takes rust away” says Ukrainian Ground Forces machine gunner Oleg Yuzkovich about his trusty PKM machine gun, in an interview with 5 Kanal (Channel 5 Ukraine, embedded below.

In addition to being a tasty beverage, Coca-Cola is indeed a good choice for cleaning rust if there are no purpose made cleaners available, thanks to its mild acidity and carbonation. “Every three days I and my gun – I call it “grinder” – every three days, I clean it. If I shot it, if I did not shoot it – does not matter. Gun is sacred,” Yuzkovich said in the video. “What is a gun? It’s not a wife, it’s a lover. The wife will bear with it, the lover – whew, and she is gone. The same is with the guns. We use everything: toothpicks, ear picks, toothbrushes. Reaching everywhere we can. Dirt, everything is cleaned off. Some people said we used sand or something, it’s nonsense.”

Regarding the war and joining the Ukrainian Ground Forces, Yuzkovich said :

"I have been in Luhanks area since 2014. How I got here? I lied to my mum. I told her I was going to be removed from the military [draft] registry at 45 years of age. Instead, I told them: send me to the war. The very next day I was sent to the 80th [brigade]. September 30 I was at the front line, I got into the sleeping bag for the first time. Then there was the order “Air! Air!” and I first heard and experienced Russian Grads, I do not even remember how I got from my sleeping bag and ended in the trench which was 30 meters away."

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Ukrainian Special Forces Precision Rifle Competition


Competing elements of the Ukrainian Special Operations Command came together recently to participate in a skill of arms testing precision rifle capabilities, teamwork, handgun marksmanship, care under fire, among numerous other skill sets often required by sniper teams in combat. Due to the diversity of uniforms, weapons, and equipment, it appears that each two man sniper team might have come from a different Ukrainian Special Operations unit. According to Wikipedia there are five such ground regiments (SoF regiment, not conventional) and one Naval regiment currently active in the Ukraine.

The entire competition is very similar to the U.S. based Precision Rifle Series in many aspects. It adds in some relevancy when it comes to tactical fieldcraft such as casualty care, vehicle movement, and wearing personal protective equipment. But apart from the gear and the discipline, many of these snipers would have been at home in a PRS match, or even vice versa. Something to make note of is the use of suppressors on the rifles. Notice that events are being shot both with and without suppressors indicating a knowledge of suppressor employment, understanding that it is necessary to be able to shoot accurately suppressed and unsuppressed because point of impact changes when going from one to the other.

From the Youtube video description -

"The first sniper tournament of the Special Forces Special Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine On the basis of the training center of the Special Forces Special Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the First Sniper Tournament was held on the Cup of the Special Forces Special Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."


Of primary issue and use by many of the snipers present is the .308 Win Zbroyar Z-10 rifle that we reported on earlier through TFB. In our previous post we wrote that some of these SF groups were interested in the rifle, however use in this competition confirms the purchases, or at least the presence of such semiautomatic rifles among Ukrainian SF components.








B&T APR rifles are produced in the Ukraine under license as the TS308 as was documented by Armament Research Services. The TS308s that appeared in the competition are lacking their Picatinny handguards.





This appears to be a Remington 700 in a MacMillan stock configuration.


And a rifle of unknown nomenclature in a wooden stock.



Not observed in the competition but of significant mention is the Savage Arms 110 BA Precision in .300 Win Mag, also in use with some SoF groups in the Ukraine.



Much thanks to due to Abraxas Spa for pointing out the competition and Irfan Z. for some of the arms ID !

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il y a 42 minutes, rogue0 a dit :

Je n'ai pas trouvé de fil générique sur les drones de combat (hors armée française et chinoise). 

Voici un drone de combat chenillé ukrainien. Il était issu d'un bricolage DIY il y a 2 ans, et a bien évolué depuis.

Pour un engin chenillé, il lui manquent les chenilles :-)

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Ukraine Adopts New Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle the UR-10

Ukraine’s armed forces have adopted a new semi-automatic sniper rifle to replace the venerable SVD. Ukraine has announced the adoption of the Zbroyar Z-10, a semi-automatic 7.62×51mm sniper rifle, as the UR-10.  This means not only changing the weapon system but also the caliber itself.


Back in September Zbroyar director Sergey Gorban, speaking to, confirmed that he believed that the “Z-10 is considered to be a promising model for replacing the CIA [SVD], But I think this will not happen soon, the state is not ready for this.” It seems he was right, and the move seems to have come sooner than expected., a site that follows Ukrainian industry news, says the general adoption comes as Ukraine’s army looks to “step up the sniper component of our troops.”

The UR-10 has been in testing for a number of years seeing action with the elite 79th Air Assault Brigade.  Reportedly, the UR-10 will be the military version of Z-10 rifle made by a Ukrainian company called Zbroyar. If this is true, then it means they already have the manufacturing experience and capabilities and they can produce domestically.


The adoption of the Zbroyar Z-10, chambered in 7.62×51 NATO rather than the readily available 7.62×54mm round used by the SVD, is another signal that Ukraine is intent on aligning with its NATO allies and that switching to a NATO caliber makes sense.

Earlier we saw this tendency with the intention to adopt the M4-WAC-47 rifle, which was an AR-15 style rifle coming with a 5.56x45mm NATO and 7.62x39mm upper receivers and dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition to the NATO caliber.


Ukraine’s new Z-10/UR-10 ( is one of Ukraine’s leading manufacturers of civilian precision rifles and offers both gas-operated and bolt-action rifles. According to MilMag, the Z-10 is based on the Eugene Stoner designed AR-10.

Weighing 11lbs (5kg) the new rifle has a 20-inch chrome-lined free-floating barrel with a guaranteed barrel life of 7,000 rounds. It has an aluminium receiver, a Magpul PRS-style buttstock, a Picatinny top rail and a lightweight configurable fore-end. The Ukrainian army claims, the UR-10 can reach out to ranges of up to 1,200 metres, a marked improvement on the SVD’s max effective range of 800m.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

L’industrie de défense ukrainienne adopte progressivement les standards OTAN.

Une nouvelle loi sur la sécurité nationale, adoptée par l’Ukraine cet été, prévoit l’adoption par les forces armées ukrainiennes des principes et normes de l’OTAN, commente l’expert Varfolomeyev sur 112.UA.

A lire ici

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Canadian PGW Defence to Export .50 Caliber Rifles to Ukraine


In an interview given to the Ukrainian UATV news channel, Ross Spagrud, the owner of PGW Defence Technologies Inc., confirmed that the company has been awarded a contract to deliver .50 caliber LRT-3 anti-materiel/sniper rifles to Ukraine. The total sum of the contract is about one million Canadian dollars which are roughly equal to $770,000 USD. The number of weapons to be supplied as well as the unit cost are not disclosed. You can watch the mentioned interview in the video embedded below.

PGW LRT-3 is a bolt action rifle chambered in .50 BMG. The rifle is fed from five-round detachable box magazines. The LRT-3 rifle also features top Picatinny rails, M-LOK accessory mounting slots on the forearm, adjustable and folding stock, fluted bolt and a muzzle brake. Apparently, as shown in the image below, these rifles are also offered equipped with suppressors.


In conjunction with match grade ammunition, the PGW LRT-3 rifles are capable of extreme long-range precision fire. Other important factors in having successful target engagements with such a weapon system are the level of training of the personnel and the properties and quality of the optics. Unfortunately, there is no information concerning the scope models that will be used with these rifles by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

TheFirearms's Blog

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

On en a peu parlé, mais l'Ukraine a développé une gamme de missiles sol-sol tactiques. Les Hrim/Grim/Grom-2 et le Sapsan

Il existe également le système Neptun, sol-mer mais pouvant aussi être utilisé pour des frappes terrestres. 




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L'armée ukrainienne a profité du défilé d'août pour dévoiler différents systèmes d'artillerie.

  • Le Bogdana, un obusier de 155mm monté sur camion. 
  • Le lance-roquettes multiples Verba basé sur le BM-21 Grad.
  • Le Vilha, basé sur le BM-30 Smerch.
  • Divers systèmes de contre-batterie et de guidage.


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1 minute ago, Kiriyama said:

Il me semble que ce concept date déjà de la Seconde guerre mondiale. 

A priori des la fin de la première guerre mondial il sembla judicieux de permettre a de l'artillerie de suivre l'assaut rapidement ... il y a donc eu tout un tas de proposition de canon monté sur châssis motorisé ... essentiellement des chenillés au début à cause de la mobilité limité des engin a roue. Les engin étant vaguement blindé a l'avant ... l'artillerie tracté même avec des tracteur chenillé ne semblait pas en état de suivre l'avancer des élément de cavalerie notamment.

Mais on trouve des engin a roue aussi ... avec du petit calibre dessus genre le KSP-76.

Il suffit de taper "Gun Motor Carriage" dans google pour s'en convaincre.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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