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Corée du Sud


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Mars 2012 - des soldats des Forces US positionnées en Corée du Sud - United States Forces Korea (USFK) - plus des soldats du 1st Battery, 145th Field Artillery se préparent pour l'exercice "Key Resolve/Foal Eagle" exercise à Camp Carroll le 6 mars, 2012 à Waegwan.

Credit : Chung Sung-Jun/Getty

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

La Corée du Sud et les États-Unis sont sur le point de conclure un accord pour doubler la portée des missiles balistiques de Séoul, pour renforcer les défenses contre la Corée du Nord, rapporte dimanche la presse sud-coréenne.

La portée des missiles devrait être étendue à 800 km, contre 300 km actuellement, ce qui les rendrait capables de couvrir tout le Nord, selon des sources diplomatiques citées par l'agence sud-coréenne Yonhap.

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  • 2 months later...

SEOUL — The South Korean Army will deploy 600 wheeled armored vehicles from 2016 to help build rapid-response forces modeled after U.S. Stryker combat brigades, according to the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA).

The arms agency announced Hyundai Rotem, a subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Group, as the preferred bidder Nov. 26 to develop and produce those wheeled armored vehicles. The company beat a co nsortium of Samsung Techwin and Doosan DST.

“Hyundai Rotem will develop a couple of prototype vehicles with six and eight wheels by 2015 with investment of about 28 billion won ($26 million),” a DAPA spokesman said. “After field tests, the company will produce 600 vehicles in stages by 2020.”

The DAPA and Hyundai Rotem will sign a final contract in December for the wheeled armored vehicle development, said the spokesman.

The Army expects the wheeled combat vehicle to improve its ability to deploy rapidly with enhanced tactical mobility.

“With the number of infantry troops being reduced under a defense reform plan, we should cover wider combat zones with better survivability and striking capability,” an Army official said. “We believe the deployment of wheeled infantry carrier vehicles will help solve this problem, to an extent.”

Under a military modernization program announced in 2005, the South Korean Army plans to deploy high-tech tanks and armored vehicles that boost firepower and battlefield mobility while reducing force strength.

The service will cut more than 20 of its 47 infantry divisions and turn many of the remaining ones into mechanized units.

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Concernant les missiles balistique de Séoul, voici un article de l'association d'amitié franco-coréenne (du Nord) :

Limitation de la portée des missiles à 180 km en 1972 en échange d'un accès à de la technologie balistique US, à 300 km en 2001, puis donc 800 km en octobre 2011.

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  • 4 months later...

Commande de 36 AH-64E à livrer entre 2016 et 2018 pour l'armée de terre sud Coréenne pour 2 MM de dollars US.

De quoi soulagé les ''vieux'' Cobras et 500MD/TOW Defender sud-coréens :

Si vraiment la tension continue de monté, Boeing peut il augmenté la cadence ou transférer directement des AH-64E US aux sud coréens en cette période de ''vache maigre'' pour la défense US ?

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  • 5 months later...
La Corée du Sud développe un IRST naval
South Korea has developed an infrared search and track (IRST) system with indigenous technology to improve reconnaissance capabilities of its naval warships, the state arms procurement agency said Tuesday.

Samsung Thales Co. and the state-funded Agency for Defense Development began its development of IRST in 2006 with a 19 billion won (US$17.7 million) budget, with the goal of deploying the censor system to its frigates by 2017, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said.

South Korea is only the third nation to independently develop the naval censor system, following France and the Netherlands, the agency said.

The system detects low-flying targets that emit infrared radiation, including antiship missiles, and sends high-definition visual images to warships. Its high-speed camera provides a 360-degree view on the target with greater sensitivity, it said.

"As the system has a competitive edge in the overseas reconnaissance censor market dominated by France and the Netherlands, it is expected to produce over 100 billion won in economic benefits by replacing imported goods," said Lee Jong-ryeol, DAPA official in charge of the technology development.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

S. Korea develops multi-purpose air defense system

2013/12/27 10:29

By Kim Eun-jung

SEOUL, Dec. 27 (Yonhap) -- South Korea has developed a multi-purpose air defense missile capable of shooting down low-flying objects with surface-to-air guided missiles and anti-aircraft missiles, the state arms procurement agency said Friday.

Doosan Defense Systems & Technology, Samsung Thales and LIG Nex1 have jointly worked on the project since 2010 to develop the multi-purpose missile to improve strike capabilities, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said.

The short-range missile is a combination of K-30 self-propelled gun vehicles with a 3 km firing range, and the portable surface-to-air missile Shingung, which can fly over 7 km.


Doosan Defense Systems & Technology, Samsung Thales and LIG Nex1 have jointly developed a short-range missile combining K-30 self-propelled gun vehicles and the portable surface-to-air missile Shingung. (Yonhap file photo)

It can simultaneously fire off two types of missiles to target military aircraft flying at low altitudes, DAPA said, noting it met all military requirements during testing throughout this year.

DAPA will start manufacturing the missiles next year to deliver them to troops starting in 2015, it said.

"Once deployed to troops, it is expected to improve short-range air defense capabilities with an improved combat system and close integration with the command control system," DAPA said in a press release.

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Un peu plus d'info sur le Bi-Ho :

South Korea to Field Hybrid Version of the BiHO VSHORAD Vehicle in 2015


A test trial of the BiHO hybrid gun/missile VSHORAD system. Photo: LIG Nex1

South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) announced Friday, December 27, 2013, that it has completed development of a hybrid variant of the self propelled air defense gun carrier K30 Bi-Ho (flying tiger in Korean) integrated with indigenously developed Shingung guided missiles. Both elements are based on indigenous technology.

The new hybrid system uses the vehicle’s target acquisition systems and Shingung surface-to-air missile to extend the system’s effective range from less than 3 km (guns only) to 7 km (missiles). As a ‘Very Short Range Air Defense System’ (VSHORAD), the hybrid Bi-HO will be able to effectively engage targets flying at very low altitude, such as helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The system mounts two missile pods, each containing two missiles. Each pod can engage a different target, DAPA said. Over 300 K30 have been deployed with the Korean Army since 1999. According to the agency the hyprid variant entered development in 2010 and is expected to enter production in 2014 and be ready for fielding as new systems or an upgrade by 2015.


The BiHo missile add-on component comprises two missile pods, each carrying a missile and launch control unit on each side of the turret. Photo: Nex1 Lig

K30 Bi-HOÂ integrates specific modules from a number of local manufacturers, including Doosan Defense Systems & Technology contributing the K200 armored personnel carrier chassis and and system integration, LIG Nex1 delivering the TPS-830K low-level target acquisition radar and Shingung missiles. Samsung Thales is providing the EO sensors comprising the FLIR system and laser rangefinder acting as a secondary target acquisition system, supplementing the radar to provide a passive target acquisition mode, where the air defense system remains passive until the missile is launched.

The modification includes mounting two Shingung missile pods on each side of the turret, to accomodate the heavier load the turret drive and power supply are uprated, and modifications to the existing fire control system are installed to handle target acquisition for the ‘fire and forget’ Shingung missile.
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  • 3 months later...

Pour completer, ce sont des fumigènes large-bande.

On les disperse par explosion afin de créer un rideau presque instantané. Leur couleur est brune car ils sont composés de produite qui masquent dans plusieurs spectres, d'où le terme large-bande.

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Pour comprendre le fonctionnement une vidéo.

Large bande ca veut dire, que l'écran de fumée, empeche de voir ou de passer au travers, aussi bien l'infrarouge, que le visible, que l'UV, et le laser, et meme radar. Ainsi on complique la tache a la plupart des système anti-char qui ne peuvent plus voir la cible - autodirecteur embarqué dans le missile ou guidage SACLOS - ni guider le missile au delà de l'écran - pour le laser beam riding -.

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  • 5 months later...

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