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Rafale and other european jets [English only]


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il y a une heure, WarBird a dit :

What is the small side door beside radar nose cone as seen in this user's photos?

The French Air Force Rafale (last photo) does not have it.


Who knows Nose? For some it is a space reserved for a future standard, for others it is a peculiarity of the Indian model. Maybe comparing with the last ones delivered to Qatar would give a clue?

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47 minutes ago, Gallium nitride said:

Who knows Nose? For some it is a space reserved for a future standard, for others it is a peculiarity of the Indian model. Maybe comparing with the last ones delivered to Qatar would give a clue?

Can't spot on Qatar Rafale nose:



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Il y a 2 heures, WarBird a dit :

What is the small side door beside radar nose cone as seen in this user's photos?

The French Air Force Rafale (last photo) does not have it.


Welcome to the hottest debate about Rafale since Kovy pointed out this detail on a pictue taken almost two years ago...


Theories about this are numerous and the mystery will unfold with the next french Rafale coming out which are supposed to be F4.2-ready.


Modifié par Patrick
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  • 6 months later...

As far as i know, it's unclear.

Public figures tell us that the power output is close to 10 kW.

But some unofficial sources tell that the radar is able to reach the power output of 14 kW with only better coolant (and a new pump for it).

It is also said that some new generation E/R modules may allow a total power output of 18 to 20 kW.

So, to say conservative, we have to stand for a 10 kW power output with great capabilities of extension. :wink:

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  • 3 months later...

Etant donné que les discussions avec @Napoleons_Bee ont tendance a partir en hors sujet dans beaucoup de fil, ne pourrait-on pas renommer ce sujet "Rafale and other jets" afin de relocaliser tous les débats Rafale vs F-35 ici ? Et en plus Napoleons_Bee pourrait s'exprimer en anglais, ce qui serait sans doute plus simple pour lui. 

Modifié par Non inultus premor
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3 minutes ago, Non inultus premor said:

Since discussions with @Napoleons_Bee tend to go off topic in a lot of thread, could we not rename this topic "Rafale and other jets" in order to relocate all the Rafale vs F-35 debates here? And in addition Napoleons_Bee could express himself in English, which would probably be easier for him. 

I thank you for your help but I really don't want to be thrown into a dead thread so I can be quarantined away from the action going on in the rest of the forum. I've made so many friends! 

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il y a 32 minutes, Napoleons_Bee a dit :

I thank you for your help but I really don't want to be thrown into a dead thread so I can be quarantined away from the action going on in the rest of the forum. I've made so many friends! 

There is no dead topic here. Each time someone make some digging by replying on a dead topic, a lot of people come to observe that, and if really pay attention, you can ear: "its alive aliiiiiiive"

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I think this is a good place for such talks, as obviously, despite continuous improvement, automatic translation can be misleading.

Some members, french-speaking only, may not join this thread, but at least the others should have a clear understanding of what they are saying, and how they are arguing, and when they are joking :) 



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7 hours ago, Non inultus premor said:

That wasn't my intention at all!

 I know that. it was really good thinking and I know your intentions are good. I also get to see some of my "friends" are happy to see me here and not "polluting" other threads: 


4 hours ago, Teenytoon said:

Totally agree, it will avoid continuing to pollute other topics.



luckily I can post in more than one thread


@pascal was not trying to derail the Belgian thread. its that when people ask for evidence, there isn't much to be found while keeping it strictly on the Belgian subject. Since Belgium picked F-35 I assumed F-35 talk would happen, but I know the thread drifted far too much. 

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il y a 9 minutes, Napoleons_Bee a dit :


Take this word as we take it here, much more passiv, only to say that there's a lot of off topics currently. It's a a sort of autoregulation before the administrators close the thread. For example on the belgium thread I was off topic and polluting the thread ... my bad.

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