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Je pense qu'on a donne les Albions un hangar. :rolleyes: Mais peut-etre il est seulement les Bays qui ont un hangar maintenant.

RFA Largs Bay.

Image IPB

A propos.


D’après plusieurs sources proches du ministère britannique de la Défense,

BAE Systems serait en bonne position pour remporter le contrat MRR

Medium Range Radar) de la Royal Navy. Le groupe britannique propose le

modèle tridimensionnel Artisan (Advanced Radar Target Indication Situational

Awarness and Navigation), alors que ses deux concurrents directs, Thales et IAI,

proposent respectivement l’EM/L-2238 STAR et le ELTA. Jusqu’à présent, BAE

Systems a investi, avec ses partenaires Qinetiq et Roke Manor Research, quelque

4 millions de livres pour le développement de l’Artisan 3D. Si celui-ci est

vainqueur, il équipera une bonne partie des unités de la Royal Navy, à la place du

Type 996, notamment les treize frégates de Type 23, les “Albion”, “Bulwark” et

Ocean” et les deux futurs porte-avions “Queen Elizabeth» et “Prince of Wales”.

De TTU, Avril 16 2008.

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A mon avis le Mistral "is a very cleaver boat" ils vont être très utiles...

They're very smart boats. =D

Je serai content si la RN avait 2 comme elles, il faut proposer son "petite soeur" pour le programme LPH® dans quelques annees.  ;)

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Image IPB

Daring continue ses essais en mer depuis 1 mois, recemment testant ses systemes d'armes et radars contre des avions comme ce typhoon.

Il va avoir encore des essais en aout, et on espere que le bateau sera donner au RN en decembre.

Image IPB

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Tu remarqueras Will les délais de livraison des T45 et des Horizon

La mise au point des systèmes d'armes a été longue et laborieuse.

Ce sont les navires les plus complexes avec les puissances de calcul les plus grandes que ces deux marines ont eu jusqu'à ce jour

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07 May 08

QinetiQ signs Naval Design Partnership contract

Image IPB

FSC Concept, produced using GRC design software

Team appointed for future design coordination to bolster UK Naval ship design capability

QinetiQ has signed an initial 11 month contract with the MOD as part of a £2m pilot study which will see a new joint MOD / industry naval ship design office established in Bristol, to be tasked with the design of complex naval ships for the Royal Navy, such as the Future Surface Combatant.

The Naval Design Partnership (NDP), with its ‘rainbow team’ of talent, which includes Thales, BAE Systems, VT Group, Babcock and BMT, will allow greater innovation and pull-though of new technology and will cost effectively manage the translation of maritime capability requirements into warship product specifications. It will also enable MOD to reinforce in house Naval Architecture and related specialisms through a collaborative design approach.

“We are delighted that our maritime team will be contributing to the future of naval ship design, which is fundamentally important to the future naval capability of this country,” stated Neville Salkeld, Managing Director of QinetiQ’s Consulting sector. “The Maritime Industrial Strategy (MIS) identified a need for the UK to sustain the ability to design complex naval vessels, from concept to the point of build, so in consultation with industry, the Frigates Integrated Project Team (FIPT), on behalf of DG Ships, has defined the requirements for the NDP.”

The NDP team will be collocated at QinetiQ’s Bristol office, close to MOD Abbey Wood, under the leadership of a MOD Chief Engineer. The dedicated facilities can accommodate up to 25 people, drawn from the best that UK industry and MOD currently have to offer.

The team will be initially tasked with a series of concept studies to develop the high level product specification for the Future Surface Combatant (FSC) C1 programme with the objective of ensuring that it successfully clears Initial Gate in late 2008. It is envisaged that this output may be further extended to address future MARS and other future FSC platforms and be adapted to provide appropriate designs for any future vessel classes that may be required.


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U.K. Industry-MoD Team to Design New Warships

By andrew chuter

Published: 8 May 10:07 EDT (06:07 GMT)  Print  |    Email

LONDON - Britain is setting up a joint Ministry of Defence/industry team to help design next-generation warships like the Future Surface Combatant for the Royal Navy.

The Naval Design Partnership has been established to preserve key capabilities in the British maritime industry beyond the work created by the design of the 65,000-ton CVF aircraft carriers for the Royal Navy.

The team will be led by an MoD chief engineer and include staff from leading naval companies comprising BAE Systems, Babcock, BMT, QinetiQ, Thales and the VT Group.

Initially, the arrangement will run as a 12-month pilot study tasked with developing the high-level product specification for the Future Surface Combatant (FSC) C1 program in order to clear the vessel for the assessment phase, called initial gate here, by late this year.

Rob Steel, the head of marketing at BMT, said the partners will use the next 12 months to gain an insight into how the arrangement might work in the long term.

"We don't know exactly how it will operate so we decided to do real work on a real program to work out what an enduring partnership might look like," he said.

The FSC warships will likely be built by BAE and the VT Group. The two companies are scheduled to merge their surface shipbuilding capabilities in the next few weeks. The merger awaits government approval for the aircraft carrier program.

The government has provisionally agreed to a work package for the merged BAE/VT operation for the next 15 years, including building the FSC.

The CI is one of three classes of warships envisaged by the MoD to replace Type 22 and Type 23 frigates, as well as a range of minor vessels. C1 is a multimission warship while C2 and C3 are smaller, less costly vessels to be used in roles such as stabilization and offshore patrol.

A statement released by team member QinetiQ said that it was thought that the partnership would also address future requirements to design some of the more complex variants of the Maritime Afloat Reach and Sustainability logistics ships that the British are considering building, and other future FSC platforms or other vessel classes that may be required.

Sustainment of design and manufacturing skills in the maritime industry was one of the key elements in the government's 2005 defense industrial strategy.

For the moment, the design partnership only covers surface warships, but there are ongoing discussions about how Britain's nuclear submarine design skills could be sustained by a similar approach.

The partnership will initially involve a team of up to 25 designers and engineers based at the QinetiQ office in Bristol close to Defence Equipment & Support, the MoD's procurement and support organization in southwest England.

bien aussi  ^-^

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J'ai l'occasion de voir tous ces grands yachts à Marseille car ils fréquentent souvent les bassins de radoub du Port Autonome qui s'est spécialisé dans la réparation des grands et très grands yachts.

Ils ont tous des airs de navires de chez Vosper ...  =)

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J'adore des yachts.  =)

Vosper Thorneycroft produit aussi des superyachts, c'est claire, mais en moment Appledore est plus fort en ce segment. Vosper est plus fort en le secteur militaire. Appledore est un chantier plus petit en tout cas.

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En 2003, un sous-marin nucléaire d’attaque britannique a heurté un énorme iceberg lors d’un exercice dans l’Arctique, a admis dimanche le ministère britannique de la défense.

A la suite du choc survenu par 63 m d’immersion en mai 2003, le HMS Tireless a subi des dégâts aux ballasts.

Des responsables refusent toujours de donner des détails mais un rapport a été publié dans le cadre de la loi sur la liberté d’information.

Personne à bord du sous-marin basé à la base navale de Devonport n’a été blessé. Le rapport indique que personne à bord n’était responsable de la collision.

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tient il y a une question qui me vient a l'esprit,comment on détecte un iceberg ?

sonar actif ?? 

Oui sonar actif haute fréquence genre sonar d'évitement de mine ... ca porte pas loin donc c'est discret et ca permet de faire de l'imagerie sonar - genre echographie - comme ces assez directionnel.

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je pensais que le sonar actif n'était pas très discret

Plus la fréquence est haute plus l'energie se dissipe rapidement avec la distance - sonar bassse fréquence implique longue portée mais peu précis, haute fréquence courte portée mais précis -... en gros on a des sonar qui sont "inaudible" passé 2000 ou 3000m - on peut régler la puissance en fonction du résultat souhaité -, mais qui suffisent a faire de l'imagerie sonar dans se range ... et si tu file pas 35kts normalement ca laisse la marge pour manoeuvrer. Apres y a peut etre des problemes pour différencier au sonar glace et eau liquide, il est probable que dans certain cas ce soit délicat. En fait je ne sais pas s'il est envisageable que les deux aient des caractéristique mécanique suffisament proche pour que la discrimination se fasse mal vis a vis de la propagation des onde "sonore".

Pour donner une idée avec un sonar dans la bande 70kHz - 100 kHz on arrive a des précision presque centimétrique en imagerie.


faut les faire chuchoter tes sonar pour etre discret ............................. :)

Un peu de doc par ici

Normalement les US utilise l'AN/BQS-15 et AN/BQQ-10 pour la detection mine et glace ... les anglais je sais pas.

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Forbes a quelques nouvelles sur VT:

bientot VT et BAE vont se rejoindre, ils attendents le "go ahead" sur les CVF qui, dit Forbes, sera donne la semaine prochaine (ceci est dans un autre article que celui du lien). Sinon il parle de possible vente de "fast attack craft" a Grece et des "discussions" pour des contrats avec les Saudis...

Image IPB

Super Vita pour la Grece?


les trafalgars ont plusieurs types de sonar et un radar anti collision, je ne sais pas exactement ce qu'est tous cela avec precision. heureusement personne n'est blesse et que il y a que des degats light.

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Super Vita pour la Grece?

La Grece a achete deja 5 Super Vitas du VT Group. Il est tres probable que la Grece achete encore une fois 2 en les prochaines mois. Les discussions sont tres avance.

Pour l'Arabie-Saoudite on ecoute souvent 2-3 T45s et/ou plus de nouveaux Sandowns. Le Lybie va peut-etre acheter des OPVs "Riveresque".

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Babcock International plc, le deuxieme groupe de chantiers britannique, apres BAE Systems et avant VT Group, a rapporte leurs nombres.

  • Turnover: 1.56 milliards de livres
  • Profit: 95.5 millions de livres

A contract to help build Britain's next generation of aircraft carriers should be announced by the end of June, Chief Executive Officer Peter Rogers said in an interview. ``I wouldn't be surprised though if it was announced this week,'' he said.


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Plus d'argent! Vive la reine! :lol:

Celebrate good times, come on!

MOD allowed funds for kit and aircraft carriers

By Richard Alleyne

Last Updated: 4:51PM BST 16/05/2008

Gordon Brown has agreed to let the Ministry of Defence free up funds to provide life-saving kit for troops in Afghanistan and Iraq and give the go-ahead for two aircraft carriers, it has been reported.

The government is loosening rules governing long-term budgets in order to allow military chiefs to plug a £2 billion black hole in its finances.

That will mean that a reported £200 million will be freed for much needed equipment in the middle east and contracts for the new super aircraft carriers promised to the Royal Navy pushed through safeguarding 10,000 manufacturing jobs.

A Treasury source said: “The defence of the country is first and foremost. When there is a real demand for money we will meet it.”

There were fears the MoD would have to axe weapons and equipment programmes unless more cash was made available.

There has already been much controversy over the equipment available to troops fighting the war on terror with allegations of deaths caused by lack of body armour and night vision goggles.

Now defence chiefs will be able to equip soldiers and kick start the vital super aircraft carriers project.

Contracts for the two giant carriers worth £4 billion faced delays because there wasn’t enough money left.

The deal is crucial to the defence industry and at least 10,000 jobs will be secured once it goes into production.

Officials believe the MoD failed to get their sums right in Budget negotiations and the Defence Management Board has been involved in last-minute pleas for more money.

Eventually the Chancellor Alistair darling agreed to allocate the extra £200 million, which will be allocated over two years, to Defence Secretary Des Browne.

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Lindsay Hoyle (Chorley, Labour) has asked the UK Secretary of State for Defence how many Royal Navy vessels have visited Gibraltar in the last 12 months, how many Tornado aircraft have been operating out of Gibraltar airport in the last 12 month, and whether Tornado aircraft are planned to continue operating out of Gibraltar over the next three years.

Bob Ainsworth (Minister of State (Armed Forces), Ministry of Defence; Coventry North East, Labour) in a written answer, stated "during the 12 month period (1 May 2007 to 30 April 2008), Royal Navy vessels have visited Gibraltar on 59 occasions. In addition (and for completeness), seven Royal Fleet Auxiliary Vessels have visited Gibraltar over the same period."

In regards to Tornado visits he answered, "No Tornado aircraft have operated out of Gibraltar in the last 12 months.

"There are presently no plans for Tornado aircraft to operate out of RAF Gibraltar. However, RAF Gibraltar is capable and prepared to operate Tornado aircraft of all types and the MOD reserves the right to operate aircraft of all types from the station in accordance with Defence requirements."


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Plus d'argent! Vive la reine! :lol:

Celebrate good times, come on!

J'espere que ceci est correct (je n'ai pas de confiance dans la presse)  :rolleyes: Je n'ai pas bien compris...le telegraph dit "il manquait" £2 milliards, mais le tresorerie va donne £200 millions pour "bloquer le trou"?

Je me demande ce qu'ils veullent dire avec "loosening rules" sur les budgets long terme?

En tous les cas si ceci veut dire le debut des CVF et plus de Darings pour la RN ceci est tres bien  =)

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