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Voici une proposition très intéressante de Denel, le Meerkat :


LMT to unveil retractable weapon station

Helmoed-Römer Heitman, Pretoria - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 

23 August 2016

The LMT Meerkat weapon station retraction system is seen with the weapon elevated (left) and retracted under the armoured clamshell cover (right). Source: Land Mobility Systems 

Land Mobility Technologies (LMT), a subsidiary of Denel Land Systems, has developed a system that retracts a weapon station so it sits partially inside the vehicle, with the rest of it concealed under an armoured clamshell cover on the vehicle's roof.

The Meerkat uses an all-electric mechanism to raise and lower the Denel Mechatronics SD-ROW weapon station, which can be armed with a machine gun of up to 7.62 mm calibre or Denel's new 20 mm iNkunzi Strike automatic support weapon. Smoke grenade launchers can be fitted to the clamshell cover, which splits in two to slide to either side when the weapon station is elevated.

The Meerkat mechanism weighs 350 kg, with the SD-ROW adding about 110 kg, depending on what weapon is fitted.

LMT says this makes it small and light enough, and sufficiently modest in its power requirements (24 V, 600 W peak), to be fitted on most light armoured vehicles, large SUVs, and pick-ups.

The complete elevation/retraction cycle takes 25 seconds. LMT says this should allow for effective response to surprise attacks, given the SD-ROW's 80°/sec traverse and rapid target designation system.

The Meerkat will be displayed mounted on an LMT L13 patrol vehicle and armed with a 7.62 mm machine gun at the Africa Aerospace and Defence (AAD) show that will be held at Waterkloof Air Force Base outside Pretoria on 14-16 September.

(251 of 342 words)


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On reparle du LEO :


Aug 31, 2016 

Bilal Khan -

Denel seeking partners for lightweight artillery 

South Africa’s Denel Group recently announced that it was still committed to completing the development of its Lightweight Experimental Ordnance (LEO) howitzer program. Denel Group’s acting CEO Zwelakhe Ntshepe also stated that the company was seeking partners to co-develop the howitzer. (Defence Web).

With the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) potentially seeking new artillery, the LEO program has returned to relevance. However, existing programs, most notably the 155mm G5 towed howitzer and G6 self-propelled howitzer (SPH), continue to show promise in the global artillery market.

For example, Denel announced that the G5-T52, which is a G5 gun mounted onto an 8×8 truck provided by the Czech vendor Tatra is being tested in an undisclosed foreign country (with positive results). Furthermore, an unnamed state in the Middle East is actively interesting in acquiring the G6 SPH, with two potential deals being close to fruition.

Notes, Comments & Analysis:

The LEO (also designated G7) is a 52-calibre 105mm howitzer with a weight of 3,800kg. This howitzer is noticeably lighter than current lightweight guns on the market, such as the BAE Systems M777 (4,200kg) and AH4 by NORINCO (4,500kg).

Although the M777 and AH4 are 155mm designs, Denel is pushing the G7 as a worthwhile lightweight artillery solution in its own right. Defence Web described it as a gun with the “logistics footprint of a 105 mm howitzer but the range and terminal performance of a 155 mm system.”

As discussed in an earlier article on Quwa, lightweight artillery systems of this nature enable armies to field strong offensive power without being beset by severe logistical challenges. To put it into perspective, the Denel G7 could theoretically be carried by a Mi-171 utility helicopter via an external sling (assuming Army-Technology’s report of the Mi-171’s external payload being 4,000kg is correct).

Purely an example, but Pakistan could rapidly field artillery positions in its mountainous regions through the use of aviation assets such as the utility helicopters present in its fleet. If LEO development continues, there may even come a howitzer that is lighter than 3,000kg (Engineering News).

For Denel, the LEO’s entry into the world artillery market, especially with a co-development partner as well as large initial customer, would be ideal. In this respect, there is an opportunity for the company to scale and potentially offer a solution that is competitive in cost and performance to the likes of the AH4 and M777, respectively.

In addition, there is a vertical integration opportunity in that LEO customers could also procure artillery munitions, including base bleed shells capable of reaching 30km, from Rheinmetall Denel Munition. It could also draw upon the competencies of Denel Land Systems and Paramount Group to develop new self-propelled howitzer solutions using the LEO.


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Les SAMIL historiques devant être remplacés, Denel présente sont African truck à partir d'éléments RG31 :


AAD 2016: Denel develops 'Africa Truck'
Helmoed-Römer Heitman, Pretoria - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
15 September 2016


Denel Vehicle Systems has developed a 6x6 truck based on its RG31 series of mine-resistant ambushed protected (MRAP) vehicles.

The 'Africa Truck', which has a gross vehicle weight of 28 tonnes and an empty weight of 12 tonnes, has been designed to be as modular as possible and can accommodate a range of superstructures or a hook lift system. It is also designed to be as simple as possible with a focus on maintenance in the field far from even forward workshops, although its electronically controlled engine might present a challenge in this regard.

The 269 kW diesel drives through an Allison automatic gearbox with a DVS-developed two-speed transfer case. It uses rigid axles with differential locks, while the suspension comprises parabolic leaf springs with double-acting hydraulic shock-absorbers. The vehicle uses 16.00 R20 tyres on 10x20-inch split rims, with provision for a central tyre-inflation system. The steering is hydraulically assisted.


The demonstrator vehicle is 10 m long, 2.6 m wide and 2.74 m high, and features a kerb-to-kerb turning circle of 30 m. It has a ground clearance of 455 mm, approach and departure angles of 40° and 30° respectively, can climb a 60% gradient, and has a maximum speed of 110 km/h.

Ballistic protection is to STANAG Level 1, although it can also protect against 7.62 x 39 mm armour-piercing incendiary rounds with appliqué armour, while mine protection is offered against an 8 kg minimum blast anywhere under the vehicle.


Edited by Serge
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Denel en quête de partenariat :


AAD 2016: Denel looks for artillery partner

13th September 2016 - 16:10 

by Sam J Basch in Pretoria 


Denel is pushing ahead with the development of its 105mm LEO artillery project for the South African Army and needs and industrial partner.

The company is doing this in response to a Request for Information from Armscor, South Africa’s defence procurement agency.

At the announcement last month of Denel's latest financial results, acting group chief executive Zwelakhe Ntshepe affirmed that the company was looking for a partner to co-develop the light gun. *

‘Although the LEO project was started many years ago, we have not abandoned it. *The nature of conflict demands consideration of light air-transportable artillery,’ he stated.

Interestingly the 105 mm Light Experimental Ordnance (LEO), also called G7 (following on the South African family of G5 towed and G6 self-propelled 155 mm artillery systems), was unveiled at AAD in 2000. *Denel was then collaborating with General Dynamics Land Systems to fit the LEO 105 on the LAV III Stryker vehicle to demonstrate a potent C-130-transportable wheeled artillery system to the US Army (see photo above).

The term Light Self-Propelled Howitzer (LSPH) was conceived, with Denel advancing the technology to the point of firing the weapon from a manned turret in 2011. *Its aim was a ‘weapon with the logistic footprint of a 105 mm howitzer but the range and terminal performance of a 155 mm system,’ Denel stated at the time.

Denel was clearly hoping for a domestic launch customer, and Ntshepe said that if the SA Army's requirement proved to be limited, Denel would look for other investors.

He also indicated that the T5-52 truck-mounted artillery system, under development by Denel for some years now, was proving highly successful in overseas trials. *He alluded to Denel's focus on the Asia-Pacific market, which would seem to indicate the T5-52 was the subject of this focus. *

Media reports have revealed that Denel is confident of securing significant artillery business with India, where Denel has collaborated with that country's industry in the past, including on truck-mounted 155 mm artillery systems.

According to Ntshepe the South African Army would soon be acquiring the T5-52 as replacement of some Army G5 howitzers delivered to the United Arab Emirates. *

Denel continues to invest a significant amount in the wheeled self-propelled 155mm 52-calibre G6 gun-howitzer,’ Ntshepe said. *Some of the G6 upgrades, driven by customer requirements, include an improved barrel, more advanced electronics and greater vehicle mobility. *

The company is promoting its 52-calibre variant to the Middle East, where the G6-45 calibre has been sold, and Ntshepe indicated that they were confident of closing two potential deals in the near future. *


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il y a 6 minutes, Brian McNewbie a dit :

(j'ignore si tu as changé ta manière d'uploader tes photos @Philippe Top-Force mais celle ci est la première que j'arrive à voir de ta part depuis un bon mois)

Je n'ai rien changé depuis le début ou depuis toujours, je fais clic droit, copier l'adresse de l'image et j'appose celle-ci sur le forum.

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