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Le F-35


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Il y a 6 heures, FATac a dit :

le Mirage 2000 y était devenu le F-2000 et leurs Mirage III étaient devenus des F-103.

Oui et attention a ne pas confondre avec les Mirage F2000 marocains :biggrin: (dénomination locale des Mirage F1).

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il y a 7 minutes, emixam a dit :

Oui et attention a ne pas confondre avec les Mirage F2000 marocains :biggrin: (dénomination locale des Mirage F1).

Ouaip ... C'est quoi cette manie de rebaptiser les avions français ? Jamais vu de même pour les avions US ... C'est un poil irritant ... :dry:

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Le 24/08/2020 à 14:01, Full Metal Jacket a dit :

Raccourci journalistique, le Gripen est noté 39 dans l'armée suédoise (35 Drakken, 37 viggen, 39 gripen) 


Edit : Fatac m'a devancé 

Modifié par Sniper
Fatac m'a devancé !!
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Le 25/08/2020 à 10:52, Kelkin a dit :

Eh là il a été capable de larguer des bombes guidées avec succès ! Si ça n'en fait pas le meilleur chasseur de tous temps avec des capacités inégalées jamais vue auparavant...


Pas pu m'empêcher de répondre, on va encore passer pour des arrogants, désolé...

Modifié par Teenytoon
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Il y a 21 heures, Teenytoon a dit :

Pas pu m'empêcher de répondre, on va encore passer pour des arrogants, désolé...

8 armes guidées lancées en séquence comme ça c'est pourtant pas mal.

Il y a 7 heures, Bon Plan a dit :

US’ F-35s Jets Not Really Stealth As German, Russian Firms Expose Its Loopholes

Toujours aussi ridicule ce canard.

Et les réseaux de radars passifs n'ont pas attendu Hensoldt, en France l'ONERA et Thalès faisaient pareil il y a 15 ans et c'est ce qui explique que les US n'ont pas accepté que des furtifs volent au dessus de la France pendant des années. Jusqu'à ce que les choses changent.

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il y a 41 minutes, Patrick a dit :

Et les réseaux de radars passifs n'ont pas attendu Hensoldt, en France l'ONERA et Thalès faisaient pareil il y a 15 ans et c'est ce qui explique que les US n'ont pas accepté que des furtifs volent au dessus de la France pendant des années. Jusqu'à ce que les choses changent.

Il est certain que les réseaux de radars passifs sont une piste sérieuse pour détecter les appareils dits furtifs. Toutefois ce qui me dérange dans cet article c’est qu’il mentionne que les F-35 ont été suivi sur 150 km au Salon de Berlin. Cela m’étonnerait que les avions américains y soient venus sans faire usage de lentilles de Lüneberg si bien que la capacité de détection qui est mentionnée n’est pas du tout représentative.

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Il y a 1 heure, Patrick a dit :

8 armes guidées lancées en séquence comme ça c'est pourtant pas mal.

Toujours aussi ridicule ce canard.

Et les réseaux de radars passifs n'ont pas attendu Hensoldt, en France l'ONERA et Thalès faisaient pareil il y a 15 ans et c'est ce qui explique que les US n'ont pas accepté que des furtifs volent au dessus de la France pendant des années. Jusqu'à ce que les choses changent.

Le probleme c’est bien de les mettre sur un avion (lm pretend d’ailleurs que c’est deja le cas sur le f35 ou plutot laisse douté d’une detection passive des ondes radar adverses et Radar passif... toujours dans les mauvais coups cela). 

il y a une heure, FAFA a dit :

Il est certain que les réseaux de radars passifs sont une piste sérieuse pour détecter les appareils dits furtifs. Toutefois ce qui me dérange dans cet article c’est qu’il mentionne que les F-35 ont été suivi sur 150 km au Salon de Berlin. Cela m’étonnerait que les avions américains y soient venus sans faire usage de lentilles de Lüneberg si bien que la capacité de détection qui est mentionnée n’est pas du tout représentative.

Au vu du type d’ondes utilisé par les civils ca ne changerait rien par contre pas sur que ce radar puisse suivre le f35 et encore moins offrir une solution de tire. 
et ca n’expliquerait pas l’embarras de lm durant l’événement. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Le 22/08/2020 à 12:47, kalligator a dit :

Le pire avion de combat de tous les temps, peut être avec le F104 G dont la moitié ou les deux tiers ont finit au tapis... certains s'étonnent que je vote non à toute possibilité d'achat de cette calamité pour la Suisse

Il faudrait regarder le taux d’attrition d'autres avions de l'époque, comme l'Etendard IV M par exemple 

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Vous pensez quoi de ca ?  (vu sur un site pakistanais...)

Avia.Pro Russian website # Egypt will be able to detect Israeli F-35 infiltration fighters from a large range thanks to the long-range Rezonans-NE radar that Egypt acquired from Russia with 2 stations
The site says that the radar will be able to see the Israeli fighters hiding among the Syrian-Lebanese mountains and hills.

Given the IDF's concern, he adds, the situation may not actually evolve in Tel Aviv's favor, because in reality, even the F-35 stealth fighters will be detected hundreds of kilometers before their targets.
The Russian radar is of the PESA radar class and it works in the VHF mode with wavelengths capable of detecting stealth targets.

The detection range varies according to the flight altitude of the aircraft and the actions taken by it from acts of interference and deception.

Radar increases the Egyptian air defense capacity, of course, but monitoring stealth fighters is not an easy matter.

This takes the Egyptian Air defense to a new unprecedented level..

Early warning radar and long-range Russian aerial survey, Rezonans-NE, works for the Egyptian Air Defense Forces with two regiments: the first regiment in the city of Ras Ghareb, the Red Sea Governorate, opposite Beni Suef Governorate, and the second regiment on the Cairo-Suez Road, and both radars are placed in a high place and there is talk about a Third regiment in southern Egypt

Rezonans-NE is a radar designed for long-range early warning and aerial survey work. It operates in the Very High Frequency VHF of metric wavelengths, which allows detection of stealth targets, including cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and air targets with hypersonic velocities (exceeding Its speeds are Mach 5 and up to Mach 20), and in various weather conditions, with enormous immunity against various obstructions and dense electronic noise. The radar has a range of 1100 km, and the maximum altitude for monitoring air targets is 100 km, and it can detect targets with hypersonic speeds of up to 7 km / s (25,000 km / h), as well as targets with very low velocities up to 0.1 m / s as helicopters in Stability in the air, and it can track 500 air targets at one time, with the ability to predict the locations of falling ballistic missiles by calculating the range, direction and speed.

Due to super-resolution by an additional coordinate (radial velocity), the system has high capabilities for recognizing target classes. The Resonans-NE radar station is a solid-state coherent radar with a circular view of the meter-long range of radio waves with a non-rotating phased array antenna. The radar has a high degree of automation and adaptation to external interference.

The radar operation modes are set automatically or by the operator based on the results of the target and interference situation analysis.

It can be used in automated and non-automated control systems for military and civil purposes. To solve the problems of identification, the radar is equipped with a ground-based radio interrogator.

Two radars can detect aircraft and missiles at a distance of up to 1,100 km, blocking all strategic directions.

The location of these radars was not chosen by chance. It allows you to detect various types of aircraft and missiles at long distances in advance, thereby alerting the Egyptian Air Force and defense forces of any air threat.

“The very high frequency counter-stealth early warning radar [VHF] Rezonans-NE is designed to effectively detect a wide range of current and future aerial targets, including low-visibility cruise and ballistic missiles, hypersonic aircraft, and targets masked by hard electronic countermeasures (ECM), including in a chaotic environment.”

The radar can operate in circular scanning mode or within a certain sector. In addition to peacetime tasks, it can provide early warning of an air attack and information support for air defense and air defense operations. Rezonans-NE includes up to four radar modules, each of which provides 90-degree azimuth control and can operate independently.

There is also the Protivnik-GE 3D (59N6-ТE) radar in Egypt:

The 59N6-ТЕ is a radar of medium and high altitude, having a decimeter wavelength range. Apart from hypersonic targets, it also effectively detects aerodynamic and ballistic objects.

The 59N6-ТЕ radar provides for the measurement of the range, azimuth and altitude of aerial targets. It is capable of detecting objects, flying at a speed of up to 8 000 km/h at a range of up to 450 kilometers and at an altitude of up to 200 kilometers. After detection, it exchanges radar information with C4I complexes. It operates in conditions of jamming and carries out direction finding of active noise jammers.

The station has an automatic and a semi-automatic mode of aerial targets’ acquisition and tracking. In a real time mode it may simultaneously track no less than 1 000 objects and recognize 8 classes of targets, which includes selection of anti-radar missiles and warning its own combat crew of the danger of elimination, inter alia, by high precision munitions and homing missiles. The 59N6-ТЕ radar also includes equipment for the recognition of detected aerial targets in international radar recognition systems Mk-XA and ATC RBS.

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il y a 7 minutes, Bon Plan a dit :

Vous pensez quoi de ca ?  (vu sur un site pakistanais...)

Avia.Pro Russian website # Egypt will be able to detect Israeli F-35 infiltration fighters from a large range thanks to the long-range Rezonans-NE radar that Egypt acquired from Russia with 2 stations
The site says that the radar will be able to see the Israeli fighters hiding among the Syrian-Lebanese mountains and hills.

Given the IDF's concern, he adds, the situation may not actually evolve in Tel Aviv's favor, because in reality, even the F-35 stealth fighters will be detected hundreds of kilometers before their targets.
The Russian radar is of the PESA radar class and it works in the VHF mode with wavelengths capable of detecting stealth targets.

The detection range varies according to the flight altitude of the aircraft and the actions taken by it from acts of interference and deception.

Radar increases the Egyptian air defense capacity, of course, but monitoring stealth fighters is not an easy matter.

This takes the Egyptian Air defense to a new unprecedented level..

Early warning radar and long-range Russian aerial survey, Rezonans-NE, works for the Egyptian Air Defense Forces with two regiments: the first regiment in the city of Ras Ghareb, the Red Sea Governorate, opposite Beni Suef Governorate, and the second regiment on the Cairo-Suez Road, and both radars are placed in a high place and there is talk about a Third regiment in southern Egypt

Rezonans-NE is a radar designed for long-range early warning and aerial survey work. It operates in the Very High Frequency VHF of metric wavelengths, which allows detection of stealth targets, including cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and air targets with hypersonic velocities (exceeding Its speeds are Mach 5 and up to Mach 20), and in various weather conditions, with enormous immunity against various obstructions and dense electronic noise. The radar has a range of 1100 km, and the maximum altitude for monitoring air targets is 100 km, and it can detect targets with hypersonic speeds of up to 7 km / s (25,000 km / h), as well as targets with very low velocities up to 0.1 m / s as helicopters in Stability in the air, and it can track 500 air targets at one time, with the ability to predict the locations of falling ballistic missiles by calculating the range, direction and speed.

Due to super-resolution by an additional coordinate (radial velocity), the system has high capabilities for recognizing target classes. The Resonans-NE radar station is a solid-state coherent radar with a circular view of the meter-long range of radio waves with a non-rotating phased array antenna. The radar has a high degree of automation and adaptation to external interference.

The radar operation modes are set automatically or by the operator based on the results of the target and interference situation analysis.

It can be used in automated and non-automated control systems for military and civil purposes. To solve the problems of identification, the radar is equipped with a ground-based radio interrogator.

Two radars can detect aircraft and missiles at a distance of up to 1,100 km, blocking all strategic directions.

The location of these radars was not chosen by chance. It allows you to detect various types of aircraft and missiles at long distances in advance, thereby alerting the Egyptian Air Force and defense forces of any air threat.

“The very high frequency counter-stealth early warning radar [VHF] Rezonans-NE is designed to effectively detect a wide range of current and future aerial targets, including low-visibility cruise and ballistic missiles, hypersonic aircraft, and targets masked by hard electronic countermeasures (ECM), including in a chaotic environment.”

The radar can operate in circular scanning mode or within a certain sector. In addition to peacetime tasks, it can provide early warning of an air attack and information support for air defense and air defense operations. Rezonans-NE includes up to four radar modules, each of which provides 90-degree azimuth control and can operate independently.

There is also the Protivnik-GE 3D (59N6-ТE) radar in Egypt:

The 59N6-ТЕ is a radar of medium and high altitude, having a decimeter wavelength range. Apart from hypersonic targets, it also effectively detects aerodynamic and ballistic objects.

The 59N6-ТЕ radar provides for the measurement of the range, azimuth and altitude of aerial targets. It is capable of detecting objects, flying at a speed of up to 8 000 km/h at a range of up to 450 kilometers and at an altitude of up to 200 kilometers. After detection, it exchanges radar information with C4I complexes. It operates in conditions of jamming and carries out direction finding of active noise jammers.

The station has an automatic and a semi-automatic mode of aerial targets’ acquisition and tracking. In a real time mode it may simultaneously track no less than 1 000 objects and recognize 8 classes of targets, which includes selection of anti-radar missiles and warning its own combat crew of the danger of elimination, inter alia, by high precision munitions and homing missiles. The 59N6-ТЕ radar also includes equipment for the recognition of detected aerial targets in international radar recognition systems Mk-XA and ATC RBS.

Faudrait poser la question aux Syriens, les Israéliens se promènent la nuit sur leur espace pour du tir aux canards sans trop de soucis.

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