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Armée de terre Chinoise


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  • 4 months later...

The Xinhua headline said it clearly: “PLA Kicks Off Largest Long-range Tactical Military Exercise.”

Given the QDR’s work on High End Asymmetric Threats (known to some as the Big Threat panel), I thought it prudent to speak with some China experts and find out why the Chinese were executing such a complex exercise and what its significance might be.

During the exercise, Stride 2009, the Chinese plan to deploy 50,000 “heavily-armored troops over thousands of miles to test the PLA’s long-distance mobility,” according to Xinhua. “Unlike previous annual tactical exercises, the army divisions and their air units will be deployed in unfamiliar areas far from their garrison training bases by civilian rail and air transport.” The troops will practice live-fire drills for two months.

The essential point of the exercise is to demonstrate to the Chinese leadership that the PLA can ensure stability in regions such as the restive Xinjiang, recently beset by riots by unhappy Muslims, says Larry Wortzel, vice chairman of the congressionally-mandated U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.

“It is important. It relates to stability in Xinjiang and to the capability to ensure that the PL:A can act to secure strategic interests in Central Asia if necessary,” Wortzel writes in an email. In addition to demonstrating the PLA’s internal reach, Wortzel says the exercise also very clearly shows how quickly Chinese forces can deploy to reach a neighboring country without scaring any of its neighbors.

Another China expert disagreed with Wortzel’s take. “It appears to me that someone conjured up an exercise for forces that have been neglected over recent years–neglected because they are largely irrelevant to anything but a North Korean crisis. Yes, conceivably something could happen with Russia or India or others, but the significant exercises involve something like coordinated 2nd Artillery and PLAN actions that threaten carrier strike groups or 2nd Artillery and PLAAF sequential attack operations that could pummel Taiwan into submission,” said Eric McVadon, director of Asia-Pacific Studies at the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis.

However, the Chinese are taking action on an additional front. They allowed diplomats from about two dozen countries — including Australia and the US — to go to Xinjiang this week for a five-day visit. Xinhua said they were invited “to gain a better understanding of the event which left 197 people dead and more than 1,600 others injured.” Of course, it doesn’t hurt that the diplomats are also likely to see some of those 50,000 heavily-armored troops who’ve been deployed throughout the region.

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  • 4 weeks later...

s'est vrai quand on regarde ,entre le matos et le camo ,les tenues s'est impressionnant et sa fait vraiment moderne,mais faut pas oublié que lors de défilé de se type ,on met le "paquet".

en est il de même dans les casernes ?

On peut parier qu'actuellement, ça n'est pas le cas mais la Chine continue à se moderniser. Lentement ou rapidement, ça c'est une autre question.

Y avait un truc qui m'a choqué, sur d'autres photos d'exercices, on ne voit pratiquement aucun soldat chinois porter de gilets pare-balles. Un manque ?

Quant au camo digital là, je le trouve affreusement laid...

Sinon, quelqu'un saurait me renseigner sur le véhicule 8x8 sur la quatrième photo ? Je soupçonne qu'il fasse partie d'une nouvelle famille de véhicules mais sans en être certain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Le camouflage Bleu, c'est pour la marine ?

Car je vois pas bien son utilité, à part sur le navire en lui même, mais en forêt/désert j'en vois vraiment pas l'intérêt.

Ce sont des engins de débarquement style EFV ... donc ils sont censé parcourir du chemin dans l'eau avant la plage ... et meme sur la plage en fond y a la mer ... et apres ... bah pas sur qu'il en reste en état de poursuivre et normalement les autre en camo normal prennent le relai.

Pour les batterie cotiere ... c'est surement pour faire style marin :)

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La crème de la crème du matos chinois lors du défilé du 60ème anniversaire du régime.

Nouveau fusil d'assaut, du J-10, du missile, dans tous les registres.

Peut etre un fil dédié serait de bon aloi, à discrétion des modos.

type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Sur Militaryphotos il y en a un qui à identifier quel véhicule était sur quelle photos (je parle de la dernière série de photos)

Alors je le met ici, je pense que ça peut servir.

1st and 2nd pic: ZTZ-99A MBT with 125mm gun.

3rd pic: ZBD-2000 Amphibious Light Tank with 105mm rifled gun.

4th pic: ZBL-09/VN-1 8x8 AFV (Stryker-class).

5th pic: ZBD-2000 Amphibious IFV with 30mm gun.

6th pic: ZLC-2000 Airborne Fighting Vehicle with 30mm gun and HJ-73C ATGM.

7th pic: ZSL-92 Anti-Riot IFV with firehoses (?).

8th pic: Type 89 Command APC.

9th pic: PLZ-05 155mm SPG.

10th pic: SH-3 122mm SPG

11th pic: DF-31A ICBM

12th pic: DF-21C MRBM

13th pic: DH-10 Land Attack Cruise Missile

14th pic: DF-15 SRBM

15th pic: ASN-207 UAV

16th pic: HQ-12/KS-1A Medium Range SAM (stopgap replacement for the obsolet HQ-2/SA-2 SAM's)

17th pic: HQ-9 Long Range SAM (S-300PMU1 Class)

18th pic: DongFeng EQ2050 Mengshi Light Utility Vehicle

19th pic: YJ-62 Long Range Heavy AShM

20th pic: YJ-82 AShM

21th pic: HQ-7 Point Defence SAm

22th pic: PGZ-95 SPAAG

23th pic: WZ-550 HJ-9 ATGM Carrier

24th pic: PHL-03 300mm MLRS

25th pic: PTL-02 100mm Smoothbore Wheeled Assault Gun/Tank Destroyer

26th pic: PLL-05 120mm Wheeled Mortar-Howitzer

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