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Arnaud D.

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Tout ce qui a été posté par Arnaud D.

  1. Apparemment, un civil et un soldat tué à Jérusalem ... Les combats ne sont pas prêts de s'arrêter ...
  2. C'est l'artillerie que fait le plus de dégats. La Mk-84 est utilisé avec le kit Paveway II (GBU-10), la précision n'est pas la même.
  3. Arnaud D.

    Mirage 2000

    Un 2000B d'Orange s'est crashé sur la commune de Viens : équipage ok.
  4. Les "Israëliens" ou bien cet activiste israélo-américain ? Les raccourcis sont de mise sur ce topic ...
  5. Heu ... vous avez des stats et des liens là-dessus ? Car à part les civils israéliens tués, on a aucune information sur le nombre de civils palestiniens tués par les combattants du Hamas au cours des combats imbriqués avec les soldats israéliens et vis versa, donc n'aller pas trop vite dans vos affirmations sur les chiffres ... Rappel du message : selon l'OCHA, 852 civils tués sur 1373, combien l'ont été dans les bombardements ? Combien pris entre les tirs au milieu des combats ... difficiles à dire, mais ils trinquent c'est certain :(
  6. Guerre à Gaza : le bilan précis des victimes de l'opération « Bordure protectrice » fourni par l'OCHA 852 civils tués sur 1373 : j'en déduit 521 combattants également ...
  7. Un peu de détente :lol: MH17 : des sites conspirationnistes prennent au premier degré un texte satirique
  8. Drone de reconnaissance Tu-143 ukrainien retrouvé par les séparatistes (date et lieu non connu)
  9. Merci Messieurs =) Par contre, il manque le kit de guidage (GBU-10)
  10. Avis aux connaisseurs : Mk-84 ? Ou réservoir ? EDIT : Mk-84 à priori
  11. Le Mig-21bis serial 800 s'est crashé dans la zone de Kwefiyah à cause d'un problème technique, le pilote s'est éjecté : Sur la vidéo suivante, le parachute du pilote est à peine visible :
  12. Quelque infos sur les dernières 48 h : Wednesday, 30 July, 2014 According to the IDF, 79 rockets (apparently including mortar shells) were fired towards Israel on Tuesday; 11 were intercepted by the Iron Dome. At least 10 Palestinians were killed on Tuesday alone by tank fire, primarily in the Jabaliya refugee camp. The day began by a series of severe IASF attacks and heavy shelling all over the Gaza, shortly after midnight. 05.27: red alert in Shar HaNegev and S'dot, no reports about injuries or damage. 07.09: Kerem Shalom hit by at least two mortar shells. 08.40: heavy fighting between the IDF and Palestinians in Shagaia; two IDF troops 'lightly wounded' in an ATGM attack in southern Gaza (apparently, their vehicle was defended by the Windbraker anti-ATGM system). Rocket hit an empty area in Eshkol. By the noon, heavy bombardment of Gaza caused dozens of fatalities - nearly all of them civilians. The only militants hit should have been three 'terrorists' claimed as KIA by the IDF in two different clashes between 'Givati soldiers and combat engineers'. Another IDF armoured vehicle was reported as saved by the Windbraker anti-ATGM-system around 12.27hrs. 13.00: red alert in Beersheba, one rocket intercepted over Merchavim, two others hit empty areas; IDF tanks hit a home in Khan Yunis, killing seven members of one family. 14.00: nine IDF soldiers WIA urgently delivered to Soroka Hospital, 'all treated in the trauma centre'; apparently, most are Givatis injured during fighting 'east of Khan Yunis'. 14.42: four IDF soldiers WIA delivered to Barzilai Hospital; an unspecified number transported to Beilinson Hospital (in Petah Tikva). 15.00: Israel announced four-hour 'humanitarian cease-fire'; red alert sounded in Ashdod and Ashkelon; two rockets intercepted over Ashdod; by 15.20, red alert declared in most of southern Israel and by 15.28, at least four rockets intercepted. Four IDF troops WIA delivered to Soroka Hospital; two are in surgery and two in intensive care units. By 16.40, the IDF reported 26 rockets fired into Israel, and two additional WIA troops (injured by an ATGM). Furthermore, 'another access point to a Hamas tunnel has been uncovered'. 16.47: volley of rockets fired at Nachal Ohz and Alumim; a woman slightly injured, and a building damaged in S'dot Negev. 16.57: another volley of rockets at Nachal Ohz and Alumim, two rockets hit empty spaces in Eshkol. 17.25: yet another volley of rockets at Nachal Ohz and Alumim; debris from an Iron Dome interceptor hit the parking lot of Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon. At least 20 additional IDF WIA delivered to different hospitals during the afternoon, including six in 'serious condition': there are complaints that the IDF is not permitted to advance, which is exposing its troops to sniper- and ATGM-fire, and causing casualties. 18.05: seven Palestinian civilians killed in an air strike near Khan Yunis; 15 dead and over 150 injured in bombing of Shajaiya marketplace. The UN reports that 130 of its buildings in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed so far. 19.00: IDF confirmed 3 KIA (total now 56) and 27 WIA today. The three KIA were caused by an IED reportedly buried 'under the UN building...activated per remote control'. 22.02: The Iron Dome intercepts three rockets over Ashkelon, the fourth hit an open area. 22.18: red alert in Beersheba, and then in all of central Israel, numerous rockets reported as coming in. Iron Dome intercepted one over Ashkelon, around 22.45, four others exploded in open areas; al-Qassam Brigades claimed responsibility. Palestinian Health Ministry reported that 1,300 Palestinians have been killed and more than 6,500 injured since the start of this round of fighting. *************** *************** Thursday, 31 July 2014 Following a relatively 'quiet' night, red alert sounded in Ashdod and Ashkelon around 06.57. 06.59: Gaza reports another IDF strike at one of UNRWA schools - this time in northern Gaza. At least 15 children killed while sleeping. 07.01: heavy fighting between the IDF and Hamas reported in Central Gaza. The IDF announcing activation of 16,000 additional reservists - to 'rotate troops in the field'. 07.00-10.00: red alert sounded in Ashdod, Ashkelon, Bir Tuvia, Kiryat Malachi, and Gan Yavne, followed by Eshkol. No injuries or damage reported. 11.00: Gaza reports over 1,360 fatalities. 11.23: five rockets hit empty areas in Eshkol. 11.30: IDF claims to have killed 'six terrorists'. 11.37-12.02: red alert in Ashkelon, Eshkol, Sderot, Shar HaNegev; seven rockets intercepted by the Iron Dome over Sderot, three landed in open areas. 12.09: three rockets hit a home and a building site in Eshkol; seven civilians treated for 'minor injuries'. 13.10: eight Israelis injured in mortar attack or 'attack by at least 10 rockets' on Sderot and Nachal Ohz. 14.30: IDF destroyed a mosque in Shajaiya in response to sniper fire from within, which injured one of its soldiers. 14.58: one rocket hit an open area in Eshkol. 15.00: according to the IDF, 30 rockets fired at Israel today (seven intercepted) and 2,670 rockets have been fired at Israel since 8 July; the IDF is 'stepping up' its bombardment of 'terror targets'. Israeli media reports a quarrel within the Israeli government and Netanyahu 'blasting' cabinet ministers who 'criticised his handling of the war in the media'. 15.33: red alerts in Zikim, Karmiya, Yad Mordechai and then Ashkelon, one rocket intercepted (around 15.45). 16.14-16.50: red alerts in communities along the cease-fire to Gaza Strip; a rocket landed in Shar HaNegev. 17.15: three rockets hit Eshkol, no injuries or damage reported. 17.32: red alert in Ashkelon; multiple incoming rockets reported. Home, i.e. third floor of a multi-story building in Kiryat Gat reportedly receiving a direct hit, a vehicle in this town hit too. 18.02: red alert in Tel Aviv, Kiryat Gat and few other places; reports about several wounded (perhaps related to earlier attack on Kiryat Gat). 18.12: volley of rockets hitting Ashkelon and several communities close to Gaza; one persion in Kiryat Gat reported as 'in serious', another in 'moderate' condition. Nine villages in Eshkol left without power due to damage to the power grid. 19.00: over 70 rockets fired into Israel today, of which 12 were intercepted by the Iron Dome. 19.36: mortar attack on Eshkol injures two. 19.40: infiltration alert in Shar HaNegev, and then red alert in Eshkol; cancelled some 10 min later. 22.36: red alert in Ashdod and Ashkelon; four rockets intercepted. Palestinians announced the coming Friday for 'Day of Rage' against Israel; demonstrations planned in all of West Bank left under their control. 22.59: IASF air strike kills 11 civilians in central Gaza. 23.16: IDF reports that more than 90 rockets were fired into Israel today. Il faut ajouter 5 soldats israéliens tués dans une attaque de mortier hier soir
  13. Un hélicoptère Mi-35 du Nigeria se crash, peut-être abattu par Boko Haram Sources say Boko Haram downed the Nigerian Airforce Helicopter in Bama
  14. Raccourcis simpliste ... en dehors des bombardements (qui font un grand nombre de victimes, pour ne pas dire la majorité, je vous l'accorde) les forces des deux camps sont imbriqués et se tirent dessus ... les civils entre les deux, trinquent ...
  15. Je viens de vérifier également (avec le code), C-130E et An-32. Ca me surprenait aussi ;)
  16. Tu as raison ... Yes. D'ailleurs, on peut discerner une partie du code : YI-405x, un 4 peut-être ?
  17. Les deux Su-25 ex-Armée de l'Air russe sont déjà assemblés et préparés pour les opérations aériennes. Ils sont maintenant déplacés à Bagdad.
  18. Et en France on ne pense pas tous comme toi non plus ! On peut être contre l'action extrême de l'armée israélienne à Gaza (c'est mon cas), mais de là à considérer que le Hamas fait de la RESISTANCE et est HEROIQUE ... Pour rappel, le Hamas est inscrit sur la liste noire des organisations terroristes par le conseil de l'UE depuis le 13 septembre 2003
  19. Oui, mais là tu n'es pas sur Lock On ! Le F-15 est conçu pour cela et équipé en conséquence ... Le Su-25, pas vraiment même s'il peut emporter du Air-Air ... Si on avait évoqué un Su-27 ou un Mig-29, j’aurais dit que c'était faisable, mais là ...
  20. Exact, c'est ce que m'a dit un des pilotes ... 9k120 "Ataka" ou AT-9 "Spiral 2"
  21. Article intéressant, en particulier la carte interactive en bas de page : A prendre avec des pincettes bien entendu
  22. C'est effectivement du langage diplomatique ... ce qu'il ne faut pas entendre parfois sur
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