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Stratolaunch Systems


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Stratolaunch Unveils Launch Family Plan Details


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LOS ANGELES—Air launch space company Stratolaunch Systems has unveiled the first details of the range of vehicles it is developing for deployment from the very large carrier aircraft currently in the final stages of preflight testing at Mojave, California.

The launch vehicle family ranges from the previously announced Northrop GrummanInnovation Systems Pegasus XL to a fully reusable space plane which, the company says, will eventually be capable of carrying astronauts to low Earth orbit. This medium-class payload concept, dubbed internally as the “Black Ice” project, is still classed as a “design study.”

The core of the new family, however, is a pair of modular vehicles, the first of which is a medium launch vehicle (MLV) capable of transporting 7,400 lb. (3,400 kg), to a 400 km circular orbit at 28.5 deg. inclination and targeted at first flight in 2022. The larger version, the medium launch vehicle-heavy, consists of three MLV cores and is designed to carry 13,230 lb. (6,000 kg) to a similar orbit.

Stratolaunch’s initiative to develop its own family of vehicles and propulsion systems follows a series of discontinued development studies and agreements with other rocket and vehicle builders, most notably SpaceX and Orbital ATK prior to its procurement by Northrop Grumman. The company originally planned to air launch a variant of the Falcon 9, but parted ways with SpaceX in late 2012 after acknowledging the significant amount of redesign needed for the rocket. In 2015, Stratolaunch also ceased working with Orbital on the three-stage Thunderbolt, a proposed launch vehicle which was targeted at putting 13,500 lb. into a 220 nm orbit.

The Thunderbolt was designed to use ATK-provided solid rocket motors for the first and second stages, while the third was due to be powered by two liquid-fueled AerojetRocketdyne RL10C engines. In April 2015 Stratolaunch parent company Vulcan Aerospace indicated that, in the wake of the Thunderbolt project ending, it was broadening the scope of the project to enable the giant carrier aircraft to deploy several launch vehicle types.

Despite the Thunderbolt’s termination, Stratolaunch and Orbital established strong ties over the Pegasus, which in October 2016 was announced as the initial launch vehicle for the air carrier platform. Stratolaunch, which aims to make the first flight of the 385-ft., six-engine mother ship later this year, says the Pegasus XL will have the capability to launch just more than 800 lb. payload to orbit for a single or triple rocket configuration. “Integration and testing is ongoing with first flight in 2020,” it adds.

The development of the spaceplane, which was revealed as a design study earlier this year, appears to have been initiated following studies of a potential air-launched spaceplane project with Sierra Nevada in 2014. Unlike the scaled version of Sierra Nevada’s Dream Chaser lifting body which was originally studied for the role, the Stratolaunch vehicle is a conventional spaceplane design with an elongated fuselage, small, sharply-swept delta wings and canted twin tails. The configuration appears similar overall to Boeing’s X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle and the recently tested India Space Research Organization’s Reusable Launch Vehicle.

Stratolaunch’s concept, which in the graphic carries the designation “PGA 153”—believed to be a reference to the January 1953 birthdate of company founder and chairman Paul G. Allen—is designed to provide “advanced in-orbit capabilities and cargo return,” the company says. Although initial designs are optimized for cargo launch, a follow-on variant will be capable of transporting crew, it adds.

Commenting on the enhanced launch flexibility which Stratolaunch aims to provide with the broader family, company CEO Jean Floyd says “whatever the payload, whatever the orbit, getting your satellite into space will soon be as easy as booking an airline flight.”

Modifié par zx
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autre article en français

Stratolaunch, l’entreprise du cofondateur de Microsoft, va développer une série de trois fusées

VIDÉO Créée en 2011 par Paul Allen, cofondateur de Microsoft, l’entreprise Stratolaunch Systems Corporation continue sa marche en avant. Le constructeur aérospatial a ainsi annoncé le mardi 21 août le développement d’une série de trois fusées, dont un astronef réutilisable qui transporterait du fret et éventuellement des personnes. L’entreprise précise que le lancement de sa première fusée est prévu pour 2022.

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Le 21/08/2018 à 19:48, zx a dit :


Air et Cosmos international nous en met une tartine in english :

"Seattle-based Stratolaunch has taken the wraps off an expanded family of launch vehicles scheduled to enter service from 2020 onwards. The vehicles are designed to be air-launched from the company's giant six-engine carrier aircraft, which is currently in ground testing.

The updated launch offering from Stratolaunch includes the following vehicles (performance estimated for a 400km circular orbit at 28.5°):

- Pegasus: The existing Pegasus launcher, built by Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems (the former Orbital ATK), already boasts a track record of over 35 successful launches. Pegasus can carry a 370kg payload for a single or triple configuration. Integration and testing are currently ongoing, with a first flight on Stratolaunch set for 2020.

- Medium Launch Vehicle (MLV): a new medium-class air-launch vehicle (3,400kg payload) optimised for short satellite integration timelines, affordable launch and flexible launch profiles. The MLV is currently in development, with first flight set for 2022.

- Medium Launch Vehicle – Heavy: a three-core MLV variant with capability to deploy heavier payloads (6,000kg). This vehicle is in early development.

- Space Plane: A fully reusable space plane that enables advanced in-orbit capabilities and cargo return. Initial designs optimized for cargo launch, with a follow-on variant capable of transporting crew.

The aircraft is being built by Stratolaunch Systems Corp. in partnership with Scaled Composites, which is also part of Northrop Grumman.

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 1 year later...

Presque 2 ans après un dernier post ..

The Gigantic Stratolaunch Aircraft Just Flew For The Second Time    two years after its maiden flight.

Stratolaunch company was founded by Paul G. Allen, Bill Gates’ former partner at Microsoft, who passed away some months before the aircraft’s first flight, in October 2018.

The Stratolaunch aircraft was intended to carry spacecraft to altitude where they would be dropped and then fly into orbit under their own power. The Stratolaunch can carry a payload of up to 500,000 pounds or 250 tons according to Stratolaunch Launch Systems. The gigantic Stratolaunch has the largest wingspan in the world at 117.3 meters (384.8 feet), significantly larger than the previous record holder, the Antonov An-225 “Mriya” heavy lift cargo aircraft. The Stratolaunch is powered by six enormous Pratt & Whitney PW4000 jet engines formerly used on the Boeing 747 that only used four engines.

However, shortly after the first flight, reports that Stratolaunch was closing started surfacing online. The company, facing serious financial problems, was sold and the gigantic aircraft seemed to be destined to same fate as the failed Hughes H-4 Hercules, or “Spruce Goose” who made a single flight in 1947. However, under the new owners, who have now plans to use the gigantic aircraft as a launch platform for reusable hypersonic flight research vehicles, the Stratolaunch Carrier Aircraft has successfully completed a second test flight, and more will probably follow in the next months, paving the way to the use of the aircraft as a launch platform for fully operational hypersonic vehicles.

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  • 8 months later...

Le rythme est lent !   3-ème vol seulement ... Prudent !

"Stratolaunch a annoncé la réussite de son troisième vol d'essai de l'avion porteur Roc. L'avion a volé pendant 4 heures et 23 minutes au-dessus du désert de Mojave. Il a atteint une altitude de 23 500 pieds (7 162,8 m) à une vitesse indiquée de 180 nœuds (environ 333 km/h). Ce vol a permis de préparer l'avion-porteur à soutenir les lancements de son prochain véhicule hypersonique de test, Talon-A."

"En plus de tester l'avion porteur, l'équipe continue de faire à progresser au niveau de la construction de ses deux premiers véhicules d'essai Talon-A, TA-0 et TA-1. Le TA-1 a terminé ses premiers essais de mise sous tension à la fin de décembre 2021, ce qui permet à la société de rester sur la bonne voie pour commencer les essais en vol hypersonique en 2022 et pour fournir des services aux clients gouvernementaux et commerciaux en 2022."


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  • 1 year later...

Stratolaunch vient de réussir un test de largage aujourd’hui.




(c’est assez fou de voir que ce concept me semble absolument ne pas aller dans le sens de l’histoire. Mais s’ils ont des investisseurs et qu’enfin ils aboutissent, tant mieux pour l’entreprise)

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2 photos de la séparation, avec TA-0 (qu’ils appellent Talon-A ici) débutant son vol plané.

Le vol a duré au total 4 heures et 8 minutes, et il a également permis de confirmer le bon fonctionnement de la télémétrie entre les véhicules et les moyens de communication de la base spatiale de Vandenberg, garantissant ainsi la collecte de données télémétriques de secours lors des futurs essais de vols hypersoniques.   

Le 1er vol hypersonique de TA-1 devrait se dérouler au plus tôt fin de cet été.


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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Je ne sais toujours pas où ils comptent vraiment aller avec ça, mais ils y vont : Stratolaunch vient de réaliser le 1er vol propulsé de son engin hypersonique (réutilisable, à terme) TA-1.

« Bien que je ne puisse pas partager l'altitude et la vitesse spécifiques TA-1 atteintes en raison d'accords exclusifs avec nos clients, nous sommes heureux de partager qu'en plus d'atteindre tous les objectifs principaux et client du vol, nous avons atteint des vitesses supersoniques élevées approchant Mach 5 et avons recueilli une grande quantité de données à une valeur incroyable pour nos clients », a déclaré le Dr. Krevor. « Notre objectif avec ce vol était de poursuivre notre approche de réduction des risques pour le premier vol réutilisable de TA-2 et d'être fermes dans notre engagement à offrir une valeur maximale à nos clients. Nous sommes ravis d'examiner les données du test d'aujourd'hui et de les utiliser alors que nous planifions nos prochaines étapes vers le premier vol de TA-2 plus tard cette année." "


Vidéo officielle :


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