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Le F-35


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Trump lauds F-35, promises sweet new tech in speech to airmen

“Now, when our enemies hear our F-35 engines, when they’re roaring overhead, their souls will tremble and they will know the day of reckoning has arrived,

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il y a 8 minutes, zx a dit :

Now, when our enemies hear our F-35 engines, when they’re roaring overhead, their souls will tremble and they will know the day of reckoning has arrived

Je croyais que cet avion était supposé être furtif et ne pas s'exposer inutilement ? Pourquoi survoler l'ennemi et faire du bruit dès lors ?

Sacré Donald...

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il y a 26 minutes, Kiriyama a dit :

Il y a moyen de synchroniser son smartphone avec le F-35 ? 

Pour inclure le fil twitter de Trump sur la visualisation tête moyenne ou pour remplacer les annonces vocales par d'autres issues de ses citations ?

Je trouverais ça sympa pour aller avec les mises à jour effectuées au choix des utilisateurs depuis le cloud Microsoft Azure en wifi depuis la connexion du burger king à côté de la piste...

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Je trouverais ça sympa pour aller avec les mises à jour effectuées au choix des utilisateurs depuis le cloud Microsoft Azure en wifi depuis la connexion du burger king à côté de la piste...

Celui ou la carte est en alphabet cyrillique ou l'autre en ideogrammes?

Plus sérieusement, n F-35 génère de To de données par mission... Ca va être fun ALIS...

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aujourd'hui,  le Mega, le Giga, le Terra, deviennent des mesures du quotidien concernant le stockage,  on commence à parler peta.

 il faut avoir les logiciels capable d'exploite  ces volumes de données dans un temps de traitement acceptable,  si ils emploient la data science,avec des modèles prédictifs,

ils peuvent déterminer si l'avion est dans un schema de fonctionnement normal selon les mesures, sinon, il faut regarder les indicateurs qui révèlent les anomalies

et analyser les événements de ce dysfonctionnement et anticiper les problèmes, en plus des rapports/alertes /événements critiques ou sévères éventuellement déclenchées par les capteurs

remontées via des agents d'ALIS.


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il y a 35 minutes, zx a dit :

aujourd'hui,  le Mega, le Giga, le Terra, deviennent des mesures du quotidien concernant le stockage,  on commence à parler peta.

Le plus compliqué va être le transport de ces données. S'il faut télécharger plusieurs terra quotidiennement depuis un navire ou une base avancée donc uniquement par satellite, ça risque de coûter cher et peut-être même d'être une des limites au nombre d'avions qu'on peut déployer. 

On a déjà eu des drones plus cher que l'avion piloté uniquement à cause de la communication satellite. 

Enfin il faut attendre la version définitive D'ALIS pour vraiment estimer la contrainte informatique associée. Il pourrait très bien exister des petits serveurs qui permettront de réduire la quantité de données à échanger entre le détachement et le serveur principal. 

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il y a 4 minutes, zx a dit :

ca peut être télécharger au retour à leur base, tout n'est pas forcément pertinent à envoyer les données directement par satellite en temps réel.

Justement lors de l'IOC du F-35 B il fallait 1h 30 au retour d'une mission pour "vider" les données d'une mission de 1 h 30. Et les anglais ont un problème de débit sur les réseaux (filaires) de leur porte avion!!!

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Il y a 5 heures, Picdelamirand-oil a dit :

Justement lors de l'IOC du F-35 B il fallait 1h 30 au retour d'une mission pour "vider" les données d'une mission de 1 h 30. Et les anglais ont un problème de débit sur les réseaux (filaires) de leur porte avion!!!

1:30 pour une mission où il ne se passait absolument rien, d'ailleurs : pas un radar adverse, pas une menace, pas une munition tirée, pas d'acrobaties, pas d'orage : de la pure télémétrie concernant l'avion lui-même.

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Si tu sors toute les données de maintenance et les données échangées sur les bus à tous les cycles d'exécution, ce qui permet de vraiment tout rejouer si nécessaire, cela fait effectivement de très gros volumes, uniquement dépendant du temps de mission (i.e. du nombre de cycle) , pas du contenu de celle-ci.

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2 hours ago, Deres said:

Si tu sors toute les données de maintenance et les données échangées sur les bus à tous les cycles d'exécution, ce qui permet de vraiment tout rejouer si nécessaire, cela fait effectivement de très gros volumes, uniquement dépendant du temps de mission (i.e. du nombre de cycle) , pas du contenu de celle-ci.

Je pense que c'est plutôt le flux vidéo des 6 camera IR. D'ailleurs j'ai vu que le F35 nécessite une salle "Top Secret" sur son base pour recevoir les données du vol, je pense que ils ne veulent pas que le qualité des des informations reçus soient connu. C'est trop top ou c'est trop flou? Codé en MPEG4? Tiens, il faut quoi comme buffer sur le F35 pour recevoir tous les données d'un vol de longue durée. Comment est-ce qu'il gère la pénurie d'espace?

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Le 16/09/2017 à 20:43, Patrick a dit :

Je trouverais ça sympa pour aller avec les mises à jour effectuées au choix des utilisateurs depuis le cloud Microsoft Azure en wifi depuis la connexion du burger king à côté de la piste...

Pourquoi à coté de la piste ? Avec un F35B  tu peux le faire de n'importe quel Burger King...

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Normalement j'aurais posté dans la CDN mais il y a un acteur qui entre en jeu qui mérite le post dans ce fil

Exercices aériens américains au-dessus de la péninsule coréenne

Quatre chasseurs furtifs F-35B et deux bombardiers B-1B américains ainsi que quatre chasseurs sud-coréens F-15K ont pris part aujourd'hui à des exercices de simulation de bombardement avant de retourner sur leurs bases de Guam et du Japon, selon Yonhap. Ils ont survolé la péninsule coréenne dans une démonstration de force après le dernier essai balistique nord-coréen, rapporte l'agence sud-coréenne Yonhap.

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Ou ça regresse :

article daté de hier : leurs problèmes de siège éjectable ne s'arrangent pas contrairement aux affirmations de mai.

“I’m confident our pilots are no longer concerned with the F-35 ejection system,” Air Force Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus, a top official overseeing the program, told reporters.

But two weeks before the press conference, the internal Air Force report from the service’s top aviation safety experts, the Technical Airworthiness Authority, had told a different story.

Twenty-two pilots will be injured or killed in the coming decades, unless the upgraded ejection seats undergo additional testing to show they work in “off-nominal” cases — in other words, when the plane is out of control, not just in optimal flight conditions, said the May 1 report on “F-35-A Residual Risk Acceptance,” obtained by CQ Roll Call.

La matière elle-même du cockpit est dangereuse en cas d'éjection car les éclats  pourraient tuer le pilote.

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Pour ceux qui aiment regarder les détails voici deux rapport officiels posté par un sénateur US "DON BACON" sur SNAFU.


The following modifications will be the highest priorities for accomplishment throughout the STOVL fleet using funds from this OSIP. Listed modifications are requirements for Initial Operational Capability (IOC) and priority modifications for long-term retrofit needs following IOC. FY17 concurrency funds will also be used to implement IOC modifications across the rest of the USMC F-35B fleet.
TI Number CR Title
TI-0000-0027 IPP Exhaust (STOVL)
TI-0000-0031 Nose Wheel Steering (NWS) Motor Qualification Failure
TI-0000-0045 CTOL/STOVL MLG SDD & LRIP Part Number Rolls
TI-0000-0055 IPP Bay Vent Fan Electrical Bond
TI-0000-0056 IPP Controller Part Number Roll
TI-0000-0057 STOVL GO3 Control Valve Part Number Roll
TI-0000-0058 Back-Up Radio Tray Clearance
TI-0000-0064 Counter Measures Door Control Valve Life Limitation on AF:6
TI-0000-0101 Lift Fan Inlet Door Full Qualification Part Number Roll
TI-0000-0121 Lift Fan Exhaust / Inboard Weapon Bay Door Interference
TI-0000-0124 Controller, Motor Pump Qual Failure
TI-0000-0133 Filter Module, Pressure Qual Failure
TI-0000-0135 Engine Driven Pump Life Limit
TI-0000-0137 Pump, Motor GND Maint Qual Failure
TI-0000-0138 Wingtip Light Improvement For FAA Compliance
TI-0000-0147 PTMS PAO Three-Port Valve Part Number Roll
TI-0000-0158 WBDD Flexible Cable Re-design
TI-0000-0161 EDU #1 & #2 Signal Deletion
TI-0000-0165 R3 Float Valve with Mechanical Thread Locking
TI-0000-0191 270V BCCU
TI-0000-0192 Gen II -10 Helmet Mounted Display Variance
TI-0000-0193 EW Gain State Control Logic Error
TI-0000-0231 PTMS EHA Cooling Orifices - CTOL & STOVL
TI-0000-0236 FPS Fire and Bleed Leak Controller (FBLC) Redesign
TI-0000-0245 Update to Antenna Switch Unit for Cosite Function and Qualification Test Failures
TI-0000-0260 Canopy Actuation System
TI-0000-0263 Power Panel 1, 2, 3
TI-0000-0264 PTMS Controller Humidity, Temp, and Durability Qualification Test Failures
TI-0000-0282 Update to Audio Control Electronics (ACE) Unit for Qualification Test Failures
TI-0000-0286 Backup Radio (BuR) Indirect Lightning Qualification Test Failure
TI-0000-0321 Lift Fan Exhaust Door Aft Uplock Hook Failure
TI-0000-0327 STOVL High Sea State Fuel Stowage
TI-0000-0329 Refueling Bay and Nozzle Clash LRIP 1-3 Modification
TI-0000-0331 WBDDS RGAs Limited Life - Change Request Approval
TI-0000-0336 Panoramic Cockpit Display (PCD) - DU
TI-0000-0339 HMDS LRIP Subsystem Variance - UUT Outages
TI-0000-0343 Panoramic Cockpit Display (PCD) Major Variances - EU
TI-0000-0344 HMDS LRIP Subsystem Variance - Fixed Camera
TI-0000-0361 Vertical Tail 575 Fitting
TI-0000-0363 TRS Component Changes from Qual Test Failures
TI-0000-0367 Engine Trailer Adapter Kit - FS556 Interface, J27006/J27007
TI-0000-0373 Aux Air Inlet Lock Actuation Mechanism "Mixer Box" Qual Test Failure
TI-0000-0375 STOVL IRCM Doors Bushing to Lug Interference
TI-0000-0377 Aux Air Inlet Door Redesign
TI-0000-0387 Fuel System - Dive Rate Performance
TI-0000-0395 LEF Inbd Blade Seal Mousehole and CTOL LEF Lwr Inbd Blade Seal Failures
TI-0000-0396 WBDD Limit Life, ECU
TI-0000-0405 "EDU Random Vibration Failures Electrical Distribution Unit Full Qualification"
TI-0000-0412 Wing Lighting Controller - Salt Fog Failure
TI-0000-0423 Engine Interchangeability Bleed Air System Ducting Design
TI-0000-0424 Firewall Shutoff Valve Part Number Roll
TI-0000-0448 Add -0007 ASSCA/-0006 ATQA To Aircraft TVE
TI-0000-0469 Life Support System (OBOGS, Steel BOS, SIC, SPA, PIC and Composite BOS)
TI-0000-0477 CTOL EHAS Panels - Incorrect Fastener Grips and De-torque Issu
TI-0000-0480 ICC Qual Issues
TI-0000-0486 Short Life - STOVL Inner Wing FS518 Lower Bulkhead
TI-0000-0495 OBIGGS & Pressure/Vent Changes for Lightning Protection
TI-0000-0516 AAR Probe Weak Link Adaptor Re-design
TI-0000-0538 EHA Flaperon Support Equipment Locations
TI-0000-0543 STOVL Limited Life Outboard Rib at Station 2 and 10
TI-0000-0544 Limited Life STOVL Mid Fairing Longeron
TI-0000-0545 Limited Life STOVL Nacelle Vent Inlet
TI-0000-0556 STOVL Short Life Parts: Aft Mid Keel
TI-0000-0558 STOVL Short Life Parts: Keel Beam RH
TI-0000-0559 STOVL Short Life Parts: NLG Drag Brace Ftg
TI-0000-0561 STOVL FS 496 Bulkhead Trunnion
TI-0000-0564 STOVL Forward Root Rib (L6/U6)
TI-0000-0566 STOVL Short Life Parts: Support, Otbd, FS 502.65 LH/RH
TI-0000-0574 Electronics Units Modifications for EMI, Lightning and Qualification Compliance
TI-0000-0575 ULF & 3BSD Emergency Control Valve
TI-0000-0576 Refuel Probe/Tailhook Emergency Control Valve
TI-0000-0578 Aux Inlet Door Emergency Control Valve
TI-0000-0583 CTOL STOVL Rudder EHA Design Change
TI-0000-0602 Brake Control Unit (BCU) Wet Runway Update & Operation of a Wet Runway
TI-0000-0617 Limited Life STOVL STA 3/9 Aft Rib
TI-0000-0626 SMSFRIU SDD/LRIP Arm Disable Input
TI-0000-0631 Countermeasures Doors & NNMSB/WSESRB Concerns
TI-0000-0638 Short Life - STOVL BL 0.0 Web Fwd Upper Engine Mount Support
TI-0000-0654 IDMS Connector Ref Des Swap
TI-0000-0655 EO DAS Center Fuselage Vibration Testing
TI-0000-0673 Ordnance Quick Latch System (OQLS) - Clip Lock
TI-0000-0703 Roll Post Door Actuator Life Limitation
TI-0000-0707 Air Data System Design Changes For -0004 Configuration
TI-0000-0709 HT EHA Block Change
TI-0000-0723 EOTS PBS Startup Timeline
TI-0000-0738 Modified Fuel Dump Valve (T28a)
TI-0000-0771 Install Battery into CNI Rack 3A and 3B
TI-0000-0772 PTMS Turbomachine/ACCM Cable Interface Changes
TI-0000-0781 3BSM NBD - Assembly Changes
TI-0000-0808 Weapons Bay Door Uplock Sealing
TI-0000-0854 DMCH MPEG VHDL Firmware Version
TI-0000-0866 Production Ejection Seat (-0023)
TI-0000-0884 AESG - Material & Workmanship
TI-0000-0895 Arm Disable Current Leakage Path Correction
TI-0000-0897 Roll Control Nozzle Door Redesign
TI-0000-0898 Electronic Warfare Band 3/4 Antenna and Edge Performance Issues
TI-0000-0904 Backup Radio Guide Pin Misalignment
TI-0000-0906 NLG Lug Inspection and Support Stiffener
TI-0000-0908 STOVL Fuel Dump (CCDD LRIP2-051)
TI-0000-0910 PCD EU Cooling Rework
TI-0000-0913 LEFAS PDU Resolver and Rotor Shaft Seal Life
TI-0000-0945 CTOL Audio Control Electronics (ACE) In-Flight Refueling
TI-0000-0976 RCS ATP
TI-0000-0992 Outboard Vertical Tail Seal Redesign
TI-0000-1000 Inboard Weapon Bay Door Flipper Door Design Change
TI-0000-1011 L-Band Pre-Selector (LBPS) Propagation Delay Calibration for Mode 5
TI-0000-1023 Roll Nozzle and Duct Bay - BALD Sensors redesign
TI-0000-1048 Panoramic Cockpit Display-Electronic Unit (PCD-EU)
TI-0000-1053 Fire Suppression Bottle Low Clearance
TI-0000-1056 RADAR 1A & 1B Racks -0002 Cut-in
TI-0000-1060 Final Finishes
TI-0000-1078 Nacelle Insulation
TI-0000-1082 Power Panel 1 & 2 Random Vibration Failures - Second Failure
TI-0000-1089 LRIP 3 Aux Air Inlet (AAI) Door Install
TI-0000-1092 Landing Taxi Light Redesign
TI-0000-1097 Ball Joint Salt Fog Failure
TI-0000-1099 ATQA Mounting Bolt Interface
TI-0000-1101 GMMP Controller EEE outage
TI-0000-1102 BH-1 Weapons Bay Doors - AMRAAM Cradle Found Fatigue Cracks in Cradle Lugs @ 11,353 Hours
TI-0000-1113 AESG Power Connector Rating (Generator)
TI-0000-1161 STOVL Aft MLG Door Cracking
TI-0000-1198 HT Heating
TI-0000-1203 Life Limited 402 Frame, RHS Fuel Floor and fasteners at the wing-to-body glove fairing
TI-0000-1255 Fibre Channel Switch Design Issues-0004
TI-0000-1324 Structural Cracking of Aft MLG Door Drive Link U-Joint
TI-0000-1372 EW Block-2 DRFM Module Firmware Issue
TI-0000-1408 CCDD LRIP4/LRIP 5-016 EW: AEL, Aft Sector
TI-0000-1421 STOVL MLG
TI-0000-1422 STOVL Nose Landing Gear
TI-0000-1440 STOVL Thrust Mount Shear Webs Do Not Meet Service Life Requirement
TI-0000-1455 Roll Control Nozzle Panel Install, RH
TI-0000-1480 Lift System FADEC Redesign PN Change
TI-0000-1483 Power Panel 3 Random Vibration Failures - Second Failure
TI-0000-1486 STOVL FS 503 Frame / IPP Shear Web Durability Test Failure
TI-0000-1494 PTMS Turbomachine Configuration to Correct Qualification Failures
TI-0000-1499 FS 472 Bulkhead Crack BH-1
TI-0000-1515 ESG Service Life (Generator) -0003
TI-0000-1518 Incorrect PAO Orifice In P5 Gp A Dummy LRU; Incorrect PAO Cooling Orifices In Center Fuselage Cold Liquid Loop
TI-0000-1549 Firmware Update for AMS Cartridge Reset SPAR
TI-0000-1551 28V Battery Full Qualification
TI-0000-1552 28V BCCU Lightning Compliance - 28V Battery Charger
TI-0000-1589 Hydraulic System Single Point Failure
TI-0000-1650 MWARS for Production Seat (LRIP 1-6)
TI-0000-1652 Rudder Slider Hinge Wear
TI-0000-1653 Ground Maintainance Valve Deletion to Prevent PAO in Cockpit (DR 1-4815699)
TI-0000-1655 STOVL Right Hand (RH) and Left Hand (LH) Rear Spar Lower Flange Fatigue Cracks
TI-0000-1706 Insertion of updated DMCH into LRIP 6 with Night Vision Camera Image Quality Improvements
TI-0000-1761 HT EHA Solenoid Valve (SOV) Qual Test Failure
TI-0000-1783 Canopy Boot Cracking
TI-0000-2450 Bleed Air Sensor Fitting Galling
TI-0000-2528 270V Battery Gunfire Vibration Failure
TI-0000-2546 Weapon bay light departing aircraft during flight
TI-0000-2551 L-Band Power Amplifier (LBPA) Update for LINK-16
TI-0000-2580 AESG -0004 Qual Failure
TI-0000-2624 Lower Horizontal Tail Bullnose Panels Experiencing Coating Damage (panels 4134/4133)
TI-0000-2633 Flaperon Blade Seal Buckling
TI-0000-2641 STOVL - Short Shank Condition, Engine Access Panel
TI-0000-2659 Cockpit Green Indicator Bright/Dim Anomaly
TI-0000-2670 Durability Findings 2013 - Bulkhead FS 496
TI-0000-2672 Radome Shroud Gapping / Trimming
TI-0000-2682 Incongruous illumination characteristics of AR probe light while centerline tanking on KC-10/KC-135
TI-0000-2690 LAU-147 and BRU Vent Value Under Full Pressure
TI-0000-2699 Fibre Channel Switch Design Issues -0005
TI-0000-2714 0025 Ejection Seat Qual Issues
TI-0000-2725 Vehicle Management Computer (VMC) Electrical Connection Issue on CTOL and STOVL aircraft
TI-0000-2784 CNI 3A & 3B Integrated Backplane Assembly (IBA) EMI Upgrades
TI-0000-2800 CNI TFR Module Humidity Qualification Test Failure
TI-0000-2813 Durability Findings - FS 450, 472, 556, 518 Lower and IRCM Fitting
TI-0000-2814 Durability Findings 2013 FS 575 Center Arch Frame
TI-0000-2818 EOTS LoS Pointing Angle
TI-0000-2834 Boarding Ladder Cracks
TI-0000-2891 OBIGGS Wash Pressure Buildup in Refuel Manifold
TI-0000-2892 BF5 IRCM Hinge to Drive Link Clash
TI-0000-2909 IPP Bay High Flow Air Duct Separation
TI-0000-2954 STOVL NLG EEE Failure
TI-0000-3005 Flaperon Blade Seal Trailing Edge Gapping
TI-0000-3057 F-35B HT EHA Solenoid Valve (SOV) Qual Test Failure
TI-0000-3097 PAO filter bracket failure on STOVL
TI-0000-3109 AAID Qual Test Spring Failure (Center Fuselage)
TI-0000-3194 Landing Aid Down Converter (LADC) Qualification Test Failure
TI-0000-3207 F-35B Centre Arch Frame, FS594, Durability Life
TI-0000-3285 Egress System Safe Escape Intro for -6 Seat
TI-0000-3286 IPP Fan Controller Failure
TI-0000-3386 MLG Door Crank Arm Corrosion F35-A/B
TI-7777-0007 OBOGS Plenum HEPA Filter Provisioning
TI-7777-0010 Radar Harness Redesign
TI-7777-0031 Brake Control Electronic Unit Update
TI-7777-0042 Return Fuel Cooler HX Coating
TI-7777-0057 Nacelle Fan - Full Qualified Configuration
TI-7777-0083 CTOL/STOVL EHAS/LEFAS -0011 EU & Rack Config Update
TI-7777-0085 Replacement of Door Actuator Lock Assemblies (STOVL/CTOL Door Locks)
TI-7777-0093 Flow Sensor EMI/Vibration
TI-7777-0097 IEU Lightning Compliance
TI-7777-0106 WBD Fwd Uplock Roller Bracket
TI-7777-1001 LRIP 1&2 Block 1 Upgrade
TI-7777-1003 Block 1.0-v01.702 Formal Systems Build
TI-9999-0191 Interim Solution - 270V BCCU
TI-9999-1422 Interim Solution - STOVL Nose Landing Gear
TI-9999-1650 MWARS for Production Seat - LRIP 5 Only



Pour la NAVY

Page 912

The following modifications will be the highest priorities for accomplishment throughout the STOVL fleet using funds from this OSIP. Listed modifications are requirements for Initial Operational Capability (IOC) and priority modifications for long-term retrofit needs following IOC. FY17 concurrency funds will also be used to implement IOC modifications across the rest of the USMC F-35B fleet.
TI Number CR Title
TI-0000-0027 IPP Exhaust (STOVL)
TI-0000-0031 Nose Wheel Steering (NWS) Motor Qualification Failure
TI-0000-0045 CTOL/STOVL MLG SDD & LRIP Part Number Rolls
TI-0000-0055 IPP Bay Vent Fan Electrical Bond
TI-0000-0056 IPP Controller Part Number Roll
TI-0000-0057 STOVL GO3 Control Valve Part Number Roll
TI-0000-0058 Back-Up Radio Tray Clearance
TI-0000-0064 Counter Measures Door Control Valve Life Limitation on AF:6
TI-0000-0101 Lift Fan Inlet Door Full Qualification Part Number Roll
TI-0000-0121 Lift Fan Exhaust / Inboard Weapon Bay Door Interference
TI-0000-0124 Controller, Motor Pump Qual Failure
TI-0000-0133 Filter Module, Pressure Qual Failure
TI-0000-0135 Engine Driven Pump Life Limit
TI-0000-0137 Pump, Motor GND Maint Qual Failure
TI-0000-0138 Wingtip Light Improvement For FAA Compliance
TI-0000-0147 PTMS PAO Three-Port Valve Part Number Roll
TI-0000-0158 WBDD Flexible Cable Re-design
TI-0000-0161 EDU #1 & #2 Signal Deletion
TI-0000-0165 R3 Float Valve with Mechanical Thread Locking
TI-0000-0191 270V BCCU
TI-0000-0192 Gen II -10 Helmet Mounted Display Variance
TI-0000-0193 EW Gain State Control Logic Error
TI-0000-0231 PTMS EHA Cooling Orifices - CTOL & STOVL
TI-0000-0236 FPS Fire and Bleed Leak Controller (FBLC) Redesign
TI-0000-0245 Update to Antenna Switch Unit for Cosite Function and Qualification Test Failures
TI-0000-0260 Canopy Actuation System
TI-0000-0263 Power Panel 1, 2, 3
TI-0000-0264 PTMS Controller Humidity, Temp, and Durability Qualification Test Failures
TI-0000-0282 Update to Audio Control Electronics (ACE) Unit for Qualification Test Failures
TI-0000-0286 Backup Radio (BuR) Indirect Lightning Qualification Test Failure
TI-0000-0321 Lift Fan Exhaust Door Aft Uplock Hook Failure
TI-0000-0327 STOVL High Sea State Fuel Stowage
TI-0000-0329 Refueling Bay and Nozzle Clash LRIP 1-3 Modification
TI-0000-0331 WBDDS RGAs Limited Life - Change Request Approval
TI-0000-0336 Panoramic Cockpit Display (PCD) - DU
TI-0000-0339 HMDS LRIP Subsystem Variance - UUT Outages
TI-0000-0343 Panoramic Cockpit Display (PCD) Major Variances - EU
TI-0000-0344 HMDS LRIP Subsystem Variance - Fixed Camera
TI-0000-0361 Vertical Tail 575 Fitting
TI-0000-0363 TRS Component Changes from Qual Test Failures
TI-0000-0367 Engine Trailer Adapter Kit - FS556 Interface, J27006/J27007
TI-0000-0373 Aux Air Inlet Lock Actuation Mechanism "Mixer Box" Qual Test Failure
TI-0000-0375 STOVL IRCM Doors Bushing to Lug Interference
TI-0000-0377 Aux Air Inlet Door Redesign
TI-0000-0387 Fuel System - Dive Rate Performance
TI-0000-0395 LEF Inbd Blade Seal Mousehole and CTOL LEF Lwr Inbd Blade Seal Failures
TI-0000-0396 WBDD Limit Life, ECU
TI-0000-0405 "EDU Random Vibration Failures Electrical Distribution Unit Full Qualification"
TI-0000-0412 Wing Lighting Controller - Salt Fog Failure
TI-0000-0423 Engine Interchangeability Bleed Air System Ducting Design
TI-0000-0424 Firewall Shutoff Valve Part Number Roll
TI-0000-0448 Add -0007 ASSCA/-0006 ATQA To Aircraft TVE
TI-0000-0469 Life Support System (OBOGS, Steel BOS, SIC, SPA, PIC and Composite BOS)
TI-0000-0477 CTOL EHAS Panels - Incorrect Fastener Grips and De-torque Issu
TI-0000-0480 ICC Qual Issues
TI-0000-0486 Short Life - STOVL Inner Wing FS518 Lower Bulkhead
TI-0000-0495 OBIGGS & Pressure/Vent Changes for Lightning Protection
TI-0000-0516 AAR Probe Weak Link Adaptor Re-design
TI-0000-0538 EHA Flaperon Support Equipment Locations
TI-0000-0543 STOVL Limited Life Outboard Rib at Station 2 and 10
TI-0000-0544 Limited Life STOVL Mid Fairing Longeron
TI-0000-0545 Limited Life STOVL Nacelle Vent Inlet
TI-0000-0556 STOVL Short Life Parts: Aft Mid Keel
TI-0000-0558 STOVL Short Life Parts: Keel Beam RH
TI-0000-0559 STOVL Short Life Parts: NLG Drag Brace Ftg
TI-0000-0561 STOVL FS 496 Bulkhead Trunnion
TI-0000-0564 STOVL Forward Root Rib (L6/U6)
TI-0000-0566 STOVL Short Life Parts: Support, Otbd, FS 502.65 LH/RH
TI-0000-0574 Electronics Units Modifications for EMI, Lightning and Qualification Compliance
TI-0000-0575 ULF & 3BSD Emergency Control Valve
TI-0000-0576 Refuel Probe/Tailhook Emergency Control Valve
TI-0000-0578 Aux Inlet Door Emergency Control Valve
TI-0000-0583 CTOL STOVL Rudder EHA Design Change
TI-0000-0602 Brake Control Unit (BCU) Wet Runway Update & Operation of a Wet Runway
TI-0000-0617 Limited Life STOVL STA 3/9 Aft Rib
TI-0000-0626 SMSFRIU SDD/LRIP Arm Disable Input
TI-0000-0631 Countermeasures Doors & NNMSB/WSESRB Concerns
TI-0000-0638 Short Life - STOVL BL 0.0 Web Fwd Upper Engine Mount Support
TI-0000-0654 IDMS Connector Ref Des Swap
TI-0000-0655 EO DAS Center Fuselage Vibration Testing
TI-0000-0673 Ordnance Quick Latch System (OQLS) - Clip Lock
TI-0000-0703 Roll Post Door Actuator Life Limitation
TI-0000-0707 Air Data System Design Changes For -0004 Configuration
TI-0000-0709 HT EHA Block Change
TI-0000-0723 EOTS PBS Startup Timeline
TI-0000-0738 Modified Fuel Dump Valve (T28a)
TI-0000-0771 Install Battery into CNI Rack 3A and 3B
TI-0000-0772 PTMS Turbomachine/ACCM Cable Interface Changes
TI-0000-0781 3BSM NBD - Assembly Changes
TI-0000-0808 Weapons Bay Door Uplock Sealing
TI-0000-0854 DMCH MPEG VHDL Firmware Version
TI-0000-0866 Production Ejection Seat (-0023)
TI-0000-0884 AESG - Material & Workmanship
TI-0000-0895 Arm Disable Current Leakage Path Correction
TI-0000-0897 Roll Control Nozzle Door Redesign
TI-0000-0898 Electronic Warfare Band 3/4 Antenna and Edge Performance Issues
TI-0000-0904 Backup Radio Guide Pin Misalignment
TI-0000-0906 NLG Lug Inspection and Support Stiffener
TI-0000-0908 STOVL Fuel Dump (CCDD LRIP2-051)
TI-0000-0910 PCD EU Cooling Rework
TI-0000-0913 LEFAS PDU Resolver and Rotor Shaft Seal Life
TI-0000-0945 CTOL Audio Control Electronics (ACE) In-Flight Refueling
TI-0000-0976 RCS ATP
TI-0000-0992 Outboard Vertical Tail Seal Redesign
TI-0000-1000 Inboard Weapon Bay Door Flipper Door Design Change
TI-0000-1011 L-Band Pre-Selector (LBPS) Propagation Delay Calibration for Mode 5
TI-0000-1023 Roll Nozzle and Duct Bay - BALD Sensors redesign
TI-0000-1048 Panoramic Cockpit Display-Electronic Unit (PCD-EU)
TI-0000-1053 Fire Suppression Bottle Low Clearance
TI-0000-1056 RADAR 1A & 1B Racks -0002 Cut-in
TI-0000-1060 Final Finishes
TI-0000-1078 Nacelle Insulation
TI-0000-1082 Power Panel 1 & 2 Random Vibration Failures - Second Failure
TI-0000-1089 LRIP 3 Aux Air Inlet (AAI) Door Install
TI-0000-1092 Landing Taxi Light Redesign
TI-0000-1097 Ball Joint Salt Fog Failure
TI-0000-1099 ATQA Mounting Bolt Interface
TI-0000-1101 GMMP Controller EEE outage
TI-0000-1102 BH-1 Weapons Bay Doors - AMRAAM Cradle Found Fatigue Cracks in Cradle Lugs @ 11,353 Hours
TI-0000-1113 AESG Power Connector Rating (Generator)
TI-0000-1161 STOVL Aft MLG Door Cracking
TI-0000-1198 HT Heating
TI-0000-1203 Life Limited 402 Frame, RHS Fuel Floor and fasteners at the wing-to-body glove fairing
TI-0000-1255 Fibre Channel Switch Design Issues-0004
TI-0000-1324 Structural Cracking of Aft MLG Door Drive Link U-Joint
TI-0000-1372 EW Block-2 DRFM Module Firmware Issue
TI-0000-1408 CCDD LRIP4/LRIP 5-016 EW: AEL, Aft Sector
TI-0000-1421 STOVL MLG
TI-0000-1422 STOVL Nose Landing Gear
TI-0000-1440 STOVL Thrust Mount Shear Webs Do Not Meet Service Life Requirement
TI-0000-1455 Roll Control Nozzle Panel Install, RH
TI-0000-1480 Lift System FADEC Redesign PN Change
TI-0000-1483 Power Panel 3 Random Vibration Failures - Second Failure
TI-0000-1486 STOVL FS 503 Frame / IPP Shear Web Durability Test Failure
TI-0000-1494 PTMS Turbomachine Configuration to Correct Qualification Failures
TI-0000-1499 FS 472 Bulkhead Crack BH-1
TI-0000-1515 ESG Service Life (Generator) -0003
TI-0000-1518 Incorrect PAO Orifice In P5 Gp A Dummy LRU; Incorrect PAO Cooling Orifices In Center Fuselage Cold Liquid Loop
TI-0000-1549 Firmware Update for AMS Cartridge Reset SPAR
TI-0000-1551 28V Battery Full Qualification
TI-0000-1552 28V BCCU Lightning Compliance - 28V Battery Charger
TI-0000-1589 Hydraulic System Single Point Failure
TI-0000-1650 MWARS for Production Seat (LRIP 1-6)
TI-0000-1652 Rudder Slider Hinge Wear
TI-0000-1653 Ground Maintainance Valve Deletion to Prevent PAO in Cockpit (DR 1-4815699)
TI-0000-1655 STOVL Right Hand (RH) and Left Hand (LH) Rear Spar Lower Flange Fatigue Cracks
TI-0000-1706 Insertion of updated DMCH into LRIP 6 with Night Vision Camera Image Quality Improvements
TI-0000-1761 HT EHA Solenoid Valve (SOV) Qual Test Failure
TI-0000-1783 Canopy Boot Cracking
TI-0000-2450 Bleed Air Sensor Fitting Galling
TI-0000-2528 270V Battery Gunfire Vibration Failure
TI-0000-2546 Weapon bay light departing aircraft during flight
TI-0000-2551 L-Band Power Amplifier (LBPA) Update for LINK-16
TI-0000-2580 AESG -0004 Qual Failure
TI-0000-2624 Lower Horizontal Tail Bullnose Panels Experiencing Coating Damage (panels 4134/4133)
TI-0000-2633 Flaperon Blade Seal Buckling
TI-0000-2641 STOVL - Short Shank Condition, Engine Access Panel
TI-0000-2659 Cockpit Green Indicator Bright/Dim Anomaly
TI-0000-2670 Durability Findings 2013 - Bulkhead FS 496
TI-0000-2672 Radome Shroud Gapping / Trimming
TI-0000-2682 Incongruous illumination characteristics of AR probe light while centerline tanking on KC-10/KC-135
TI-0000-2690 LAU-147 and BRU Vent Value Under Full Pressure
TI-0000-2699 Fibre Channel Switch Design Issues -0005
TI-0000-2714 0025 Ejection Seat Qual Issues
TI-0000-2725 Vehicle Management Computer (VMC) Electrical Connection Issue on CTOL and STOVL aircraft
TI-0000-2784 CNI 3A & 3B Integrated Backplane Assembly (IBA) EMI Upgrades
TI-0000-2800 CNI TFR Module Humidity Qualification Test Failure
TI-0000-2813 Durability Findings - FS 450, 472, 556, 518 Lower and IRCM Fitting
TI-0000-2814 Durability Findings 2013 FS 575 Center Arch Frame
TI-0000-2818 EOTS LoS Pointing Angle
TI-0000-2834 Boarding Ladder Cracks
TI-0000-2891 OBIGGS Wash Pressure Buildup in Refuel Manifold
TI-0000-2892 BF5 IRCM Hinge to Drive Link Clash
TI-0000-2909 IPP Bay High Flow Air Duct Separation
TI-0000-2954 STOVL NLG EEE Failure
TI-0000-3005 Flaperon Blade Seal Trailing Edge Gapping
TI-0000-3057 F-35B HT EHA Solenoid Valve (SOV) Qual Test Failure
TI-0000-3097 PAO filter bracket failure on STOVL
TI-0000-3109 AAID Qual Test Spring Failure (Center Fuselage)
TI-0000-3194 Landing Aid Down Converter (LADC) Qualification Test Failure
TI-0000-3207 F-35B Centre Arch Frame, FS594, Durability Life
TI-0000-3285 Egress System Safe Escape Intro for -6 Seat
TI-0000-3286 IPP Fan Controller Failure
TI-0000-3386 MLG Door Crank Arm Corrosion F35-A/B
TI-7777-0007 OBOGS Plenum HEPA Filter Provisioning
TI-7777-0010 Radar Harness Redesign
TI-7777-0031 Brake Control Electronic Unit Update
TI-7777-0042 Return Fuel Cooler HX Coating
TI-7777-0057 Nacelle Fan - Full Qualified Configuration
TI-7777-0083 CTOL/STOVL EHAS/LEFAS -0011 EU & Rack Config Update
TI-7777-0085 Replacement of Door Actuator Lock Assemblies (STOVL/CTOL Door Locks)
TI-7777-0093 Flow Sensor EMI/Vibration
TI-7777-0097 IEU Lightning Compliance
TI-7777-0106 WBD Fwd Uplock Roller Bracket
TI-7777-1001 LRIP 1&2 Block 1 Upgrade
TI-7777-1003 Block 1.0-v01.702 Formal Systems Build
TI-9999-0191 Interim Solution - 270V BCCU
TI-9999-1422 Interim Solution - STOVL Nose Landing Gear
TI-9999-1650 MWARS for Production Seat - LRIP 5 Only

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il y a 2 minutes, prof.566 a dit :

Si court? Ca devrait être dans le fil bonnes nouvelles...

Tu rigoles j'ai un peu hésité avant de mettre ça ici. Je me suis dit que pour LM ça devait être une bonne nouvelle pour ses ventes.

il y a 4 minutes, prof.566 a dit :

Si court?

Winter a dit qu'il n'y avait que 150 erreurs à corriger ... J'ai pas encore compter ni regarder de prêt les plus intéressantes.


Il y a une avec la roulette avant du F-35B qui me plait : la 1422 corrigée avec une solution Interim.

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