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MICA IR et Meteor


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13 hours ago, herciv said:

EN même temps quand on dit FPA on dit pas grand chose sur la techno si ce n'est qu'elle fait des images. Si par contre on parle de la méthode de lecture, de la dynamique, de la résolution/cm2, de savoir quel partie de l'image est traitée en hardware vs software c'est mieux.



Toi tu as des envies Fort Monluc, Fresnes ou autres...

Modifié par prof.566
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il y a une heure, FATac a dit :

Vous saviez que l'AdlA avait déjà tiré 3 Meteor en 2019 et que 5 autres tirs étaient prévus sur l'année ?

Le missile est dans les forces !! :chirolp_iei:

Laisse-moi deviner, le grand jeu en ce moment, c'est de se glisser derrière une patrouille de F-35, la descendre avec les nouveaux engins, et ensuite de regarder les annonces de nouveaux défauts logiciels après des crashs inexpliqués ?

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"En 2009, l'Espagne avait communiqué sur un contrat de 100 missiles Meteor, dont le montant s'élevait à 100 millions d'euros."

1 million € l'unité en 2009.   Je m'attendais à pire.  C'est pas beaucoup plus cher qu'un MICA il me semble.

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Au passage, l'autodirecteur du meteor est concu par les mêmes personnes et de génération similaire, mais ce n'est pas celui du mica m'a t on dit

Quant au prix du mica, il va baisser mais je vais bientot ne rien à avoir écrire dessus à force de tout vous dire

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à l’instant, prof.566 a dit :

Au passage, l'autodirecteur du meteor est concu par les mêmes personnes et de génération similaire, mais ce n'est pas celui du mica m'a t on dit

Fake news!
Tu ne sais donc pas que le Meteor est un missile "british"?

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il y a 18 minutes, prof.566 a dit :

l'autodirecteur du meteor est concu par les mêmes personnes et de génération similaire, mais ce n'est pas celui du mica m'a t on dit

Ah bon.  Je pensais que c'était un dérivé très proche, si proche....

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MBDA Developing New Version Of Mica ‘Silent Killer’ Air-to-Air Missile

Jun 5, 2019Tony Osborne | Aviation Week & Space Technology

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France’s F4 upgrade of the Dassault Rafale may represent the first steppingstone toward readying the fighter for the information age, but it also will pave the way for a new primary weapon.

The MBDA Mica NG (New Generation) is a radically reengineered version of the legacy Mica missile, which was developed in the 1980s and ’90s for the Rafale family as its air-to-air weapon.

Mica NG is planned to enter service as in 2026 on the Rafale

Missile HUMS will enable on-condition maintenance and reduced through-life cost

The Mica was built upon France’s extensive experience in developing air-to-air weapons for its home-grown combat aircraft through iterations of the Magic family of infrared (IR)-guided missiles and the R.530 family of semiactive radar-guided missiles.

The Mica replaced both of those weapons with a family of two missiles that used the same airframe but different seekers. It also has evolved into a ground- and ship-launched air defense weapon. Overall, 5,000 missiles have been produced, of which 3,500 have been exported.

“France adopted a double-duality approach with Mica,” say senior MBDA officials working on the program. Company policy prevents them from being named. “We are using a radar and IR seeker, but the missile is capable of engaging at short range and beyond visual range in one weapon.” 

By comparison, the U.S. uses the AIM-9 Sidewinder and AIM-120 Amraam—two different missiles for two different roles.

The new Mica NG uses the same body as the legacy weapon to retain the same aerodynamic attributes. It is a very different missile under the skin however. Credit: MBDA

Officials say the weapon has earned the epithet “the silent killer” because it can operate passively, going active close to its target and allowing little time for effective countermeasures.

Over the years, the legacy Mica has undergone two significant upgrades. The most recent one saw the addition of modifications to enable vertical launch, but the NG version will be the most substantial upgrade yet, boosting range and lethality. Like its predecessor, the Mica NG again will come in two versions: one with an IR seeker, the other with an RF seeker.

Externally, the weapon will be virtually indistinguishable from the legacy model. This is largely driven by the need to maintain the weapon’s aerodynamic profile, center of gravity and weight, and reducing the need for additional integration work onto the fighter.

“We explored a number of different concepts—larger, smaller, longer missiles with different seekers—but the objective was the easiest possible integration,” says a company official close to the program. “New missiles are costly to integrate on modern fighters, so the best option was to keep the same envelope.” 

Key to the Mica NG’s performance is a new bipulse motor developed by Roxel. It provides the weapon with up to 30% more range, reduces its time of flight and boosts power when dealing with highly maneuvering targets.

“We can switch on the second burst whenever we want to. . . . It depends on the type of threat,” the company official says.

The size of the rocket motor means reduced volume for the rest of the missile’s components, with the warhead, seeker and fuze squeezed down the front, and the weapon’s computer and battery fitted at the rear. On the radar-guided version, MBDA is using a Thales-developed active, electronically scanned array, which the company says is better at coping with countermeasures. The IR version with its Safran seeker features an increased field of view and greater sensitivity.

The Rafale also is able to use the IR seekers fitted to the Mica as additional sensors linked into the aircraft’s self-defense systems. Like its predecessor, the Mica NG retains thrust-vectoring and the ability to lock onto its target before and after launch.

Although MBDA received its first contracts for the development of the missile last November, the company has been undertaking studies for de-risking and technology maturation since 2007. Since the program launch, the company has completed the preliminary design review, and the first firings are planned for 2022 with launch from a Rafale. Service entry is planned for 2026. France is planning to purchase 567 missiles. 

The NG version is expected to be compatible with Rafales in the F3R and F4 configurations. It is possible the weapon may be featured on early versions of the Franco-German Next-Generation Fighter and its associated Future Combat Air System, although MBDA is proposing a new generation of weapons for that platform.

MBDA also is refurbishing 300 legacy Micas for use on platforms such as the DassaultMirage 2000D, which is being upgraded to serve alongside the Rafale until the end of the 2020s.

The Mica NG is planned to be free from U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations, but it will not be entirely French either. MBDA’s development of national centers of excellence for key missile components means the Mica NG’s actuators and data link will be made in the UK. MBDA also is targeting a lower acquisition expense than for the legacy version as well as reduced through-life costs driven via use of an onboard health-and-usage monitoring system to measure on-wing carriage life and other data. The manufacturer aims to be able to offer on-condition maintenance for the missiles.

The company is optimistic for Mica-NG sales, particularly with recent overseas exports of the Rafale. 

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il y a une heure, prof.566 a dit :

je dis plus rien.

Déjà qu'apparement il u a un canard qui veut me piquer mon titre de champion du monde de pétanque sous marine par -20m

Sport très pratiqué à Marseille. C'est un jeu ou on gagne par élimination.

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Il y a 5 heures, mgtstrategy a dit :

bim. un futur best seller!

Tu as lu la suite?

Il y a 6 heures, zx a dit :

The Mica NG is planned to be free from U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations, but it will not be entirely French either. MBDA’s development of national centers of excellence for key missile components means the Mica NG’s actuators and data link will be made in the UK.

Ça ça ne me plaît pas trop. Les anglais sont déjà assez imprévisibles comme ça, on ne sait même pas ce qui va advenir du FMAN/FMC qui est le dernier truc en commun qu'on est supposé faire, après qu'ils aient saboté le traité de Lancaster House.

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Il y a 2 heures, Patrick a dit :

Ça ça ne me plaît pas trop

Tu pousse le bouchon un peu trop loin Maurice Patrick !-)

Le RU est certainement une grand allié et en partenaire technologique majeur, et la France ne peut pas tout faire toute seule.

Il y a sûrement un Patrick outre manche en train de déplorer la part française dans le Meteor (ou les Aster, ou...)

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question bête,  il n y a pas moyen que la tête du mica soit  mixte en IR/EM  et activé selon un mode ou c'est trop différent. 

ca permettrait d'éviter le casse tête pour embarquer les mica IR ou EM, vu qu'ils peuvent permuter dans l'un des deux modes, la miniaturisation permet beaucoup de chose aujourd'hui.





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