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Un peu d'humour en images et vidéos !


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il y a 19 minutes, mudrets a dit :


Oui, sur ta photo l’appareil est visuellement très enfoncé, ça ne pouvait pas se finir comme une gracieuse hirondelle qui apponte sur la tranche


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Dans le même genre et en archiconnue celle-ci est plus rigolote. J'adore la petite tronche en mode "DaFuck?!" qui apparaît et l'aspect "sorti de la machine à laver" quand l'ULM est à l'arrêt  :bloblaugh:

Au club ULM 16-34 de Kourou, Guyane Française

A standard flight until... i still don't know if it got in after the pre flight check or if i missed it. The cat is doing well, she is still our mascot. Edit : Ok some details : - the cat was INSIDE the wing, not on it. she was actually pretty safe in there, the danger was if she wanted to get down to reach us.. - i was the pilote, the woman was on her first flight as a passenger. she smile and giggle a lot, well because that's what flying does to people sometime. -i told her not to reach for the cat. i told her not to move at all actually. i trusted the cat to not move if we didn't try to reach for her. -you can see me smile shortly before landing. I was pretty assured by then that the cat wouldn't move and there was a relieve of tension; and the radio exchange with the control tower was kinda hilarious, i couldn't contain a smile. -cat is a female. -the flight was normally 20minutes long


Modifié par 13RDP
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