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La portée du système antiroquette Iron Dome pourrait être étendue

5 avril 2012 – 9:33

Le mois dernier, le Pentagone a fait part de son intention de demander au Congrès une enveloppe afin de financer le déploiement en Israël de nouvelles batteries du système antiroquette Iron Dome (Dôme de fer).

Développé par la société israélienne Rafael, l’Iron Dome permet de détecter et de suivre une roquette et de la détruire au moyen d’un missile si cette dernière présente une menace particulière. En 2011, les Etats-Unis ont financé ce programme à hauteur de 205 millions de dollars.

Les trois batteries du système Iron Dome, installées dans les environs d’Ashdod, d’Ashkelon et de Beer Sheva, ont été particulièrement efficaces lors de la dernière flambée de violence qu’a connue la bande de Gaza, après l’élimination de Zouheir al-Qaïssi, le chef des Comités de resistance populaire (CRP), étant donné qu’elles ont affiché un taux de réussite compris entre 80 et 90%.

Selon les autorités israéliennes, il faudrait au moins 13 batteries pour assurer la sécurité sur l’ensemble des secteurs pouvant être menacés par des tirs de roquettes et d’obus de mortier. Actuellement, trois ont donc été installée et 7 autres, selon Rafael, ont été commandées.

Seulement, étant donné les restrictions budgétaires aux Etats-Unis et les relations parfois tendues entre Washington et Tel Aviv, notamment au sujet de l’opportunité d’une intervention militaire israélienne contre le programme nucléaire iranien, l’Etat hébreu, selon un responsable israélien cité par l’agence Reuters, craint de ne pas disposer de suffisamment de ressources pour installer autant de batteries Iron Dome que prévu.

Aussi, il serait envisagé d’accroître la portée de ce système. Actuellement, l’Iron Dome peut intercepter une roquette dans un rayon de 70 km. D’après le responsable israélien, il s’agirait de porter cette distance jusqu’à 250 km.

« En les déployant dans la région de Dan (près de Tel Aviv), les missiles auraient assez de rayon d’action pour défendre tous les fronts, au nord comme au sud », a-t-il ainsi affirmé, en faisant référence à la frontière libanaise, où le Hezbollah est actif, et la bande de Gaza.

Je suis assez étonné, l'Iron Dome fonctionne avec des dérivé du missile Derby, le Tamir, en gros une sortes de mica VL ... et la portée est donné a 70km! alors certes le comportement des rocket purement balistique est extrêmement prévisible, néanmoins c'est une portée très importante pour des missiles aussi petit!

Pour l'extension de portée a 250km je suis encore plus dubitatif, les russes utilise des missiles énorme pour arriver a cela ...

Reste la question du cout ... un missile a probablement plusieurs centaine de millier de dollar pour détruire une rocket a 100$ ca risque d'etre pas tres soutenable si les tirs augmentent en volume.

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Air France, easyjet ou Lufthansa annulent des billets vers Israël


Les compagnies aériennes Air France, Lufthansa, easyJet ou ont annulé les vols vers Israël de militants pro-palestiniens. Ces derniers devaient inaugurer ce dimanche sur les territoires palestiniens une école internationale à l’appel de l’organisation « Bienvenue en Palestine ».

Les autorités israéliennes ont considéré comme indésirables des « activistes pro-palestiniens » qui devaient se rendre à Bethléem via l’aéroport de Tel Aviv Ben Gourion afin d’y inaugurer une école internationale sous l’égide de l’organisation « Bienvenue en Palestine ». 1 500 personnes étaient attendues dont 500 à 600 Français depuis Roissy Charles de Gaulle ou Nice, mais aussi des Allemands, britanniques, Canadiens ou des Américains. Israël a donc envoyé aux compagnies aériennes une liste de plusieurs centaines de passagers à ne pas transporter sur son territoire. Les compagnies low cost britanniques ou easyJet, Lufthansa, Turkish Airlines, Austrian Airlines ou Air France, pour celles connues, s’y sont pliées en annulant les billets de ces passagers black-listés.

« Dans le cadre de la convention de Chicago, Air France refuse d’embarquer tout passager non admissible par Israël », a expliqué hier un porte-parole d’Air France sans préciser le nombre de personnes concernées. Explication similaire chez la compagnie allemande : « Lufthansa, comme toutes les compagnies aériennes, est obligée par principe de suivre les lois et directives concernant l’entrée du territoire des pays vers lesquels elle transporte ses passagers ». Et chez : « Si nous les autorisions à voyager, nous serions responsables de leur retour immédiat au Royaume-Uni. Au vu de la position des autorités israéliennes, nous n’avons pas pu accepter qu’ils voyagent sur ce vol ».

Selon le journal israélien Haaretz, plus de 60 % des « 1 500 activistes pro-palestiniens » ont vu leurs vols annulés.

Rappelons qu’en juillet dernier lors d’une opération similaire « Bienvenue en Palestine », Israël avait aussi réussi à dissuader les compagnies aériennes dont Air France, Lufthansa, feu la compagnie hongroise Malev ou Alitalia, de transporter des militants pro-palestiniens, en leur envoyant de la même façon la liste des personnes indésirables.

Desservent entre autres compagnies aériennes Israël, outre les compagnies israéliennes El Al, Arkia ou Israir Airlines et les compagnies pré-citées, les compagnies nord-américaines Air Canada, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, US Airways, ou encore Air Berlin, British Airways, Brussels Airlines, Cyprus Airways, Germanwings, KLM, Iberia, Jetairfly, LOT Polish Airlines, Meridiana Fly, Vueling, Air Baltic…

C'est légal ça?

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C'est légal ça?

Oui. Le transporteur est responsable des personne qu'il transport, et peu ainsi refuser le transport si la pays de destination est supposé refuser les passager en question. Si le pays de destination refuse les passagers le transport est obligé de rapatrié les passagers au départ et a ses frais. C'est valable dans l'aviation civile pour les vole vers l'étranger avec passage a la douanes, mais aussi pour  le transport maritime de passager par exemple, du  moment que la place a bord est nominative.

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Une écrivaine anti-israelienne interdit en Inde

Les autorités indiennes ont émis un mandat d’expulsion à l’encontre de Susan Nathan, écrivaine britannique juive  :-X, devenue célèbre grâce à son pamphlet L’autre côté d’Israël. Accusée d’entretenir des liens avec des organisations islamiques radicales indiennes, cette militante anti-israelienne s’est dit triste de cette décision.

C'est surprenant une juive anti-israel et pro-arabe !!!  :O

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C'est surprenant une juive anti-israel et pro-arabe !!!  shocked

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Tu ne dois pas en connaitre beaucoup. Les plus enragés engagés des anti israeliens sont souvent juifs. L'inverse aussi d'ailleurs.

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Un prétendant au trône saoudien parle plus ouvertement d'un rapprochement avec Israël dans une revue de défense américaine :

"That is the background to the interesting message directed at Israel through an article published by a Saudi general in the American military magazine Joint Force Quarterly. Since a senior officer, a brigadier general in the royal family, does not pretend not to have the authority to reflect the conservative stand of the regime and does not publish for his own amusement statements and conclusions with diplomatic significance, it seems that Saudi Arabia is thus hesitatingly and conditionally courting Israel. The condition: that there be movement toward an agreement in the spirit of that promoted by Saudi King Abdullah. If Israel moves in this direction, he wrote as long as a decade ago, Saudi Arabia must express willingness for peace with Israel and influence the rest of the Arab world in this direction. "

Toujours dans haaretz, l'éditorialiste de gauche Gideon Levy s'alarme du racisme rampant et de l'influence grandissante de l'extrême-droite dans la société israelienne, et menace d'après lui un pays aussi petit et fragile.

"Last week I joined the pilgrims to Hebron on Passover eve. In the bus, one of them, using a derogatory term for Arabs, said loudly: "All the Arabushim should be sent to the stone crushers straight from the hospital, as soon as they're born." The whole bus roared with laughter. Some passengers muttered at us, a reporter and a photographer, the only secular people on the bus: "Collaborators, there are collaborators on the bus." Nobody protested, naturally. "

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On croirait a une brouille amoureuse entre ecoliers: je veux pas te parler, je t'envoies ma lettre avec mon ami qui finalement, veut pas y aller. Ils sont pathetiques (je parle des deux).

Palestinian delegation delivers peace talks demands to Netanyahu

The missive was delivered by a Palestinian delegation headed by chief PA negotiator Saeb Eerekat during a meeting at the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem.


According to sources, the meeting lasted 80 minutes, during which the premier went over the letter's five pages, written in English.

A preliminary inspection of its content indicated that it did not include any new messages, but that it also did not spell out explicit threats to disassemble the PA.


Fayyad's cancellation caused quite a bit of embarrassment among the Palestinian side in the last 24 hours. In the last two weeks Abbas publically announced that Fayyad would head the Palestinian delegation, in order to, among other reasons, to emphasize the importance the PA gives to the missive.

However, Fayyad objected to the exchange of letters with Israel, since he believed it would not produce results.

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Les "confessions" ambigues de Barghouti au Shin Beth revelees par Haaretz.

Transcripts of the Shin Bet interrogations of the cagily ambivalent Marwan Barghouti a decade ago show the former PLO leader avoided taking responsibility for terror attacks during the second intifada while bankrolling them.

On April 15, 2002, 10 years ago this week, Marwan Barghouti, the secretary general of Fatah's Tanzim militia, was arrested by members of the undercover Duvdevan unit of the Israel Defense Forces in Ramallah. His capture was preceded by two weeks of cat-and-mouse games with the IDF and the Shin Bet security service, during which the Israelis also disseminated threatening hints about an intention to assassinate him.

In April and May of 2002, immediately after Barghouti's arrest by the IDF during Operation Defensive Shield, the Shin Bet interrogated him at the Russian Compound in Jerusalem. The records of the interrogation, which are being published here for the first time, were revealed during judicial proceedings that are now taking place and related to civil-damages suits filed against Barghouti and the Palestinian Authority. There are some 50 civil suits brought by victims of intifada violence and their families now pending before Israeli courts, and Barghouti is a plaintiff in many of them, together with the PA. These include a claim by victims of the March 5, 2002, Sea Food Market bombing in Tel Aviv, and others by relatives of Aharon Obadyan and Moshe Dayan, who were killed in attacks in July 2001 and March 2002, respectively. Barghouti's general line of defense is that he does not recognize the authority of Israeli courts.

The records were obtained by Haaretz correspondent Chaim Levinson. They include memoranda by Shin Bet officials written during the course of Barghouti's investigation, which in one instance are also backed up by an extensive and detailed transcript. Haaretz does not have either audio tapes or video footage of the interrogation sessions.

While Barghouti was being questioned, the IDF and the Shin Bet were hunting down the assemblers of explosive devices and dispatchers of suicide bombers in the casbah of Nablus and in the ruins of the Jenin refugee camp. In Rishon Letzion, on May 7, a Hamas suicide bomber blew himself up in the Sheffield Club pool hall, murdering 16 Israeli citizens. Under American pressure, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ended the siege of the Muqata headquarters of PA Chairman Yasser Arafat in Ramallah, and changed his mind about expanding Operation Defensive Shield to the Gaza Strip as well.

Each of the Shin Bet interrogations of Barghouti - who also served as secretary general of Fatah in Judea, Samaria and Gaza; was a member of the Palestinian legislature and founded the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - went on for hours. Barghouti's partial confessions, which were recorded, were used two years later as evidence to indict him for three terror attacks: the June 12, 2001, murder (due to mistaken identity ) of a Greek Orthodox monk near Ramallah; the murder of Yoela Chen near Givat Ze'ev on January 15, 2002; and a Tel Aviv shooting attack of March 5, 2002, in which three civilians were killed at the Sea Food Market restaurant. The details Barghouti gave also helped to build a case against other Fatah military activists, who also spoke about him in their own interrogations. However, the court eventually acquitted Barghouti of involvement in additional attacks in 2001-2, which the prosecution was unable to prove.

Barghouti's confessions indicate that PA Chairman Arafat issued a general directive to carry out terror attacks, but made sure not to get personally involved in any way that might incriminate him. Barghouti was convicted in 2004, and sentenced to five concurrent life sentences. Despite his hopes, the senior Fatah leader was not recently released as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.

At the outbreak of the Al-Aqsa intifada in September 2000, Barghouti - a seasoned political activist who previously had spoken in favor of implementing the Oslo Accords, and marched in demonstrations shoulder to shoulder with Israeli leftists - was drawn into the wave of terror that swept through the territories. According to the court's verdict, he played a substantial role in the barrage of shooting attacks (and later suicide attacks ) initiated by Fatah.

The reasons for this about-face by that organization, whose leader, Arafat, had participated in the July 2000 peace talks at Camp David, were varied. At the basis was the ideological argument advocating the need to return to the armed struggle after the failure of the peace process (Barghouti told his Shin Bet interrogators that an independent state must be achieved through bloodshed ). Furthermore, the more the mass demonstrations in the first month of the intifada deteriorated into exchanges of fire with the IDF, in which the Palestinians suffered dozens of casualties, the greater the desire for taking revenge against Israel.

Barghouti was also motivated to act initially because of competition with fellow Fatah member Hussein al-Sheikh. Within a short time, the severe losses suffered by the Palestinians pushed them to become more extreme in their views, with the Fatah leaders afraid of losing the street to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which spearheaded the spate of suicide attacks. Fatah, led by Barghouti, crossed two red lines in the winter of 2002: Its members began to carry out suicide attacks (something they had refrained from in the past ). They also resumed attacks within the Green Line, as opposed to the declared policy of a battle against the IDF and the settlers only.

The wave of attacks in the "Terrible March" of 2002 (with 133 Israeli dead, most of them civilians ) led to Sharon's decision to recapture the cities of the West Bank in Operation Defense Shield. Thus Israel in effect crushed the Arafat-led PA. The Authority emerged from its ruins only two-and-a-half years later, after the death of Arafat and the appointment of Mahmoud Abbas as his successor.

Following are abridged versions of the records from Barghouti's interrogations:

April 21-22, 2002

"The subject," writes the Shin Bet interrogator, who was called "Mofaz," "was interrogated about his activity in directing attacks against Israelis, about the fact that he finances military activity against Israelis, and about murders for which he is responsible. The subject said that in Palestinian society he is considered to be a military commander and also a politician, a leader and an elected official. We explain to the subject that he is not being accused here because of his legitimate political activity, but rather is under interrogation because, as opposed to other public officials, he was engaged in terror attacks."

The Shin Bet officials tell Barghouti that they have sufficient evidence to convict him of murder. Barghouti replies that he is aware of the evidence against him "and knows that it is sufficient for incriminating him, and for sentencing him to many years in prison."

"Mofaz" writes: "We explained to the subject that we believe he is a man of intelligence and long-range political vision, and that we would have expected a person in his position to know how to make the most of things even in his present situation."

Barghouti's replies that he is "interested in ending" the interrogation, but needs time to decide how to do so. The interrogators: We understand that you have decided to confess, but you are hesitating about how to do so. Barghouti "confirmed this and said he wanted to talk about all his activity from his point of view." He has only one request: to meet with then-Shin Bet chief Avi Dichter, or with his deputy (and eventual successor ) Yuval Diskin, before confessing. "There are things that a person in my position has to take care of in terms of the future, for my own interests and those of my men," he says, and adds that he can also help to calm down the security situation. The interrogators first demand "an outline" of the confession.

Barghouti confirms that he was in contact with various regional squads of the military arm in the West Bank. He admits that the activists in the squads asked him for financial assistance and he gave them money. The interrogators say they have testimony from Nasser Awis, the head of the Fatah squads in the Nablus region, who was arrested two days before Barghouti (and later convicted of 14 acts of murder ), about assistance he received from Barghouti. The latter admits: I gave Awis almost NIS 20,000, "but not for terror attacks." You've told us general things, the interrogators tell Barghouti, "parve." For such a confession, we won't humiliate ourselves with Dichter and take him away from his work.

"Mofaz" writes: "The subject asked us not to be angry about the fact that he was speaking generally and explained that he apologized, but now he had to be cautious in his words and not to confess everything. The subject promised that when the Shin Bet chief came (he would confess ) about everything related to money, financing and the purchase of weapons." The interrogators persist: You're trying to downplay your part in the terror activity. Barghouti replies: Ask me any question you want. But when asked more specifically, he says he can't remember everyone who turned to him.

The interrogation begins at 6:45 P.M. and ends at 8 A.M. the next morning. Barghouti, notes the interrogator, "was given cold and hot drinks a number of times, a plate of hummus and a plate of tahini with vegetables and bread, and fruit."

April 23

Barghouti explains to the interrogators that he is still trying to decide about a confession. It's a personal decision, he says. It will greatly affect my political future. The interrogators warn him: The more you delay, the worse your conditions will become. Barghouti tells them about his daily routine as the Fatah secretary general on the West Bank. Every day, he says, people come and ask for financial assistance for various needs - from medical treatment to weapons. I pass on some of the requests to Arafat. When I approve assistance for arms purchases, it is called "personal assistance." The interrogators request a confession "on the specific rather than the general level. Barghouti: Give me an example. If the accusation is correct, I will confess to it and accept responsibility, as proof of the honesty of my intention to end the interrogation.

The interrogators mention the name Radaida. Barghouti confirms that the man, Ismail Radaida, is known to him - a confirmation that will later cost him the first of the life imprisonments to which he is sentenced.

According to Barghouti, Radaida came to him and asked for help in carrying out a suicide attack. Barghouti told Radaida that Fatah did not carry out such attacks, but referred him to Mohand Diriya, one of the senior members of the PA's Force 17, which guarded Arafat. Shortly afterward he was told that Radaida had killed a Greek Orthodox monk. That murder was a mistake. The Fatah men thought the monk was Israeli because of the car he was in.

"Ismail comes and says to you: I have a few people with me ..." says the interrogator, describing the event to Barghouti [the citations from this interrogation appear in a full verbatim transcript].

Barghouti: "No, he didn't say anything to me. Ah, maybe he does say a sentence to me."

First interrogator: "A sentence, what was it?"

Barghouti: "And he left immediately, that's it."

First interrogator: "I want to carry out terror attacks?"

Barghouti: "Yes."

First interrogator: "What did he say?"

Barghouti: "I really don't remember. That is, I don't remember exactly what he said."

First interrogator: "Say it generally."

Barghouti: "He wanted training ... He wanted to carry out an attack."

First interrogator: "Concentrate and try to remember."

Second interrogator: "Give him a minute. Let him think for another minute and we'll wait."

Barghouti: "That's probably how it was."

First interrogator [who conducts the rest of this exchange]: "Are you saying that Mohand (Diriya ) - you knew him from Force 17 - had people with him and in the past they had carried out attacks."

Barghouti: "Correct."

Interrogator: "And what's your connection with Mohand?"

Barghouti: "There's nothing."

Interrogator: "So how do you send him to him ?"

Barghouti: "That's why ..."

Interrogator: "Forget it, you're behaving like a small child."

Barghouti: "What does that mean?

Interrogator: "A moment ago you said that they knew that he had carried out attacks in the past."

April 24

Barghouti tells the interrogators that he's convinced that in the future there will be peace between the two peoples. The second intifada, he believes, will be the last round of violence, because the Palestinians feel they have restored their self-respect by means of the terror attacks. A balance has been created between the sides, as happened to Israel with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat after the Yom Kippur War.

Barghouti recounts his many press conferences "with great love," as the interrogator puts it, and describes Arafat as his direct commander. "For example, when the rais wanted a cease-fire," writes the interrogator, "he would turn to many people, including the subject, in order to ensure that activity on the ground would cease - whereas when the rais wanted the activity to continue, the activists, including the subject, understood that from certain reactions or non-reactions of the rais."

Barghouti refuses the interrogators' demand that he explain what reactions he was referring to. He talks about his ties with Ahmed Barghouti, his assistant and bodyguard, who was arrested along with him, and was later convicted of a series of attacks. (Ahmed Barghouti was nicknamed "The Frenchman" in Fatah, because of the style of his beard. )

The interrogator writes: "The subject says Ahmed in effect coordinated military activity and was connected to a number of squads, but the person claims that he himself is unfamiliar with the details, although he knows Ahmed is responsible for many attacks." Marwan Barghouti provides relatively extensive descriptions of his ties with senior members of Fatah's military arm in the various regions: "The Frenchman" and Nasser Abu-Hamid in Ramallah, Raed Karmi in Tul Karm and Nasser Awis in Nablus.

Barghouti describes a temporary cease-fire that was agreed upon on December 16, 2001, when U.S. envoy Gen. Anthony Zinni arrived in the region. On Arafat's orders, says Barghouti, I coordinated a cessation of the attacks with Khaled Meshal of Hamas and Ramadan Shalah, leader of Islamic Jihad, both in Damascus. The violence was renewed in full force a month later, after Israel assassinated Raed Karmi. Barghouti admits that in the mourners' tent erected in Ramallah in Karmi's memory, he told Ahmed Barghouti and those present that Karmi's death had to be avenged. "And in fact that same day or the following day Ahmed arranged a shooting attack near Givat Ze'ev that killed an Israeli civilian. After the attack Ahmed reported to the subject of this interrogation."

Marwan Barghouti says he transferred money from Arafat to Raed Karmi and personally gave money to Nasser Awis. The interrogators urge him to make a full confession of his involvement in terror attacks. Barghouti is still hesitant. He is afraid that "cooperation with the interrogation will be to his detriment in his future political career among his people." At the end of the interrogation the interrogators allow Barghouti "to leaf through the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper where the tree depicting the Tanzim structure appeared."

April 24-25

Barghouti is brought back that same evening for another interrogation. The Tanzim secretary general describes the intifada to his interrogators as "a struggle to get rid of the Israeli occupation," and at the same time as a struggle between Fatah and the Islamic organizations over domination of the Palestinian street. He says, I was in favor of an uncompromising struggle against the occupation by any means; a battle in the territories, against the army and the settlers.

Barghouti tells of a 17-year-old girl, "Riham," who spoke to him several times over the phone and asked him to help her carry out a suicide attack. He says he told her: When you grow up and finish your studies, you can make a sacrifice. He referred her to his assistant, Ahmed Barghouti, "to talk her out of it." In another case, he admits that he gave $10,000 to Ahmed to buy weapons. With the money he bought two M-16 rifles and two pistols, which were kept in Marwan's office.

The interrogators ask about the attack in the Sea Food Market Restaurant. Nasser Awis of Nablus sent a terrorist who fired at guests of the Tel Aviv restaurant and murdered two civilians and a policeman by stabbing them with a knife. Arafat, says Barghouti, was very angry it happened in Tel Aviv. Barghouti denied to Arafat that he was connected to the attack, but afterward sent a messenger to Awis to report to him about Arafat's anger and to instruct him in the name of the rais to stop the attacks within the Green Line. I take full responsibility for the Fatah attacks, says Barghouti to the interrogators, but not for the attacks within Israeli territory.

The intifada, says Barghouti to the interrogators, "was supposed to be a popular uprising, but things got out of hand." He enumerates the reasons that, in his opinion, impelled the Palestinians to resort to violence: the expansion of the settlements, the loss of hope for peace after the failure of Camp David, Arafat's failure to keep his promise to attain independence, PA corruption and the refugee problem. He says that the riots that erupted on the Temple Mount after Sharon's visit there in September 2000 were not the reason for the intifada, "but the straw that broke the camel's back."

"At the end of the interrogation and before the subject went down to his cell, he asked whether the memo I had written would serve as evidence in court," writes the interrogator, "Emil". "I explained that during the [hearing on] extension of his custody, the memo would be part of the classified material" and would later be presented again after the indictment was submitted.

"The subject reacted and said that in court he would deny that he had confessed to me. I made a request of him that if he did so then at least he should emphasize that I'm not a liar. The subject laughed."

The interrogation lasted for 12 and a half hours. Barghouti, notes Emil, "was given hot and cold drinks, two pieces of toast with yellow cheese and Bulgarian cheese, a tomato and spearmint. He was also given yogurt."

April 26 and 28

"Just as I was a fighter for peace, I'm a fighter against the occupation and against the settlers during the intifada," says Barghouti to the interrogators. He speaks of the purchase of 15 weapons for the purpose of terror attacks and about a failed attempted by Fatah members to fire a mortar in the Ramallah area. Barghouti is asked about Jihad Jaara, a member of the Palestinian security apparatus in Bethlehem who was involved in attacks. Jaara, he replies, "commands the squads and about a month or two ago turned to the subject by phone and requested financial assistance for activity. Since then it is Ahmed Barghouti who conducts the relationship with Jihad. At the same time Ahmed reported to the person under interrogation that Jihad's people planned to carry out a suicide attack in Jerusalem. The interrogatee says he told Ahmed there was no problem, but orders that the attack not be carried out from inside Israel, but in the occupied territories. He says that he (later ) received a report from Ahmed that the suicide attack had failed and two members of the squad were killed ... The subject notes that, in effect, all the activity is carried out by the Fatah organization and the entire issue of names - Tanzim, Shuhada al-Aqsa - is of no significance. We're talking about Fatah."

"It should be noted," write the interrogators, "that the subject has a well-developed sense of humor and provided us with a number of great jokes."

May 1-2

The interrogators pressure Barghouti to reveal what he knows about the Sea Food Market incident. "The subject mentioned that he did in fact know prior to the attack that it was under way. He found out from Ahmed Barghouti and he himself instructed Ahmed that the attack be carried out only in the occupied territories and that it be carried out either in a settlement or at a military checkpoint between Ramallah and Jerusalem." Both Barghoutis discussed the issue and then, Marwan testifies, he "went back to his own affairs and went to sleep."

The following morning (on March 6, 2002 ), Barghouti he spoke to Ahmed, who reported that the attack had taken place in the end in a Tel Aviv restaurant. "The subject was very surprised" and invited Ahmed for a clarification. The young Barghouti said that "Nasser Awis' boys did in fact try to achieve the objective, but because of some problem they decided to transfer the attack to Tel Aviv."

May 5 and 6

Barghouti is asked about the "Hadera attack," a shooting at a bat-mitzvah party in Hadera, where six people were murdered, in revenge for the assassination of Raed Karmi. He tells the interrogators that he "spoke with Mansour Sharim [Karmi's successor in the Fatah leadership in Tul Karm] a few days later, and Sharim told him that they had been involved in the attack. He claims that he told Mansour that he understands their activity is a reaction to Karmi's death, but the attack inside Israel is a sensitive issue and in contradiction to Fatah policy." Barghouti admits that he transmitted a request to Arafat from Sharim for financial assistance to the tune of NIS 6,000.

Barghouti says that he "was among those who decided that the uprising was a tactic that would constitute a bridge to basic peace, rather than a strategic decision, and therefore he presented a policy calling for a struggle against the occupation inside the territories."

Based on interviews that Haaretz conducted in the past with intifada leaders affiliated with Fatah, both in prison and outside, Barghouti is the only person in the West Bank who can be seen as having deliberately initiated and planned activities at the beginning of the conflict. In recent years Barghouti admitted in talks with Israeli visitors in his cell that he is aware of the fact that the decision to use weapons was a mistake.

During the next interrogation, on May 6, "It was explained to him that his partial, interrupted and prolonged confession did not do him credit. As a leader he has to take responsibility for his actions and those of his people."

The Shin Bet people are still looking for clear proof of Arafat's connection to the attacks. "In response to my question he replied that he had not informed Arafat about the attacks that were under way or after they were carried out. There were many activists who did so in order to score points with the chairman and to obtain money," writes the interrogator. Barghouti explains that he felt an obligation to participate in terror activity "so that in the future he could point to himself as someone who worked both for peace when necessary and in war." In that way, he says, he will gain the affection of the Palestinian public at the expense of other leaders who refused to dirty their hands.

The Palestinians, adds Barghouti, have no need of diplomatic presents from the Israelis. "A state has to arise (on its own ) and part of that process is bloodshed."

May 10 and 11:

Barghouti claims he never received specific instructions from Arafat regarding attacks, the interrogator writes. "But from the very fact that Arafat expressed opposition to carrying out attacks inside Israel, had he been opposed to the armed struggle inside the territories against the occupation, he would have made sure to transmit a specific order about that to all those involved. In addition, the interrogatee notes that he understood from that that he could act ... He repeatedly emphasized that conducting the activity during the uprising could not have continued without Arafat's financing, because all the money that reached the activists came from one source, Abu Amar [Arafat]. He claims that Arafat acts in response to events, in terms of how they serve the Palestinian interest, while each faction in the armed struggle understands the situation based on Arafat's reaction to the carrying out of the activity. I explained to the subject that he also understands that until he tells the truth about Abu Amar's part in launching attacks, his interrogation won't end."

Barghouti: There was no need for direct instructions from Arafat. Things were understood between the lines.

"When Arafat would call for a cease-fire, he would convene the heads of Tanzim and instruct them and add that if the cease-fire were to end, they knew what they would have to do, when it was clear to everyone that he was talking about a continuation of military activity."

One of the interrogators tells Barghouti that the senior Fatah activists are saying that the intifada was also directed against the PA. It is possible that we made mistakes in conducting the intifada, says Barghouti, "but it's as difficult to change Abu Amar as it is for a son to change or criticize his father's behavior."

May 11-14

The interrogators say that in a polygraph test Barghouti was found to be lying on the question of whether he received direct instructions for attacks from Arafat. "It was explained to the subject that he is a liar and is behaving childishly." Barghouti insists: You don't understand how Abu Amar operates. That's Arafat's nature. He doesn't say specific things. Had he wanted a stop to the intifada and the attacks, he would have done so. You're trying to cover up for the chairman, the interrogators tell Barghouti, for fear that you'll be accused later of betraying the Palestinians.

Barghouti is asked again about the role of Ahmed Barghouti and Nasser Awis in the attacks. Both, he says, reported to him after the fact on the attacks in Givat Ze'ev, Hadera and the Sea Food Market. Ahmed Barghouti also bought weapons for him that were transferred to Fatah squads. "We didn't go into detail," claims Marwan.

In the next meeting with the interrogators, Barghouti complains that the Shin Bet deliberately leaked information to the effect that he had admitted in previous interrogations that he received instructions for attacks from Arafat. His attorney told him about it. That was manipulation on your part, he accuses the interrogators. They are unable to get more incriminating information from him about Arafat's involvement in terror. The conversation takes on a historical perspective. "Both sides made mistakes in their conduct. But what caused the failure of the peace process was mainly the murder of Yitzhak Rabin," says the interrogator "Robert," summing up the words of the Palestinian official and terror activist. The time is 7:30 A.M. This last interrogation had gone on for for 11 and a half hours.

Ten years later

Marwan Barghouti will soon be 54 years old. Ten years in jail have not been kind to him, although in recent years he has been more diligent about working out. He reads Hebrew newspapers, watches television (when he isn't in solitary confinement ) and maintains close contact with other PA leaders. Occasionally family members or his attorney Elias Sabag come to visit. According to all the public opinion polls in the territories, Barghouti is still seen as the certain successor of Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen ). Barghouti's views are hawkish compared to those of Abbas, and only recently he called for stopping Palestinian security coordination with Israel.

His attorney Sabag refuses to comment on the texts of the Shin Bet interrogations, because, "not everything that is written in them is correct. Since the age of 17 Marwan has never sighed a confession, and in any case we don't recognize the authority of the Israeli court." Sabag claims that Barghouti has yet to make a decision as to whether to run for the presidency of the PA. He says that Palestinian politics are presently three-sided: PA chair Abbas, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and Barghouti. "As long as the third side is in prison, the triumvirate does not function well."

Sabag avoids replying on behalf of Barghouti as to the possibility of Fatah's renewing the armed struggle, and says: "I can't say in his name whether he regrets the intifada. Today, like the entire Palestinian leadership, he supports the idea of the nonviolent popular struggle. Israelis also participate in those demonstrations. I can only say that he's a great believer in the two-state solution. He considers it an acceptable and feasible solution."

Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff

Pour ceux qui s'interessent a la deuxieme intifadha, c'est tres instructif. Ca montre une "ambiguite sincere" (non hypocrite) chez certains membres du Fatah. Ils acceptent Israel, la solution a deux etats et tout ce qui s'en suit mais pensent que des actions comme les attentats suicide vont dans le bon sens et "redonnent leur dignite  aux palestiniens".

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Pensez-vous qu'il existe une chance qu'Israel libère M. B. ? Ce mec semble être le seul capable de faire le lien entre la Fatah et le Hamas (et donc de redonner une unité aux palestinien).

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Personnellement, je trouve que sa detention est devenue absurde depuis l'amnistie des membres de son groupe qui sont aujourd'hui dans les services de securite de Abbas et qui collaborent avec le Shin Beth. Mais bon, faudrait un changement politique radical en Israel pour qu'il soit libéré, si par miracle Netanyahu le voulait, sa coalition ne tiendrait pas. Et plus important encore, la division des palestiniens confirme le discours du Likoud et de ses predecesseurs depuis que leur mouvement politique existe, a savoir qu'il n'existe pas de nation palestinienne et que par consequent, il ne devrait pas y avoir d'etat palestinien, la seule paix possible dans leur esprit serait que Gaza redevienne egyptienne et une Cisjordanie sous une sorte de condominium israelo-jordanien.

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Les relations se dégradent entre Israël et l'Égypte.

D'abord plutôt indifférente, l'opinion égyptienne manifeste depuis une hostilité croissante à la paix avec Israël.

La rupture du contrat gazier entre Israël et l' Égypte constitue une nouvelle étape dans la dégradation progressive des relations entre les deux pays depuis la révolution égyptienne de février 2011. Un incident frontalier ayant occasionné la mort de plusieurs soldats égyptiens en août 2011, tués par l'armée israélienne lancée à la poursuite d'auteurs d'un attentat terroriste sur une route du sud d'Israël, avait déclenché de violentes manifestations, qui avaient culminé par le sac de l'ambassade israélienne au Caire en septembre. Depuis, les diplomates israéliens n'assurent plus qu'une présence symbolique quatre jours par semaine dans la capitale égyptienne, où ils n'arrivent plus à trouver à louer de locaux.

Si l'armée égyptienne, principale bénéficiaire d'un accord qui lui assure depuis 1979 une colossale aide militaire américaine, a toujours défendu le traité, l'opinion égyptienne n'a jamais vu de réels avantages à cette paix. La rétrocession du Sinaï par Israël n'a engendré des bénéfices que pour les puissants investisseurs, proches de Moubarak ou généraux à la retraite, qui ont depuis développé des stations balnéaires dans la péninsule.

Les islamistes, opposants historiques au régime Moubarak, n'ont cessé de dénoncer la normalisation des relations avec Israël comme une trahison de la cause arabe.

En coulisse, les Américains tentent de sauvegarder un traité qui a longtemps constitué un élément essentiel de leur politique au Moyen-Orient.

Israël a lancé au printemps dernier des travaux de construction d'une barrière de sécurité le long de sa frontière désertique avec le Sinaï. La région sud, longtemps l'une des plus sûres d'Israël, connaît depuis plusieurs mois des états d'alerte réguliers. Les vacanciers israéliens, qui se rendaient régulièrement sur les plages du Sinaï égyptien, ont presque totalement déserté la péninsule, les autorités israéliennes déconseillant à présent formellement à leurs ressortissants de se rendre en Égypte.

Dimanche dernier, le ministre israélien des Affaires étrangères, Avigdor Lieberman, a expliqué avoir mis en garde Nétanyahou contre le danger que représente à présent l'Égypte, et demandé que le commandement sud de l'armée israélienne soit renforcé de trois divisions. «La question égyptienne est un danger plus préoccupant que l'Iran», aurait affirmé dans une réunion le chef de la diplomatie israélienne.

Le maréchal Tantaoui, le chef de la junte au pouvoir en Égypte depuis la chute de Moubarak, a répliqué indirectement lundi au cours de manœuvres dans le Sinaï en faisant savoir: «Si quelqu'un s'approchait des frontières de l'Égypte, nous lui casserons la jambe.»

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L' Égypte a décidé de cesser de livrer du gaz naturel à Israël.

Selon la compagnie d'État égyptienne Egas, le contrat a été suspendu en raison d'un défaut de paiement de la part des Israéliens depuis au moins quatre mois. La compagnie EMG (Eastern Mediterranean Gaz), le consortium qui assure l'exportation vers Israël, rétorque que ce sont les Égyptiens qui n'ont pas assuré les livraisons de gaz prévues.

Le gazoduc qui traverse le Sinaï entre l'Égypte et Israël a été la cible d'attentats répétés, pratiquement une fois par mois depuis la révolution égyptienne de février 2011. Quatorze explosions successives ont endommagé le gazoduc et, malgré les réparations, les volumes de gaz exportés ont chuté de plus de 70 % au cours de l'année écoulée. Malgré le déploiement de sept bataillons supplémentaires de l'armée égyptienne dans le Sinaï, cette région désertique échappe de plus en plus au contrôle des autorités égyptiennes, qui n'ont jamais réussi à empêcher de nouveaux sabotages.

Les dimensions politiques de l'affaire n'échappent à personne. Le contrat avait été signé en 2005 après de difficiles négociations. Impliquant des proches de Moubarak, comme l'homme d'affaires Hussein Salem, magnat de l'immobilier et des affaires, il avait été dénoncé très vite par l'opposition égyptienne - en particulier par les islamistes, aujourd'hui aux portes du pouvoir au Caire - estimant qu'il «bradait» les ressources naturelles du pays.

Israël avait anticipé la fin des livraisons de gaz égyptien et l'effet de cette mesure devrait être limité. Ce développement n'en est pas moins une nouvelle étape dans la dégradation des relations entre Israël et l'Égypte depuis la chute de Moubarak. Le ministre israélien des Finances Youval Steinitz a qualifié l'annonce égyptienne de «dangereux précédent, qui va à l'encontre du traité de paix et des relations pacifiques.»


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Israël va commencer à construire un mur de 2 km le long de sa frontière avec le Liban, à hauteur de la localité israélienne de Metoulla, a indiqué, lundi 23 avril, la télévision privée israélienne Chaîne-10.

Ce mur haut de 10 mètres doit permettre d'éviter les frictions entre les troupes israéliennes et celles de l'armée libanaise dont les positions respectives sont parfois séparées de quelques mètres seulement, a affirmé la télévision.


En janvier, l'armée israélienne avait annoncé ce projet en précisant que ce mur devait protéger des immeubles récemment construits à Metoulla contre des tirs de snipers à partir du village libanais de Kfar Kila, situé un kilomètre en face. Les fermiers de Metoulla se plaignent en effet d'avoir été visés par des tireurs d'élite dans le passé et d'être fréquemment attaqués à coups de pierres lancées depuis le côté libanais de la frontière.

Israël a coordonné la construction de cet ouvrage avec le Liban par l'intermédiaire de la Force intérimaire des Nations unies au Liban (Finul), a précisé la Chaîne-10. Israël et le Liban sont techniquement en guerre, mais les responsables militaires des deux pays se rencontrent régulièrement sous les auspices de la Finul pour discuter des problèmes de frontière. En 2006, une guerre brève mais sanglante et dévastatrice a opposé Israël et le mouvement chiite libanais Hezbollah, qui contrôle la région frontalière.

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Décidément, c'était pas une bonne journée....

(AFP) ANKARA - La Turquie a annoncé lundi avoir refusé la participation d'Israël au prochain sommet de l'Otan car ce pays n'a pas présenté d'excuses pour la mort de ressortissants turcs en 2010 lors d'un assaut israélien contre une flottille à destination de la bande de Gaza.

Le ministre turc des Affaires étrangères Ahmet Davutoglu a déclaré devant la presse qu'il n'est pas question pour la Turquie de s'engager dans une coopération avec Israël dans l'Otan ou dans une autre organisation internationale car ce pays a tué des Turcs dans les eaux internationales, rapporté l'agence de presse Anatolie.

Le secrétaire général de l'Otan Anders Fogh Rasmussen a précisé que l'organisation n'avait pas proposé d'inviter Israël au prochain sommet de l'Otan. La Turquie n'a pas bloqué une telle invitation, car nous n'avons pas considéré inviter Israël à assister au sommet de l'Alliance prévu les 20 et 21 mai à Chicago, aux Etats-Unis, a souligné M. Rasmussen.

L'Etat hébreu espérait pouvoir participer au sommet dans le cadre d'un programme de coopération avec l'Alliance Atlantique, le Dialogue méditerranéen, a rapporté lundi la presse turque.

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Selon la compagnie d'État égyptienne Egas, le contrat a été suspendu en raison d'un défaut de paiement de la part des Israéliens depuis au moins quatre mois.

C'est la meilleure celle-la, le gazoduc a subi une bonne douzaine d'actes de sabotages au Sinai qui ont stoppe les livraisons de gaz, et c'est Israel qui ne respecte pas le contrat.
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C'est la meilleure celle-la, le gazoduc a subi une bonne douzaine d'actes de sabotages au Sinai qui ont stoppe les livraisons de gaz, et c'est Israel qui ne respecte pas le contrat.

Ca dépend des termes du contrat, si le contrat stipule que l'acheteur (Israel) supporte les risques de livraison et autres attaques terroristes (ce qui est la règle dans ce type de contrat), ils doivent honorer leur part de marché. En principe, il y a des assurances prévues pour ça, si l'acheteur ne s'est pas assuré, c'est de sa faute.

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JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Un ancien directeur du Shin Beth, les services israéliens de contre-espionnage, estime que les dirigeants actuels de l'Etat hébreu sont inaptes à traiter le dossier du nucléaire iranien en raison des "sentiments messianiques" qui les animent.

"Je n'ai aucune confiance dans le Premier ministre ou le ministre de la Défense", a déclaré Yuval Diskin dans un discours prononcé vendredi et partiellement diffusé le lendemain sur Radio-Israël. "Je n'accorde aucun crédit à des dirigeants qui fondent leurs décisions sur des sentiments messianiques".

L'intéressé, qui a quitté son poste de patron du contre-espionnage israélien il y a un an, a ajouté à propos de Benjamin Netanyahu et de Ehud Barak et d'une éventuelle opération préventive contre l'Iran:

"Je les ai côtoyés de près: ce ne sont pas des Messies, ces deux-là. Ce sont des gens à qui, personnellement, je ne confierai pas la responsabilité de diriger Israël à l'occasion d'un événement de cette ampleur et de sortir le pays de semblable situation".

Ses propos très sévères sur Benjamin Netanyahu et Ehud Barak succèdent à une déclaration de l'actuel chef d'état-major de Tsahal, le général Benny Gantz, qui avait qualifié les dirigeants iraniens de "très rationnels" et donc peu disposés à fabriquer une bombe atomique comme le redoutent les Occidentaux et Israël.

Depuis plusieurs mois, des rumeurs circulent sur un possible raid aérien contre des installations nucléaires iraniennes pour empêcher la République islamique de se doter de l'arme atomique.

L'ancien patron du Mossad, les services israéliens d'espionnage, Meïr Dagan, a pour sa part tourné en dérision l'idée de frappes contre l'Iran.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Le coup de théâtre de Nétanyahou

Le premier ministre scelle un accord avec Kadima qui le place à la tête d'une des plus larges coalitions de l'histoire d'Israël.

Nétanyahou vient de rebattre les cartes politiques en Israël par un coup de théâtre inédit. Alors que la Knesset s'apprêtait à voter sa dissolution et que des élections anticipées étaient annoncées pour le 4 septembre prochain, le premier ministre israélien a pris de court toute la classe politique en annonçant dans la nuit de lundi à mardi un accord avec Kadima, le parti fondé par Ariel Sharon et dirigé depuis à peine six semaines par l'ancien chef d'état-major Shaul Mofaz.

Au lieu de nouvelles élections, Israël se retrouve à présent dirigé par l'une des plus larges coalitions de son histoire, et la Knesset prolongée, sauf surprise, jusqu'à son terme normal en novembre 2013.

Le premier ministre a expliqué son revirement par la volonté de doter Israël d'un gouvernement stable. «Lorsqu'il est apparu possible de former le plus vaste gouvernement de l'histoire d'Israël… j'ai saisi l'occasion», a expliqué Nétanyahou dans une conférence de presse tenue mardi avec Shaul Mofaz.

Avec 94 sièges sur les 120 que compte la Knesset, Nétanyahou est à présent à la tête d'une alliance allant du centre à l'extrême droite. Il a aussi d'un seul coup réduit sa dépendance à l'égard de ses deux précédents principaux partenaires: Israël Beitenou, le parti ultranationaliste d'Avigdor Lieberman, et Shas, le parti ultraorthodoxe séfarade. Ces deux partis ne sont dorénavant plus en mesure de faire chuter le cabinet au moindre désaccord, ni d'exercer de pressions sur le premier ministre.

Shaul Mofaz, qui a remplacé le mois dernier la précédente dirigeante de Kadima, Tzipi Livni, après des élections internes remportées haut la main, obtient un poste de vice-premier ministre sans portefeuille et siégera dans le cabinet restreint, le fameux «cabinet de la cuisine», où sont prises les principales décisions sécuritaires en Israël.

Kadima n'obtient, pour l'instant, pas d'autres portefeuilles, mais devrait recevoir la présidence de plusieurs commissions importantes à la Knesset, tout en conservant celle des Affaires étrangères et de la Défense.

En faisant rentrer son parti dans la coalition gouvernementale, Mofaz, qui avait juré il y a encore quelques semaines ne jamais faire alliance avec Nétanyahou, assure aussi la survie politique de Kadima, en chute libre dans les sondages depuis plusieurs mois.

L'accord passé entre Nétanyahou et Mofaz devrait permettre la révision de la loi Tal, qui exempte les ultraorthodoxes de service militaire. Cette loi controversée est dénoncée par les Israéliens laïques comme un privilège inacceptable dans une société où les jeunes hommes sont astreints à trois ans de service militaire. Nétanyahou s'est engagé à faire voter une nouvelle loi, soutenue par Mofaz, qui prévoit une conscription élargie.

Nétanyahou devrait aussi pouvoir faire voter à l'automne un budget sans subir les contraintes des partis ultraorthodoxes, régulièrement enclins à monnayer leur soutien politique par des allocations accordées à leurs électorats respectifs, grands bénéficiaires des aides sociales.

Opposition laminée

Le premier ministre échappe enfin aux pressions croissantes de l'aile droite de son parti, qui rassemble des partisans de la colonisation à outrance des Territoires palestiniens et fondamentalement hostiles aux négociations avec les Palestiniens.

L'accord Nétanyahou-Mofaz lamine enfin ce qui reste de l'opposition israélienne. Le Parti travailliste, emmené par l'ex-journaliste Shelly Yacimovich, qui espérait gagner des sièges aux prochaines élections grâce à l'érosion de Kadima, voit cette perspective s'éloigner. La nouvelle formation de centre droit «Yesh Atid» («Il y a un futur»), récemment formée par un autre ancien journaliste, le populaire Yair Lapid, voit aussi ses plans déjoués par la manœuvre de Nétanyahou: au lieu d'élections rapides, il devra passer un an et demi dans l'opposition, sans députés à la Knesset, et risque de perdre l'avantage représenté par son entrée surprise sur la scène politique, et une partie de son programme de centre droit repris par Kadima.

En gros, la plus grande giroutte politique de l'histoire d'Israel, a la tete d'un parti ephemere sans base sociale et sans ideologie, rejoint le gouvernement.

Pendant ce temps a Gaza:

New Hamas force in Gaza is foiling rocket attacks against Israel

The new 300 men anti-rocket force operates day and night, but will not act if Israel is the first to strike.

The Hamas government in Gaza has been operating a force over the past few months whose sole task is to prevent the firing of rockets into Israel.

Hamas, which has always championed jihad against Israel, is now using its authority to foil the firing efforts of cells from other organizations such as the Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees.

The new force was formed by and is under the direct command of Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hammad, who in the past has been considered an extremist in regard to Israel. According to a Gaza source, the force of some 300 men operates, "day and night, 24 hours, everywhere in the Strip, particularly near the borders with Israel."

The soldiers wear black uniforms and make their way around on motorcycles and four-wheel drive vehicles. According to a Hamas source, the force has a green light to shoot activists who resist arrest or fire at the Hamas soldiers. Anyone arrested can expect to spend at least a couple of months in prison, the source said. The rockets and/or mortars that are found are confiscated and transfered to Hamas.

The force has arrested many members of smaller Palestinian radical groups, but there have also been arrests of members of the Islamic Jihad and PRC, which are considered the leading opposition groups in Gaza. The Islamic Jihad members are almost always released on the spot, however, due to understandings reach between the two groups, the source said.

Although Israel and Hamas have no direct communication, the "relationship" between the two has never looked better, with what looks like close cooperation on the ground. However, there is no security cooperation between the parties as there is between the Palestinian Authority and the Israel Defense Forces in the West Bank.

But the fact that this new anti-rocket force has been formed seems to demonstrate that Hamas is looking to keep things quiet on the security front so it can better establish its government in the Strip.

This force was not very much in evidence when Islamic Jihad and the PRC were firing rockets at Israel in March. This was because, among other reasons, the force won't act if Israel is the one who strikes first (and the Israeli assassination of Zuhair Al-Qaisi of the PRC in March was deemed such a provocation ). But during calm times, the force has blocked more than a few rocket and mortar strikes on the south.

Je trouve ca ironique, quand c'etait le Fatah qui etait au pouvoir a Gaza, pour le Hamas, empecher les attentats et les tirs de roquette etait un acte de trahison.

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j'ai une petite question sur la relation Bédouin/Israël .

beaucoup de bédouins servent dans l'armée Israélienne ,et apparemment il y en a de plus en plus .

je savais que les Bédouins avaient dans le temps servi comme "pisteur" dans des unités de surveillance des frontières  ,mais depuis j'avais pas trop d'info sur se sujet .

sur cette vidéo qui date , on parle d'une augmentation de Bédouins dans les rangs de Tsahal ,et beaucoup choisissent les unités d'élite comme les Golanis .

ces bédouins sont des citoyens Israéliens mais ils ne sont pas juif ,donc comment expliqué se choix de servir alors que s'est pas forcément évident avec la conjoncture du pays ?

comment se sont crée ses liens entre Bédouins et Juifs ?

pragmatisme de part et d'autres ?

je trouve sa très intéressant cette relation  =)

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Il n'y a pas vraiment de "relations sociales" entre Juifs et Bedouins en dehors de l'armee vu que les bedouins vivent dans des villages exclusivement bedouins. Et les bedouins comme les autres arabes musulmans et chretiens ne sont pas soumis au service militaire obligatoire.

Il faut savoir que les relations entre bedouins et arabes sedentaires ont ete relativement mauvaises, c'est pour cette raison qu'ils ont moins tendance a s'identifier avec les palestiniens que les autres arabes et par consequent, ils ont moins de probleme avec l'etat d'Israel, et puis c'est une population tres pauvre, et l'armee leur offre une opportunite d’ascension sociale. C'est pour cette raison que beaucoup choisissent l'armee.

En parlant des Bedouins dans l'armee, je ne sais pas si tu as entendu parler de Amos Yarkoni, sous son vrai nom Majid Hidr, il a combattu dans l'armee israelienne durant la guerre d'independance, puis a forme avec Benyamin Fouad Ben Eliezer, juif israelien d'origine irakienne et futur chef d'etat major, une unite anti terroriste dans le Negev composee exclusivement de soldats arabophones (bedouins, druzes et juifs orientaux), unite qui etait surnommee "unite du juif Fouad et de l'arabe Amos".

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BEYROUTH (Reuters) - Le chef spirituel du mouvement chiite libanais Hezbollah, le cheikh Hassan Nasrallah, a affirmé vendredi que ses hommes étaient capables de frapper n'importe quelle cible située en Israël, ajoutant que "l'époque où nous avons fui et pas eux est révolue".

"Aujourd'hui, nous sommes non seulement en mesure de frapper la ville de Tel Aviv mais, avec l'aide de Dieu, nous pouvons aussi frapper des cibles précises dans Tel Aviv ainsi que partout en Palestine occupée"", a-t-il dit lors d'un discours à la télévision.

"Pour tout bâtiment détruit à Dahiya, un bâtiment sera détruit à Tel Aviv", a-t-il ajouté en se référant à ce quartier du sud de Beyrouth qui est un bastion du "Parti de Dieu".

"Les jours où nous fûmes contraints de fuir nos foyers (...) sont terminés. Ceux durant lesquels nous eûmes peur et pas eux sont finis. Nous leur disons: 'Le temps est venu pour nous de rester et vous serez ceux qui disparaîtront'".

La fermeté des propos de Nasrallah, allié à la fois de Damas et de Téhéran, coïncide avec un regain de tension entre Israël et l'Iran à propos du dossier nucléaire.

Le "Parti de Dieu" est considéré depuis longtemps comme un instrument de la République islamique et de la Syrie de Bachar al Assad au Proche-Orient, et nombre d'analystes pensent qu'en cas d'attaque de Tsahal contre l'Iran, la branche militaire du Hezbollah, qui contrôle le Liban-Sud, pourrait riposter.

Vrai ou bluff ?  :rolleyes:

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soit la vérité vous blesse, soit vous tentez de l occulter et c est votre comportement qui est hypocrite, à défaut de les goûter, il s avère que les soldats d occupation israéliens prelevent des organes après qu ils aient assassinés des enfants palestiniens, cela hélas, ne relèvent pas de fable.

Allez hop au revoir, j'avais dit que t'etais pas sur le bon forum. Un troll, un !!! (en plus oser ecrire que les protocles des sages de Sion c'est une bonne source interessante à lire. Pourquoi pas MeinKampf pendant qu'on y est  :rolleyes:

Voilà le nettoyage est fait

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