Hey Kovy...
Un conseil de la part de Jackonicko :
Moi : What's strange is that Rafale pilots do not talk. Each word they say is controled.
Jackonicko : Sit a French pilot down over dinner and he'll be more open and more forthcoming to a friendly, enthusiastic journo, (especially if that journo is a pilot who talks his language) than a pilot from any other European air force, with the possible exception of the Swedes, the Hungarians, and some Belgians and Dutchmen. They are more difficult to get to talk to in the first place, and if it's official, with a PR minder present, they clam up like an American or a career minded German. Rafale pilots may not talk to you, TMor, but I find those I know to be incredibly friendly and open.
Jeux : le premier qui invite un piilote de la Marine à diner. :lol: :lol: :lol: