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Le 29/07/2024 à 05:04, Lordtemplar a dit :

@Paschi A priori toute cette histoire d'accord Armenie/Iran n'est rien d'autre que du fake news.


Merci pour la correction. J'ai été pris en flagrant délit de manque de rigueur. Je m'en vais faire pénitence... :wink:

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  • 1 month later...

Point ISW du 01/09/24 :

"Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan confirmed at an August 31 press conference that "Armenia has frozen its participation in the [Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization] CSTO at all levels," after Armenia has effectively abstained from participating in the CSTO for nearly a year. Pashinyan also acknowledged that other government officials and the public may have differing views on Armenia's decision to freeze its participation in the CSTO but noted that the Armenian government does not currently see the need to reconsider the decision. Pashinyan stated that Armenia may "see the need to make another decision" in the future, however. Armenia has effectively abstained from participating in the CSTO since Pashinyan and Armenian representatives failed to attend several consecutive CSTO events — both political meetings and military exercises — starting in mid-to-late 2023. Pashinyan acknowledged in February 2024 that Armenia had "essentially" frozen its participation in the CSTO because the CSTO "failed to fulfill its obligations in the field of security" to Armenia, particularly in 2021 and 2022. Armenia has also appeared to be reducing its bilateral security relations with Russia, and Russian border guards left the Zvartnots International Airport in Yerevan — where Russian border guards had been serving previously since 1992 — on July 31, 2024."

Il ferme pas la porte, mais en gros il faut pas les prendre pour des cons...

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  • 4 months later...

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