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The Carrier Myth


Papier de 1999 sur les PA US

Quelques points qui traitent ce dont on parlait sur le fil inde a propos de la pertinence des rafales @Picdelamirand-oil @pascal


"Navy officials said the 15-carrier force was the minimum required to meet demands of forward positioning and independent offensive operations in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Mediterranean.
Aspin’s Bottom­Up Review of 1993 authorized 11 active and one reserve training carrier, but Cohen’s Quadrennial Defense Review returned to a requirement for 12 active carriers. Even with the increase, then­Vice Adm. Donald L. Pilling claimed, “With 12 carriers, we can barely meet our overseas commitments.” He maintained 12 carriers couldn’t provide 100 percent coverage of the Mediterranean, Persian Gulf, and western Pacific. Covering all three regions full-time “takes 14 or 15 carriers,” according to Pilling."

"The experiences of USS Theodore Roosevelt, CVN-71, were representative. CVN-71 arrived on station near Qatar with 20 F/A-18 multirole fighters, 18 A-6 medium bombers, and 18 F-14 fleet defense interceptors. Over 43 days of the war, the F/A-18s averaged only 1.28 sorties per aircraft per day. Roosevelt “surged” during a brief ground war in late February 1991. The result: an average of 2.03 sorties per aircraft per day."

"Bosnian airspace was only about 100 miles from the typical carrier launch site. Even with a benign environment from which to launch, the Navy generated only 8,290 sorties, about 10 percent of the NATO total. The total was exceeded by both the French air force (12,502 sorties) and the Royal Air Force (10,300 sorties) during the same period. For its part, USAF flew 24,153 sorties, 31 percent of NATO’s total production."

"Deliberate Force comprised 11 days of actual operations. During this period, Navy sea-based strikers flew 583 sorties, meaning that the output of sea-based aviation averaged 53 sorties per day. Because there were a total of 58 strike aircraft on board (36 F/A-18s, 14 F-14s, and eight EA-6Bs), the carrier air wing produced firepower at a rate of 0.9 sorties per aircraft per day."



"The Navy opened the exercise, called SURGEX, on July 20, 1997. Over 98 hours, carrier Nimitz and its air wing, CVW-9, generated 975 fixed-wing sorties. Of this total, 771 were strike sorties, which led to delivery of 1,336 “bombs”-mostly practice BDU-45s-on targets within 200 nautical miles of Nimitz. F/A-18 strike fighters flew 79 percent of the strike sorties, posting what on the surface seemed to be a phenomenal sortie rate of 4.2 sorties per aircraft per day."


... j'arrête la ...


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Le CAW 9 avait été bien préparé à l'exercice de 1998, c'était un exercice donc hors conditions ops, chaque squadron de F-18 s'était vu affecter 30% de pilotes en plus, c'est aussi une explication au chiffre de 4.2 sorties en moyenne par avion et par jour

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