g4lly Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 30 minutes ago, fox said: On peu penser que toutes les bases aériennes ont été détruites. On peu aussi imaginer que des avions (si il y en a encore en état) décollent sur des autoroutes. Les suisses le font, pourquoi pas les ukrainiens Parce qu'il faut tout le matériel et les consommables pour reconditionner les avions entre deux vols ... Et que ça ne se trouve pas sous le sabot d'un cheval une fois détruit dans ta base aérienne. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saladin Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 il y a 49 minutes, DMZ a dit : Hors sujet et déjà traité : la Russie agresse sans raison un pays indépendant, il est sans objet de savoir s'il lui aurait été plus facile ou non de le faire il y a dix ans ou dans dix ans. Pardonnez moi votre majesté d'avoir osé aborder ce sujet. Le pauvre hère que je suis respectera à l'avenir votre sommité. Oui la Russie attaque un pays indépendant. Sans raison j'estime qu'il y a débat... après tu peux peux faire comme pour RT France et faire en sorte que je ne puisse plus m'exprimer... 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wallaby Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 il y a 14 minutes, jojo (lo savoyârd) a dit : Citation Guerre en Ukraine : tuer Poutine est "une des actions possibles", estime le général Gomart Invité RTL ce samedi matin, le général Gomart a affirmé que tuer Vladimir Poutine était "une des actions possibles" pour mettre fin à la guerre en Ukraine. https://www.rtl.fr/actu/international/invite-rtl-guerre-en-ukraine-tuer-poutine-est-une-des-actions-possibles-estime-le-general-gomart-7900130909 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/03/04/boris-johnson-news-liz-truss-ukraine-russia-war-brexit-latest/ (4 mars 2022) Boris Johnson ne veut pas que les Russes assassinent Vladimir Poutine, a déclaré son porte-parole, alors qu'un sénateur américain a invité un "Brutus" à s'occuper du président russe. Lindsey Graham, un sénateur républicain, a publiquement appelé hier soir à cette action, déclarant à Fox News : "Comment cela va-t-il se terminer ? Quelqu'un en Russie doit prendre les choses en main... et éliminer ce type." Aujourd'hui, le porte-parole du Premier ministre a déclaré que M. Johnson n'était pas d'accord avec cette idée. Le porte-parole a déclaré : "Nous avons déjà dit que Poutine devait rendre des comptes à la Cour [pénale] internationale pour les actes horribles dont nous avons été témoins." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post jojo (lo savoyârd) Posted March 5, 2022 Popular Post Share Posted March 5, 2022 (edited) il y a 6 minutes, Saladin a dit : Pardonnez moi votre majesté d'avoir osé aborder ce sujet. Le pauvre hère que je suis respectera à l'avenir votre sommité. Oui la Russie attaque un pays indépendant. Sans raison j'estime qu'il y a débat... après tu peux peux faire comme pour RT France et faire en sorte que je ne puisse plus m'exprimer... Parce que tu estimes qu'il peut y avoir débat lorsqu'un type va tuer son voisin pour la seule bonne raison que la position de sa maison, son style de vie, ses aspirations ou ses ideaux l'emmerdent ? Faut pas être ton voisin alors ... Edited March 5, 2022 by jojo (lo savoyârd) 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wagdoox Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 il y a 16 minutes, Lezard-vert a dit : c'est même LA priorité et ce serait un grand soulagement de le dégager de la scène. Si tu crois que ca arrangera quoi que ce soit, tu te trompes tres lourdement. Ca empirera les choses a un point … 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gran Capitan Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 J'ai lu il y quelques instants des infos selon lesquelles la 92ème brigade mécanisée ukrainienne aurait contre-attaqué dans la zone de Kharkov en repoussant la 144 division motorisée russe, et "anéantit" le 488 régiment motorisé. Quelqu'un a-t-il vu des infos similaires? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clairon Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 J'ai regardé le 9.00 O'Clock news sur BBC World, et il y avait un reportage autour de Mariopol ou l'on voyait passer plusieurs BMP-1 avec le bien connu canon de 73 mm à basse pression ... Ils n'ont rien d'autre en Russie ? Bientôt on va voir des T-34 et des JSIII ? C'est comme si nos alpins en Roumanie étaient partis avec des AMX13 VTT ... Je sais qu'ils ne jettent rien, mais quand même un BMP-1 ... Clairon 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post jojo (lo savoyârd) Posted March 5, 2022 Popular Post Share Posted March 5, 2022 (edited) il y a 31 minutes, Connorfra a dit : Si ce genre de plan est prévu c'est quitte ou triple soit ça marche la guerre et finit, soit ça marche et les russes deviennent encore plus enragés ou soit ça marche pas les agents ce font choppé et le pays qui a envoyer les mecs part en champignionniére à ciel ouvert. Qu'il flippe aussi un peu lui ferait pas de mal et changerait pas grand chose ... Il n'a pas l'exclusivité de menacer son p'tit monde, après tout. Lui montrer que "l'occident" peut-être tout autant déterminé que lui, mais pour stopper cette folie. Ne pas oublier que nous avons à faire à un "Alpha" joueur de poker ... Lui mettre le doute dans sa caboche de mégalo peut être productif, et ne changerait rien en pire ou moins pire à ses sombres desseins. La seule chose qui peut le faire infléchir est le rapport de force ET RIEN D'AUTRE. C'est un fauve, jouons sur son terrain où il se croit seul, et sortons les crocs pour au moins qu'il imprime qu'il n'a pas que de la guimauve en face de lui ... Au moins comme signal fort, clair et déterminé. Edited March 5, 2022 by jojo (lo savoyârd) 1 1 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexis Posted March 5, 2022 Author Share Posted March 5, 2022 De plus en plus de gens de Mykolaïv cherchent à fuir, car le gouverneur a décidé que la résistance continuerait. L'opinion générale est que "ce sera comme à Kharkov" (source personnelle locale) 3 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
P4 Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 il y a une heure, jojo (lo savoyârd) a dit : Qu'il flippe aussi un peu lui ferait pas de mal et changerait pas grand chose ... Il n'a pas l'exclusivité de menacer son p'tit monde, après tout. Lui montrer que "l'occident" peut-être tout autant déterminé que lui, mais pour stopper cette folie. Ne pas oublier que nous avons à faire à un "Alpha" joueur de poker ... Lui mettre le doute dans sa caboche de mégalo peut être productif, et ne changerait rien en pire ou moins pire à ses sombres desseins. La seule chose qui peut le faire infléchir est le rapport de force ET RIEN D'AUTRE. C'est un fauve, jouons sur son terrain où il se croit seul, et sortons les crocs pour au moins qu'il imprime qu'il n'a pas que de la guimauve en face de lui ... Au moins comme signal fort, clair et déterminé. Réduire le problème actuel à la personne de Poutine est d'une profondeur abyssale. 5 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kunai Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 (edited) Il y a 1 heure, DMZ a dit : Hors sujet et déjà traité : la Russie agresse sans raison un pays indépendant, il est sans objet de savoir s'il lui aurait été plus facile ou non de le faire il y a dix ans ou dans dix ans. Le sans raison est un point de vue orienté déjà, il existe visiblement des reportages depuis plusieurs années sur le Dombas qui illustrent une situation dans les régions séparatistes qui légitiment, selon Poutine, l'intervention (loin de moins l'intention de déterminer si ces infos sont réelles, si ce sont les résultats d'agitprop russe, mais quelqu'en soient les raisons, il semblait y avoir du sale au Dombas depuis 2014). Il y a déjà eu dans l'histoire des interventions qui pouvaient paraître illégitimes, et ce de manière plus flagrante (GW2 avec les WMD de Powell). Edited March 5, 2022 by Kunai Ortho 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
metkow Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 il y a 26 minutes, Clairon a dit : J'ai regardé le 9.00 O'Clock news sur BBC World, et il y avait un reportage autour de Mariopol ou l'on voyait passer plusieurs BMP-1 avec le bien connu canon de 73 mm à basse pression ... Ils n'ont rien d'autre en Russie ? Bientôt on va voir des T-34 et des JSIII ? C'est comme si nos alpins en Roumanie étaient partis avec des AMX13 VTT ... Je sais qu'ils ne jettent rien, mais quand même un BMP-1 ... Clairon ca ne serait pas plutôt les séparatistes? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saladin Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 il y a 41 minutes, jojo (lo savoyârd) a dit : Parce que tu estimes qu'il peut y avoir débat lorsqu'un type va tuer son voisin pour la seule bonne raison que la position de sa maison, son style de vie, ses aspirations ou ses ideaux l'emmerdent ? Faut pas être ton voisin alors ... Tu me prêtes des intentions que je n'ai pas... Ca sera mon dernier message sur ce sujet car le simple fait de ne pas être Russophobe et Pro-Ukrainiens fait de vous un Pro-Guerre et un Pro-Poutine... je reviendrais quant cette guerre sera terminée et que l'on pourra en parler avec plus de recul. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gallium Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 (edited) Il y a 3 heures, Saladin a dit : Cette "apparente" résistance Ukrainienne et l'énorme soutient Occidentale ne donne t'elle pas par les faits raison à Poutine ? Je veux dire par là que si la Russie a attaqué aujourd'hui, c'est pour éviter de se retrouver dans 10 ans face à une Ukraine entrainée par l'Otan, armée par l'Otan, moderne... et donc plus difficile à vaincre. Du coup il doit se dire qu'il a bien fait d'attaquer maintenant. Ça c'est ce qu'on appelle une prophétie autoréalisatrice Edited March 5, 2022 by Gallium 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
P4 Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 26 minutes ago, Alexis said: De plus en plus de gens de Mykolaïv cherchent à fuir, car le gouverneur a décidé que la résistance continuerait. L'opinion générale est que "ce sera comme à Kharkov" (source personnelle locale) Les forces Russes vont opérer la jonction avec la Transnistie dans les prochains jours. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leclercs Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 Théorie qui repose sur le fait que la Russie veut soumettre son voisin et donc attaquer ... C'est justement ce qui est inacceptable ... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post jojo (lo savoyârd) Posted March 5, 2022 Popular Post Share Posted March 5, 2022 à l’instant, Saladin a dit : Tu me prêtes des intentions que je n'ai pas... Ca sera mon dernier message sur ce sujet car le simple fait de ne pas être Russophobe et Pro-Ukrainiens fait de vous un Pro-Guerre et un Pro-Poutine... je reviendrais quant cette guerre sera terminée et que l'on pourra en parler avec plus de recul. Tu dérailles, arrête de te victimiser. Je te prête pas ces intentions c'est une métaphore ... Comprends tu pas ? Et surtout, mais surtout, je t'interdis d'éfleurer l'idée même que je puisse être juste un chouïa russophobe ! J'adore la culture russe et ce pays ... malheureusement pour son beau peuple jamais dirigé par des hommes à sa juste valeur. 2 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Kelkin Posted March 5, 2022 Popular Post Share Posted March 5, 2022 il y a 10 minutes, Kunai a dit : Le sans raison est un point de vue orienté déjà, il existe visiblement des reportages depuis plusieurs années sur le Dombas qui illustrent une situation dans les régions séparatistes qui légitiment, selon Poutine, l'intervention (loin de moins l'intention de déterminer si ces infos sont réelles, si ce sont les résultats d'agitprop russe, mais quelqu'un soit les raisons, il semblait y avoir du salé au Dombas depuis 2014). Il y a déjà eu dans l'histoire des interventions qui pouvaient paraître illégitimes, et ce de manière plus flagrante (GW2 avec les WMD de Powell). En classe de maternelle, normalement, on apprend que "c'est pas parce que Toto a fait une bétise qu'on a le droit de la faire aussi" et que "c'est lui qu'a commencé" n'est pas une excuse valable. Au passage, on se souviendra que la France, ainsi que plusieurs autres pays y compris d'ailleurs la Russie, ont dénoncé cette guerreà l'ONU. Donc merci d'arrêter le whataboutisme comme quoi la Russie a le droit d'envahir l'Ukraine parce que les Américains sont des méchants d'abord. Oui, moi non plus j'aime pas les Américains et leur irresponsabilité manifeste mais faut pas pousser le bouchon non plus. Et puis c'est hors-sujet de toute façon. 3 2 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jojo (lo savoyârd) Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 Il y a 1 heure, P4 a dit : Réduire le problème actuel à la personne de Poutine est d'une profondeur abyssale. T'es sérieux ? Personne n'est ange, mais quand même, à un moment faut juste ouvrir les yeux ... Rien de personnel. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Niafron Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 il y a une heure, jojo (lo savoyârd) a dit : T'es sérieux ? Personne n'est ange, mais quand même, à un moment faut juste ouvrir les yeux ... Vu de loin je trouve ça trop risqué. Si ça foire et que Poutine a vraiment un problème de paranoÏa, ça pourrait être lourd de conséquences. On en a déjà parlé, les hiérarques soviétiques étaient obsédés par l'idée d'une attaque de l'OTAN. Je m'interroge beaucoup sur le faible engagement des VVS et sur les deux armées qui font du tourisme au dessus de la frontière Nord Ouest de l'Ukraine. Une hypothèse assez simple est que Poutine considère comme une vraie probabilité une attaque de l'OTAN et se garde des réserves pour y faire face. Si vraiment il est dans cet état d'esprit, s'en prendre à sa vie ne va pas arranger les choses, et nous connaissons tous les conséquences potentielles. Et comme ce genre de choses ratent le plus souvent, trop risqué. En fait, ça l'est autant que d'effectivement intervenir militairement en Ukraine en pariant que Poutine se couchera. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rob1 Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 Messieurs-dames, ca dérive, je rappelle qu'on est dans un sujet où on se limite à partager les informations sur les combats russo-ukrainiens... 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
P4 Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 il y a une heure, jojo (lo savoyârd) a dit : T'es sérieux ? Personne n'est ange, mais quand même, à un moment faut juste ouvrir les yeux ... Si tu crois qu'un dirigeant Russe accepterait sans rien faire de devoir défendre un front OTAN qui cour depuis la Finlande et la mer de Mourmansk jusqu'à l'Ukraine et la mer noire(2500km ?) avec une Biélorussie indéfendable libre à toi mais c'est ça le problème pas Poutine. edit: @Rob1désolé en même temps 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post jojo (lo savoyârd) Posted March 5, 2022 Popular Post Share Posted March 5, 2022 (edited) il y a une heure, P4 a dit : Si tu crois qu'un dirigeant Russe accepterait sans rien faire de devoir défendre un front OTAN qui cour depuis la Finlande et la mer de Mourmansk jusqu'à l'Ukraine et la mer noire(2500km ?) avec une Biélorussie indéfendable libre à toi et à Gomard mais c'est ça le problème pas Poutine. edit: @Rob1désolé en même temps Si ces pays frontaliers, ex soviétiques pour nombre, ayant souhaités ou souhaitant si hardemment une protection otanienne, ce n'est pas sans raison. Et malheureusement pour tout le monde. Je suis le premier à le déplorer. Mais ce besoin réflexe d'autoprotection n'est pas motivé par le chant des oiseaux, ni ne sort d'un chapeau. ENFIN, le monde n'est PAS OBLIGÉ d'accepter l'asservissement de nations (voir l'envahissement par force de guerre) et de leurs peuples pour juste justifier "la crainte" mise en scène par un pays autocrate menaçant ? Si les pays frontaliers "en cause" (c'est quand même ahurissant de voir le problème sous se prisme ... Le besoin de lunettes se fait sentir) choisissent de ce mettre sous la protection d'une alliance plutôt qu'une autre, il y a peut-être bien de bonnes raisons à çà ... Et puis flûte, de quel droit juger ? Les pays et peuples libres ont droit de par eux même à choisir leur destinée, non ? J'arrête, on file HS. Edited March 5, 2022 by jojo (lo savoyârd) 2 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zalmox Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 L'avion d'Anthony Blinken en route vers Chișinău https://ibb.co/mvZzwZd 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tom24 Posted March 5, 2022 Share Posted March 5, 2022 il y a 29 minutes, Pierre_F a dit : Russia - 725, of which: destroyed: 285, damaged: 10, abandoned: 147, captured: 282 Tanks (107, of which destroyed: 30, damaged: 2, abandoned: 24, captured: 50) 1 T-64BV: (1, damaged) 1 T-72A: (1, captured) 1 T-72AV: (1, captured) 16 T-72B: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, captured and later destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, damaged) (8, abandoned) (9, abandoned) (10, damaged and abandoned) (11, damaged and captured) (12, captured) (13, captured) (14, captured) (15, captured and stripped) (16, captured) 2 T-72B Obr. 1989: (1, abandoned) (2, captured) 8 T-72B3: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, damaged) (5, abandoned) (6, abandoned) (7, captured) (8, captured) 20 T-72B3 Obr. 2016: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, abandoned and later destroyed) (8, abandoned) (9, abandoned)(10, abandoned) (11, abandoned) (12, captured) (13, captured) (14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19, captured) (20, captured) 7 T-80BV: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) (3, abandoned) (4, captured) (5, and 6, captured)(7, captured) 25 T-80U: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, abandoned and later destroyed) (6, abandoned) (7, abandoned) (8, abandoned) (9, abandoned) (10, abandoned)(11, abandoned) (12, abandoned) (13, abandoned) (14, abandoned) (15, damaged and captured)(16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19, captured) (20, captured) (21, captured) (22, captured) (23, captured) (24, captured) (25, captured) 2 T-80UD: (1, abandoned and later destroyed) (2, captured) 10 T-80BVM: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7, captured) (8, and 9, captured) (10, captured) 12 T-90A: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, abandoned and later destroyed) (6, abandoned and later destroyed) (7, abandoned) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11 and 12, captured) 2 Unknown tank: (1, abandoned) (2, abandoned) Armoured Fighting Vehicles (74, of which destroyed: 26, abandoned: 15, captured: 32) 3 BRM-1K: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) 1 BMP-1Khs: (1, abandoned) 40 MT-LB: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, abandoned) (10, abandoned) (11, abandoned) (12, abandoned) (13, abandoned) (14, abandoned) (15, abandoned) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19, captured) (20, captured) (21, captured) (22, captured) (23, captured) (24, captured) (25, captured) (26, captured) (27, captured) (28, captured) (29, captured) (30, captured) (31, captured) (32, captured) (33, captured) (34, captured) (35, captured) (36, captured) (37 and 38, captured) (39, captured) (40, captured) 2 MT-LB with ZU-23 AA gun: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) 8 MT-LBu: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, abandoned) (5, abandoned) (6, abandoned) (7, captured) (8, captured) 1 1V13 battery fire control center: (1, abandoned) 1 2S1 with ZU-23 AA gun: (1, captured) 2 9P149 Shturm-S ATGM carrier: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) 6 R-149MA1 unified command and staff vehicle: (1, destroyed) (2, damaged and abandoned) (3, abandoned) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) 1 1V119 artillery battalion fire direction vehicle: (1, captured) 1 TZM-T reloader vehicle (for TOS-1A): (1, captured) 8 Unknown BTR-D/BMD-2: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) 1 Unknown AFV: (1, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) Infantry Fighting Vehicles (107, of which destroyed: 38, abandoned: 24, captured: 43) 6 BMP-1(P): (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) 40 BMP-2: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5 and 6, destroyed)(7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, damaged and abandoned) (18 and 19, damaged and abandoned) (20, damaged and abandoned) (21, abandoned) (22, abandoned) (23, abandoned) (24, abandoned) (25, abandoned) (26, abandoned) (27 and 28, abandoned) (29, damaged and captured) (30, damaged and abandoned) (31, captured) (32, captured) (33, captured) (34, captured) (35, captured) (36, captured) (37, captured) (38, captured) (39, captured) (40, captured) 1 BMP-2K: (1, abandoned) 10 BMP-3: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, damaged and captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7, captured) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) 27 BMD-2: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, captured and destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, damaged and abandoned) (12, abandoned) (13, abandoned) (14, abandoned) (15, abandoned)(16, damaged and captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19, with RP-377VM1 jammer, captured) (20, captured) (21, captured) (22, captured) (23, captured) (24, captured) (25, captured) (26, captured) (27, captured) 5 BMD-4M: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) 17 BTR-82A: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, abandoned) (7, abandoned) (8, abandoned) (9, abandoned) (10, damaged and abandoned) (11, damaged and captured) (12, captured) (13, captured) (14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) Armoured Personnel Carriers (31, of which destroyed: 13, abandoned: 9, captured: 19) 20 BTR-80: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, abandoned) (8, abandoned) (9, damaged and captured) (10, captured) (11, captured) (12 and 13, captured) (14, captured) (15, with RP-377VM1 jammer, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19, captured) (20, captured) 18 BTR-D: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4 and 5, destroyed) (6, destroyed)(7, abandoned) (8, abandoned) (9, abandoned) (10, abandoned) (11, abandoned) (12, abandoned)(13, abandoned) (14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) 3 BTR-MDM 'Rakusha': (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, captured) Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles (4, of which destroyed: 2, captured: 2) 3 KamAZ-63968 Typhoon: (1, destroyed) (2, captured) (3, captured) 1 K-4386 Typhoon-VDV: (1, destroyed) Infantry Mobility Vehicles (30, of which destroyed: 16, damaged: 1, abandoned: 2, captured: 10) 24 GAZ Tigr-M: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed)(6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8 and 9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, with Arbalet-DM turret, destroyed) (12, with Arbalet-DM turret, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, damaged) (15, abandoned) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19 and 20, captured) (21, captured)(22, captured) (23, captured) (24, captured) 6 Iveco LMV 'Rys': (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, abandoned) (6, captured) Communications Stations (8, of which destroyed: 2, abandoned: 4, captured: 2) 1 MP-2IM signals vehicle: (1, abandoned) 2 Barnaul-T 9С932-1 automated system for air defence units: (1, abandoned) (2, captured) 2 R-166-0.5 signals vehicle: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) 1 R-419L1 communications station: (1, abandoned) 1 Unknown communications station based on the KamAZ 6x6: (1, damaged and captured) 1 Unknown communications station: (1, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) Engineering Vehicles (33, of which destroyed: 10, abandoned: 10, captured: 13) 3 UR-77 'Meterorit': (1, abandoned) (2, captured) (3, captured) 1 BAT-2 heavy engineering vehicle: (1, destroyed) 2 BREM-K armoured recovery vehicle: (1, captured) (2, captured) 1 REM-KL armoured recovery vehicle: (1, captured) 1 IMR-2 combat engineering vehicle: (1, destroyed) 8 TMM-3 bridge layer: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) (3, abandoned) (4, damaged and abandoned) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7, captured) (8, captured) 8 PMP floating bridge: (1, 2 and 3 destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, abandoned) (6, 7, and 8, abandoned) 2 PTS-3 tracked amphibious transport: (1, abandoned) (2, abandoned) 4 KamAZ-5350 with EOV-3523 excavator: (1, destroyed) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) 1 KamAZ-5350 with KS-45719-7M crane: (1, destroyed) 1 KamAZ-5350 with crane: (1, destroyed) 1 Ural-4320 Wrecker: (1, damaged and captured) Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (29, of which captured: 29) 4 9M111 Fagot: (1 and 2, captured) (3 and 4, captured) 11 9M113 Konkurs: (1, 2 and 3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, 7 and 8, captured)(9, captured) (10 and 11, captured) 1 9M113M Konkurs-M: (1, captured) 1 9М131F Metis-M1: (1, captured) 12 9M114 Kokon: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, captured) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (3, of which captured: 3) 1 9K38 Igla: (1, captured) 2 9K333 Verba: (1 and 2, captured) Heavy Mortars (3, of which captured: 3) 2 120mm 2B11/2S12: (1, captured) (2, captured) 1 120mm 2B11/2S12A: (1, captured) Towed Artillery (9, of which destroyed: 4, abandoned: 3, captured: 2) 4 122mm D-30 howitzer 2A18: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) (3, abandoned) (4, abandoned) 5 152mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer: (1, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (2, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (3, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (4, damaged by Bayraktar TB2 and captured) (5, captured) Self-Propelled Artillery (15, of which destroyed: 3, abandoned: 8, captured: 4) 2 120mm 2S9 Nona: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) 1 122mm 2S1 Gvozdika: (1, abandoned) 5 152mm 2S3 Akatsiya: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) (3, abandoned) (4 and 5, captured) 7 152mm 2S19 Msta-S: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) (3, abandoned) (4, abandoned) (5, abandoned) (6, captured) (7, captured) Multiple Rocket Launchers (16, of which destroyed: 6, abandoned: 2, captured: 8) 14 122mm BM-21 'Grad': (1, destroyed) (2 and 3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed)(6, abandoned) (7, abandoned) (8, damaged and captured) (9, captured) (10, 11 and 12, captured) (13, captured) (14, captured) 1 122mm 2B17 Tornado-G: (1, destroyed) 1 220mm TOS-1A: (1, captured) Self-propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns (7, of which destroyed: 5, abandoned: 2) 7 2K22M1 Tunguska: (1, 2, 3 and 4, abandoned and later destroyed) (5, abandoned and later destroyed) (6, damaged and abandoned) (7, abandoned) Surface-To-Air Missile Systems (20, of which destroyed: 8, damaged: 1, abandoned: 3, captured: 8) 4 9K33 Osa: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) (3, captured) (4, captured) 4 9K35 Strela-10: (1, abandoned) (2, abandoned) (3, abandoned) (4, captured) 2 9A310M1 TELAR (for Buk-M1-2): (1, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (2, damaged) 1 9A39M1 TEL (for Buk-M1-2): (1, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) 1 9A310M2 TELAR (for Buk-M2): (1, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) 1 9A39M2 TEL (for Buk-M2): (1, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) 2 9K330 Tor: (1, captured) (2, captured) 2 9K332 Tor-M2: (1, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (2, captured) 3 Pantsir-S1: (1, destroyed) (2, captured) (3, captured) Jammers And Deception Systems (1, of which damaged: 1) 1 R-330BMV Borisoglebsk-2B: (1, damaged) Aircraft (10, of which destroyed: 10) 4 Su-25 close air support aircraft: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) 2 Su-30SM multirole aircraft: (1, destroyed on the ground) (2, destroyed) 3 Su-34 strike aircraft: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) 1 An-26 transport aircraft: (1, destroyed) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2, of which destroyed: 1, captured: 1) 1 E95M (likely used as unmanned bait in order for Ukraine to reveal the location of air defence systems): (1, captured) 1 Orlan-10: (1, destroyed) Helicopters (10, of which destroyed: 7, damaged: 1, abandoned: 2) 2 Mi-8 transport helicopter: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) 1 Mi-24 attack helicopter: (1, destroyed) 2 Mi-35M attack helicopter: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) 3 Unknown Mi-24/35 attack helicopter: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, damaged) 2 Ka-52 'Alligator' attack helicopter: (1, damaged and abandoned) (2, damaged and abandoned) Logistics Trains (2, of which destroyed: 2) 2 Fuel train: (1, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (2, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) Trucks, Vehicles and Jeeps (226, of which destroyed: 101, damaged: 6, abandoned: 39, captured: 78) 1 GAZ-66: (1, captured) 4 ZiL-131: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, abandoned) (4, abandoned) 1 9T452 transporter-loader (for BM-27 'Uragan' MRL): (1, destroyed) 2 GAZ-3308: (1, abandoned) (2, abandoned) 2 GAZ Sobol: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) 70 Ural-4320: (1 and 2, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13 and 14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17 and 18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, damaged) (25, damaged and abandoned) (26, abandoned) (27, abandoned) (28, abandoned) (29, abandoned) (30, abandoned) (31, abandoned) (32, abandoned) (33, abandoned) (34, damaged and captured) (35, captured) (36, captured) (37, captured) (38, captured) (39, captured) (40, captured) (41, captured) (42, captured) (43, captured) (44, captured) (45, captured) (46, captured) (47, captured) (48, captured) (49, captured) (50, captured) (51, captured) (52, captured) (53, captured) (54, captured) (55, captured) (56, captured) (57, captured) (58 and 59, captured) (60, captured) (61, captured) (62 and 63, captured) (64, captured) (65, captured)(66, captured) (67, captured) (68, captured) (69, captured) (70, captured) 11 Ural-43206: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6 and 7, captured) (8, captured) (9, 10 and 11, captured) 4 Ural Federal: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) (3, abandoned) (4, abandoned) 1 Ural-542301 tank transporter: (1, abandoned) 88 KamAZ 6x6: (1, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (2, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (3 and 4, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (5, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed)(8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, destroyed) (18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23 and 24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27, destroyed) (28, destroyed) (29, destroyed) (30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed) (33, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed) (38, destroyed) (39, destroyed) (40, destroyed) (41, destroyed) (42, destroyed) (43, destroyed) (44, destroyed) (45, destroyed) (46, damaged) (47, damaged) (48, abandoned) (49, abandoned) (50, abandoned) (51 and 52, abandoned) (53, abandoned) (54, abandoned) (55, abandoned) (56, abandoned) (57, abandoned) (58, abandoned) (59, abandoned) (60, abandoned) (61, damaged and captured) (62, captured) (63, captured) (64, captured) (65, captured) (66 and 67, captured) (68, captured) (69, captured) (70, captured) (71 and 72, captured) (73, captured) (74, captured) (75, captured) (76 and 77, captured) (78, captured) (79, captured) (80, with ZU-23 AA gun, captured) (81, with ZU-23 AA gun, captured) (82, captured) (83, captured) (84, captured) (85, captured) (86, captured) (87 and 88, captured) 3 KamAZ Avtozaks: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, captured) 2 KamAZ with armoured cabin: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) 4 KamAZ-6350 8x8 artillery tractor: (1, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (2, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (3, damaged by Bayraktar TB2 and captured) (4, damaged by Bayraktar TB2 and captured) 5 UAZ-469: (1, destroyed) (2, 3, 4 and 5, abandoned) 1 UAZ Patriot: (1, abandoned) 22 Unknown truck: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, destroyed by Bayraktar TB2) (13, destroyed) (14 and 15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, destroyed) (18, and 19, damaged and abandoned) (20, captured) (21, captured)(22, captured) 5 Unknown vehicle: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3 and 4, destroyed) (5, captured) Ukraine - 229, of which: destroyed: 83, damaged: 4, abandoned: 44, captured: 98 Tanks (41, of which destroyed: 11, abandoned: 10, captured: 19) 39 T-64BV: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7 and 8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed)(13, damaged and abandoned) (14, abandoned) (15 and 16, abandoned) (17 and 18, abandoned)(19, abandoned) (20, abandoned) (21, abandoned) (22, damaged and captured) (23, captured)(24, captured) (25, captured) (26, captured) (27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, captured) (32, captured) (33, 34, 35 and 36, captured) (37, captured) (38 and 39, captured) 2 T-80BV: (1, abandoned) (2, damaged and captured) Armoured Fighting Vehicles (34, of which destroyed: 8, abandoned: 11, captured: 13) 1 BRM-1K: (1, damaged and captured) (2, captured) 1 BMP-1Khs: (1, destroyed) 22 BRDM-2: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, abandoned) (6, abandoned) (7, abandoned) (8, abandoned) (9, abandoned) (10, abandoned) (11, abandoned) (12, abandoned) (13, captured) (14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, captured) 3 9P148 Konkurs ATGM carrier: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, captured) 3 MT-LB: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, abandoned) 1 MT-LB Ambulance: (1, abandoned) 1 MT-LBu: (1, captured) 1 BSEM-4K: (1, destroyed) 1 MT-LBu: (1, damaged and abandoned) Infantry Fighting Vehicles (32, of which destroyed 9, abandoned: 8, captured: 15) 10 BMP-1(P): (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, damaged and abandoned) (6, abandoned) (7, abandoned) (8, abandoned) (9, abandoned) (10, captured) 2 BMP-2: (1, abandoned) (2, captured) 15 BTR-4: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, abandoned) (7, abandoned) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11, captured) (12, captured) (13, captured) (14, captured) (15, captured) 5 BTR-3: (1, destroyed) (2, captured) (3, 4 and 5, captured) Armoured Personnel Carriers (17, of which destroyed: 3, abandoned: 2, captured: 11) 4 BTR-60: (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) 3 BTR-70: (1, abandoned) (2, captured) (3, captured) 8 BTR-80: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7 and 8, captured) 1 AT105A 'Saxon': (1, captured) 1 Unknown BTR: (1, abandoned) Infantry Mobility Vehicles (13, of which destroyed: 2, abandoned: 1, captured: 10) 2 HMMWV: (1, destroyed) (2, captured) 1 Novator: (1, captured) 6 Varta: (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) 4 Kozak-2: (1, destroyed) (2, abandoned) (3, damaged and captured) (4, captured) Engineering Vehicles (1, of which captured: 1) 1 BAT-2 heavy engineering vehicle: (1, captured) Anti-tank Guided Missiles (29, of which captured: 29) 2 9M111 Fagot: (1 and 2, captured) 9 9M113 Konkurs: (1 and 2, captured) (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, captured) 2 RK-3 Corsar: (1, captured) (2, captured) 15 MBT LAW 'NLAW': (1, captured) (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, captured) (9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, captured) (15, captured) 1 FGM-148 Javelin: (1, captured) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (14, of which captured: 14) 3 9K38 Igla: (1, captured) (2 and 3, captured) 11 9K310 Igla-1: (1 and 2, captured) (3, 4, 5 and 6, captured) (7, 8, 9 and 10, captured) (11, captured) Towed Artillery (4, of which abandoned: 3, captured: 1) 2 100mm MT-12 anti-tank gun: (1, abandoned) (2, captured) 2 152mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer: (1, abandoned) (2, abandoned) Self-Propelled Artillery (7, of which destroyed: 3, abandoned: 1, captured: 3) 7 122mm 2S1 Gvozdika: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, abandoned) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7, captured) Anti-Aircraft Guns (1, of which captured: 1) 1 23mm ZU-23: (1, captured) Surface-To-Air Missile Systems (8, of which destroyed: 8) 1 5P85D (launcher for S-300PS): (1, destroyed) 5 9K33 Osa: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) 1 9K35 Strela-10: (1, destroyed) 1 Buk-M1: (1, destroyed) Radars (5, of which destroyed: 3, damaged: 2) 1 P-14 'Tall King': (1, damaged) 1 P-35/37 'Bar Lock': (1, destroyed) 1 PRV-13 'Odd Pair': (1, destroyed) 2 1L22 'Parol': (1, destroyed) (2, damaged) Aircraft (8, of which destroyed: 8) 3 Su-27 fighter aircraft: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) 1 MiG-29 fighter aircraft: (1, destroyed) 2 Su-25 attack aircraft: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) 1 An-26 transport aircraft: (1, destroyed) 1 An-225: (1, destroyed) Naval Ships (1, of which destroyed: 1) 1 Krivak III class frigate 'Hetman Sahaydachniy': (1, scuttled to prevent capture by Russia) Trucks, Vehicles and Jeeps (56, of which destroyed: 22, damaged: 2, abandoned: 6, captured: 26) 6 KrAZ-6322: (1, destroyed) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) 12 GAZ-66: (1, with 82mm 2B9 Vasilek mortar, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, damaged)(4, damaged and abandoned) (5, damaged and abandoned) (6, abandoned) (7, captured) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11, captured) (12, captured) 12 ZiL-131: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, abandoned) (6, captured) (7, captured) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11, captured) (12, captured) 2 Ural-375D: (1, destroyed) (2, captured) 4 Ural-4320: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, captured) 1 KamAZ: (1, destroyed) 2 MAZ-537: (1, destroyed) (2, captured) 10 MAZ: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, damaged) (9, abandoned) (10, captured) 1 UAZ-469: (1, captured) 1 UAZ-452: (1, captured) 7 Unknown truck: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, damaged and abandoned) (5 and 6, abandoned) (7, captured) Moi, je ne sais pas ce que ça vaut ce décompte incroyablement précis, sans autre source que celle des bélligérants (ukrainiens surtout) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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