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http://www.defense.gouv.fr/dga/votre_espace/presse/communiques/2008/la_dga_livre_le_100e_blinde_amx_10_rc_renove_a_l_armee_de_terre Déjà 100 livrés
Le montage le plus logique ...
fiction: les forces françaises subissent un sérieux revers à Djibouti
g4lly a répondu à un(e) sujet de Rescator dans Conflits probables
"Crotale NG" sur la base aérienne et Mistral sur les positions de l'AdT :) si on les sort pas la on les sortira jamais :lol: -
Après presque 40 ans de service...
g4lly a répondu à un(e) sujet de Chris. dans Hélicoptères militaires
Le desert d'Iran :lol: -
Et oui c'est un Type90/MBT2000 "improved variant" ... le LCAC c'est bon aussi
Si a la base c'est juste un kit pour remplacer l'emprunt de gaz des M-4 par le systeme des G36. Devant l'enthousiasme il ont developpé un modele a part entiere et le 417 en 7.65
J'aime pas le P90 ... l'ergonomie de l'espace encombrant peu modulable puis la police a pas besoin de 50 cartouche. Le truc "amusant" c'est qu'il vont se retrouver avec des G36CV semi-auto a 700€ juste parce que le MP7 est trop cher :lol: Alors que le MP7 est développé justement pour ce qui sert d'alibi a la dotation en G36 a savoir taper des cible blindé jusqu'a 250m dans une logique d'autodéfense avec l'aspect pratique d'utilisateur s'en servant peu - tres peu encombrant leger charger 20 ou 40 pliable dans tout les sens -. avec le chargeur 20 l'arme occupe pas beaucoup plus de place qu'un PA, et permet de riposter immédiatement depuis le véhicule de patrouille. G36CV LxH:50cmx28cm Canon:22cm. MP7A1 LxH:38cmx17cm Canon:18cm. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQuriRUsDaE
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
NEWS RELEASE On the web: http://www.dsca.mil Media Public Contact: (703) 601-3859 Transmittal No. 08-37 Morocco - Weapons and Related Support for F-16 Aircraft WASHINGTON. July 11. 2008 - On July 9. the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Morocco of 30 AIM-120C-5 Advanced Medium Range Air-to Air Missiles (AMRAAM): 60 AIM-9M SIDEWINDER Missiles: 20 AGM-88B/C HARM Missiles: 8 AGM-65D/G MAVERICK Missiles: 45 AGM-65H MAVERICK Missiles; 50 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) tail kits (which include 20 GBU-31 for MK-82. 500 lb bomb, and 30 GBU-38. for MK-S4. 2000 lb bomb): 20 GBU-24. PAVEWAY III kits; 50 GBU-10. PAVEWAY II kits: 150 GBU-12. PAVEWAY II kits: 60 Enhanced GBU-12 PAVEWAY II bombs; 300 MK-82 training bombs: 60.000 20mm training projectiles: 4.000 ALE-47 self-protection chaff: 4.000 ALE-47 self-protection flares and associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $155 million. Also included are containers, bomb components, spare/repair parts, publications, documentation. personnel and training, contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related support elements. The estimated cost is $155 million The proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by enhancing Morocco's capacity to support U.S. efforts in the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), as well as supporting Morocco's legitimate need for its own self-defense. Morocco is one of the most stable and pro-Western of the Arab states, and the U.S. remains committed to a long-term relationship with Morocco. The proposed sale will allow the Moroccan Air Force to modernize its aging fighter inventory, thereby enabling Morocco to support both its own air defense need- and coalition operation-. Morocco is a Major Non-NATO ally. Delivery of this weapon system will greatly enhance Morocco") interoperability with the U.S. and other NATO nations, making it a more valuable partner in an increasingly important area of the world. The country will have no difficulty absorbing this new capability into its armed force. The proposed sale of this weapon system will not affect the basic military balance in the region. The principal contractors will be Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company. Fort Worth. Texas: Lockheed Martin Missile and Fire Control. Dallas. Texas: Boeing Integrated Defense Systems. Seattle. Washington: and Raytheon Missile Systems. Tucson. Arizona There are no known offset ."agreeents in connection with this proposed sale. There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.
Reflexion sur le matériel et l'humain dans le renseignement... "militaire". http://athena-et-moi.blogspot.com/2008/07/fonction-anticipation-connaissance-bien.html
[Liban] Archive
g4lly a répondu à un(e) sujet de dr.watson dans Politique etrangère / Relations internationales
Le topic dérive en cours de morphologie ... t'as vu y a son petit doigt qu'est pas joint aux autres ... ça se trouve il vient de mars et se dissout s'il meurt ! -
Des députés UMP tres inquiet de la gestion des comptes publique http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/politique/budget-2009-mais-ou-sont-les-recettes_531222.html et la la reponse de Woerth http://www.alain-lambert-blog.org/index.php?2008/07/10/1753-la-conference-nationale-des-executifs-de-ce-matin-un-programme-charge Woerth "ministre du Budget, des Comptes publics et de la Fonction publique" n'est pas responsable du budget juste du recouvrement :lol: C'est mal barré.
Il est super moche ... la bulle moi je me demande tjrs ce quel vient faire là ?!! c'est juste pour la loi des aires? l'empennage pas un brin furtif - comme le reste du fuselage -, enfin ça fait très oldschool comme conception. Bon en meme temps avec les helice un truc furtif c'est pas évident ... m'enfin y a un minimum, meme les vieux predator ont l'air plus évolué. Le profil des ailes est bidon aussi ... ca sent la maquette bricolé a la va vite plus qu'autre chose.
[Afghanistan] Archive
g4lly a répondu à un(e) sujet de jeanmi dans Politique etrangère / Relations internationales
A mon avis ca a plusieurs objectif. Un premier point tactique, faire en sortes que les installations des coalisées foisonnent moins ... en gros inciter a avoir quelques "grosse" bases a plusieurs compagnie plutôt que plein de petit poste a a peine plus d'une section ou deux visant a interdire les déplacement. Il semble que ça fonctionne les unités attaqué aillant déjà quitté leur poste précédent a cause des attaque pour se replier là. Un second tactique c'est le test des défense coalisé et des capacité des "insurgés" a mener une bataille rangée. Le fait que la bataille et durée si longtemps malgré l'armement US artillerie avia montre bien que les Taleb on compris comment se mettre a l'abri des appui feu en se collant suffisamment au ligne US pour rendre délicat le bombing mais suffisamment loin pour pas se faire trop massacrer par les arme "légère". Un objectif symbolique ... aux yeux du public "les américains sont les occupant, nous seront bientot capable de les mettre dehors avec deux kalash et trois RPG". Enfin un objectif politique ... faire perdre espoir aux coalisé dans l'issu rapide sans les taliban. En gros de s'imposer comme acteur politique et se rendre indispensable a la résolution du conflit, etant donné que sur le terrain malgres le rapport de force tres défavorable les taliban augmentent leur zone de controle. -
T'as raison je me suis tout mélangé sur le coup. Ce sont bien les crotale NG en remorque des EDSA de l'armée de l'air ...
un taser dans du cal12 http://taser.com/products/law/Pages/XREP.aspx Dans le plus classique les bean bag: des petit poche chargé de grenaille lourde mais mole pour appliquer la pression sur une bonne surface et mettre KO la cible. Y de la chevrotine caoutchouc aussi, des petit tube de bois mou etc etc.
Le probleme avec armes a transfert d'energie ... c'est que le résultat et tres aléatoir en fonction de la distance et de la condition physique et de "l'équipement", de la cible. En gros un coup de flashball - ya plusieurs puissance selon les modèle - sur quelqu'un de sportif qui s'attend au coup ça ne fait pas grand chose ... encore moins s'il est habillé epais ou avec un gilet balistique ... non seulement ca amortit l'impact mais en plus ça disperse l'énergie sur une larges zone ... le choc n'est donc pas incapacitant le moins du monde. Apres ce genre de munition n'est utile qu'a courte portée voir tres courte ... de quelques metre a 15~20m pour les plus puissant. Pour les taser même punition pour obtenir l'effet escompté il faut que la pointe touche le corps - la peau ... - donc avec des vêtement epais c'est deja limite avec un gilet balistique pas de risque d'électrocution si le tir se fiche dans le gilet. Moi ce qui me chagrine avec la police c'est la doctrine d'emploi affiché... qui est loin de la réalité. Si la voiture de patrouille tombe sur un braquage de convoyeur de fond ... tu laisses filer ... même avec une minimi tu va pas allumer des mec qui vont riposter au RPG ! au mieux tu les suit "discrètement" un moment le temps que les spécialiste puissent prendre la relève. A quoi ça sert d'engager le combat en pleine rue pour rien. Tout le monde sait qu'il se feront attraper plus tard ... 1 semaine 1 mois 1 ans il finissent tjrs par tomber, par baisse de leur vigilance dans le temps. La police a le temps c'est son luxe elle sera encore la que tous les délinquant d'aujourd'hui seront 6 pieds sous terre. Sur un braquage de banque pareil ... les policier de patrouille n'engage pas le combat sauf a se retrouver nez a nez avec les fuyard qui t'allume ... c'est pas le rôle. J'ai mis le lien avant vers le topic "ici on cause fusil" ou on avait eu la meme discussion a propos de la pertinence du G36CV dans les voiture de patrouille. Ici pour le G36CV http://www.air-defense.net/Forum_AD/index.php?topic=5913.msg285064#msg285064 Ici pour les Tikka T3 tactical http://www.air-defense.net/Forum_AD/index.php?topic=5913.msg311622#msg311622
1. MERKAVA III BAZ DOR DALET Oui 2. MERKAVA IV Oui 3. M113A3 nope M113AS4 4. FENNEK RECCE Oui 5. PZH 2000 Oui 6. M109A6 PALLADIN Oui 7. M113 ARV hum hum M806AS4 ARVL J'ai un petit doute sur certaine réponse 5 min faut que je vérifie :) Char quizz tout court j'accorde ...
http://www.defense.gouv.fr/breves/un_armement_air_sol_qualifie_par_la_dga La Délégation Générale pour l’Armement (DGA ) a réalisé avec succès, le 9 juillet 2008, le troisième et dernier tir de qualification de l’Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM ), en version à guidage terminal infrarouge. Réalisé depuis le centre d’essais de lancement de missiles de Biscarrosse (Landes), l’AASM a été tiré à partir d’un Mirage 2000 du centre d’essais en vol de la DGA à Cazaux (Landes). Comme la précédente, déjà qualifiée et utilisée avec succès par des avions de combat Rafale en Afghanistan, cette version de l’AASM est équipée d’un système de guidage double : * inertiel (système de positionnement autonome) ; * GPS (système de positionnement global par satellite). Mais, elle bénéficie, en plus, d’un imageur infrarouge qui localise automatiquement la cible, quelques secondes avant l’impact. Ce système permet ainsi de corriger sensiblement la trajectoire de la bombe pour l’adapter, par exemple, à une cible mouvante. Pour cet essai, le tir a été réalisé, à très basse altitude, à une distance de 16 km. Les coordonnées de la cible transmises à l’armement Air-Sol, avant son largage, avaient été altérées de 80 mètres. Malgré cette marge d’erreur, l’AASM infrarouge a localisé et frappé son objectif avec précision, en modifiant sa trajectoire en phase finale avant impact.
C'est peut être juste que les anglais s'en servent au combat alors que les allemands s'en servent comme pendentif :lol:
[Afghanistan] Archive
g4lly a répondu à un(e) sujet de jeanmi dans Politique etrangère / Relations internationales
La polémique ... http://in.mobile.reuters.com/mobile/m/FullArticle/eIN/CSASIN/nsouthAsiaNews_uINIndia-34512520080714 Afghan attack blamed on shortfalls in aid, troops WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sunday's bold Taliban raid that killed nine American soldiers was no surprise to analysts who have been warning that the U.S. effort in Afghanistan needs more troops, aid and attention. In the latest sign of a marked increase of violence in Afghanistan this year, Taliban insurgents took over a nearby village and used buildings there to launch a complex assault on an outpost near the Pakistan border. "What we're watching is not some sudden upsurge," said security expert Anthony Cordesman of the center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. The attack, which caused the biggest single U.S. loss of troops in Afghanistan since 2005, follows "a systematic growth in Taliban and Islamist influence backed by sanctuary and the regrowth of al Qaeda as a major force in Pakistan," he said. Cordesman said the Taliban do not always confront U.S. or allied troops in conflict. But the area under the influence of the Islamist group and their allies "has just about doubled every year since 2005," he said. Experts have warned that the Taliban have capitalized on a mixture of poor governance and economic hardship in Afghanistan, thriving trade in opium, U.S. policy mistakes and disarray in Pakistan to bounce back in many parts of the country after their 2001 ouster by U.S. and coalition forces. "The legion of failures both by the international community and due to the weakness of (Afghan President Hamid) Karzai are numerous and they're lethal," said Christine Fair, a South Asia expert at the RAND Corporation. "Because we have massively failed across every single vector of stabilizing Afghanistan, the Taliban are going to have supporters," she said, citing as key errors a failure to train Afghan police and poor international aid coordination. TROOPS, AID, DIPLOMACY Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama unveiled in on Monday a new strategy that would provide "at least two additional combat brigades" for Afghanistan. "We need more troops, more helicopters, better intelligence-gathering and more nonmilitary assistance to accomplish the mission there," he wrote in the New York Times. In addition to addressing shortfalls estimated at two to three brigades in a U.S. troop presence that stood at 36,000 on Monday, the United States needs to deliver development aid to Afghanistan and bordering areas in Pakistani, analysts said. "If we are going to succeed in 'win, hold, build,' we've got to have aid money and services that go out in the field, where the Taliban can win almost by default because there's no money, no governance and no security," said Cordesman. Last month in Paris, donors led by the United States pledged about $20 million in aid to Afghanistan, but many supporters there voiced complaints about corruption and inefficiency in Karzai's government. Stemming violence in Afghanistan also requires closer work with Pakistan, whose foreign minister visited Washington last week and rejected U.S. complaints about al Qaeda and Taliban militants insurgent havens in Pakistan's tribal regions. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi also said Pakistan rejected the idea, suggested by Obama and other politicians, of U.S. troops attacking militants in its border regions. Cordesman said such attacks would be ineffective without full cooperation from Pakistan in closing off the havens. "No matter what we do ... we can't create a structure of stability by limited operations in the border area as long as there is sanctuary in Pakistan," he said. Asked about Sunday's attack and U.S. policy toward the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region, Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Washington and Islamabad were trying to deal with conditions on Pakistan's side of the border. "Discussions at a variety of levels have taken place in recent weeks and I suspect that those will continue as we try to address the border region problem in a comprehensive way," Whitman said. Possible attaque Us sur les base Pakistanaise des Taliban. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article4340239.ece US troops poised to cross Afghan border for raid on bases US troops in Afghanistan massed close to the border yesterday for a possible attack on al-Qaeda and Taleban bases in the lawless North Waziristan tribal belt in Pakistan. Reports from the area said that hundreds of Nato troops were airlifted across the mountains from the village of Lowara Mandi, which has been an important base for cross-border attacks in Afghanistan. Heavy artillery and armoured vehicles were also being moved into position. The deployment followed a claim by the Afghan Government on Monday that the Pakistani Army and its spy agency had become “the world's biggest producers of terrorism and extremism”. The Pakistani Foreign Ministry accused Kabul of creating an “artificial crisis to satisfy short-term political expediencies”. President Bush said yesterday that the US would investigate the Afghan claims to “get to the bottom of the allegation”. He said that he was troubled by the movement of extremists from Pakistan into Afghanistan. “I certainly hope that the [Pakistani] Government understands the dangers of extremists moving in their country,” Mr Bush said.Tensions have been heightened since the deaths of nine soldiers on Sunday when insurgents overran a US base in Kunar province, close to the Pakistani border. Western commanders say there has been a marked increase in cross-border infiltration in the past few months, fuelling the insurgency in Afghanistan. Nato troops have clashed with Pakistani units along the South Waziristan border. US Admiral Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made an announced visit to Islamabad at the weekend and held a series of meetings with Pakistan's top civil and military leadership. According to well-placed sources, Admiral Mullen warned Pakistan that the US could take unilateral military action if the cross-border attacks in Afghanistan were not stopped. The US official said that some elements within Pakistani security agencies could be helping the insurgents operate from their bases in the border region. An influential Pakistani army official said there were strong indications that the US was ready to launch bombing raids against suspected al-Qaeda and Taleban camps inside Pakistan. The official said that any unilateral American military action could have serious repercussions and create difficulties for Pakistani counter-terrorism efforts. Washington is concerned by the new Government's move to strike peace deals with militant groups, pacts that American critics say will simply give insurgents time to regroup and gain strength. Analysts say that the failure of the new coalition Government led by the Pakistan People's Party to formulate a clear counter-insurgency policy has affected the military's efforts to curb cross-border infiltration and the rising influence of militants in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province. -
Une petite série pas dure du tout #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
[Afghanistan] Archive
g4lly a répondu à un(e) sujet de jeanmi dans Politique etrangère / Relations internationales
Quelques détails de plus sur l'attaque. http://blog.wired.com/defense/2008/07/more-on-the-afg.html There is no doubt that the Taliban sustained heavy losses, but they have no shortage of men and supplies. The Taliban are likely to consider this attack a singular success because of the numbers of losses the Americans sustained. The psychological shield of NATO force invincibility was broken in a direct attack, not by a roadside or suicide bomb. The Taliban fighters are learning. The attack in Konar was far most lethal than any similar prior attacks in other provinces and the closest to succeeding in overrunning an outpost. The makeup of the insurgents is changing, as well. "Pakistani militant groups such as Laskhar-e-Taiba, a group that was originally formed to fight in Kashmir," are now in the area, according to the Times. The American and Afghan army soldiers had moved into the base at Wanat just days before, after abandoning another base higher up a side valley where they had come under repeated attack from insurgents. "But this even surprised me that so many Taliban were gathered in one place," he said. D'autre détails http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=5373104&page=1 Taliban Flexing Muscle in Afghanistan Fighters Staged Notable Attack from Pakistan that Left U.S. Soldiers Dead This weekend's deadly attack on an American combat outpost in remote eastern Afghanistan that killed nine U.S. servicemen was a highly organized assault by as many as 200 Taliban fighters that coalition military officials believe was staged from neighboring Pakistan. A senior Defense Department official told ABC News today that attacks on outposts in eastern Afghanistan are a tactic often used by Taliban militants, but that this attack was noteworthy for its significant discipline, training and size of the attacking force. Only days before the attack, 70 U.S. and Afghan soldiers had established their new combat outpost in the town of Wanat in Kunar Province, about 35 miles from the border with Pakistan. There are many other similarly small outposts located throughout this part of eastern Afghanistan, manned by small groups of soldiers whose mission it is to interdict the lines of communication used by the Taliban from Pakistan into Afghanistan. British Royal Navy Capt. Michael Finney, a spokesman for NATO forces in Afghanistan, told ABC News today that the camp defenses had yet to completed, possibly making it easier for the militants to breach the perimeter during the attack. The assault began at 4:30 Sunday morning and lasted until noon as U.S. and Afghan forces engaged in intense combat to fight off 100 militants who had stormed the outpost armed with small weapons and rocket-propelled grenades. Another 100 militants provided mortar support from nearby areas, using houses and a mosque in an adjacent village for cover. Village residents had been evacuated, although coalition officials are not sure if the Taliban forced them out or if they left because they knew of a potential attack, Finney said U.S. troops quickly called for air cover from American warplanes, which dropped hundreds of pounds of bombs on the attackers. They included a B-1 bomber that dropped several 500-pound bombs, A-10 Thunderbolts that fired cannon rounds and bombed, and an Air Force Predator drone that fired a Hellfire missile at the militants. After nearly five to eight hours of intense combat, nine U.S. soldiers lay dead, with another 15 Americans and four Afghan soldiers wounded meaning one in five of the American defenders was killed and one-third wounded in the attack. All told, it's an alarming casualty rate of 50 percent for the small American force. Finney said scores of militants were killed, but a senior military official says early reports indicated 15 militants had been killed, with between 20 to 40 of their number wounded. Clean-up operations in the adjacent village took nearly 15 hours and combat operations continue in the area as U.S. forces search for militants who managed to escape. Last week, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, visited another U.S. outpost in Kunar Province, south of Wanat, in the dangerous Korengal Valley. Mullen handed out medals to several soldiers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team who had faced constant conflict and attacks during their 15-month tours of duty in the region. The 3,500 soldiers from the brigade were in the process of returning home to their home base in Italy by the end of the month. Mullen has in the past called the military fight in Afghanistan under-resourced in both personnel and equipment. He has said that if the security situation in Iraq continues to improve, a drawdown of troops there could enable him to send additional troops to Afghanistan. The greatest need has always been for 3,000 military trainers to help prepare Afghan police, but military commanders in Afghanistan have also said they would like an additional two combat brigades, or the equivalent of 7,000 more troops. While this weekend's deadly attack is a rare case in which Taliban militants have taken a U.S. military force head-on, they are increasingly shifting to more tactics used in Iraq by insurgents, in particular roadside bombs. The Pentagon has already sent more than 800 of the large vehicles known as Mine Resistant Ambush Protection vehicles, or MRAPs, to Afghanistan to help counter the growing use of roadside bombs. Mullen is reviewing a new request from commanders in Afghanistan for an unspecified number of even more of the vehicles. -
Bah y les méca auront qu'un demi RC80 chacune ... les RC80 "découpable" en deux normalement puisque ce sont des regiment double.
Il semble qu'on s'oriente effectivement vers 3 RC80 plutot que 4 RC60 ...