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Le F-35


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1 billions pour des infos, gloups, les hackers chinois ont eu tout ca gratis.

quote author=Fenrir link=topic=1324.msg399205#msg399205 date=1254682612]

Bouarf, ça fait 8 millions d'euros, pas si cher que cela.

les gars vous avez un problème avec les conversions anglosaxonnes ??  :lol:

one billion  = un milliard

ca fait tout de suite plus salé comme addition  O0 O0

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quote author=Fenrir link=topic=1324.msg399205#msg399205 date=1254682612]

Bouarf, ça fait 8 millions d'euros, pas si cher que cela.

les gars vous avez un problème avec les conversions anglosaxonnes ??  :lol:

one billion  = un milliard

ca fait tout de suite plus salé comme addition  O0 O0

Mon convertisseur de yen me dit que l'un de leurs milliard vaut 8 millions d'euros.

1 yen japonais = 0,00756543613 euros

J'ai refait le calcul et cela colle!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Continuara la Lucha, siempre! :-\

Saab Reaffirms Gripen Offer to Netherlands, Refutes Lockheed Comments

(This letter was sent to all members of the Dutch Lower House’s defense committee)

Reaffirmation offer from Gripen International in respect of the supply of 85 Saab Gripen NG fighter planes for the Royal Netherlands Air Force to refute (media) statements of Lockheed Martin

Dear Member of Parliament,

Enclosed, please, find the offer from Gripen International for the supply of 85 Saab Gripen Next Generation fighter airplanes as a successor to the F-16. We have presented this offer to you and the Dutch government in April 2009.

We feel the need to reaffirm this offer to contradict statements of the CEO of Lockheed Martin, Tom Burbage, this week in several newspapers.

In reaction to the question of a Volkskrant journalist that “Dutch politicians would like to see a fixed price for the JSF. Can you give one?” Burbage answers:

When the Dutch are ready to order, in 2011 or 2012, there will be contracts on the table with a fixed price. When you hear about fixed prices (like competitor Saab, ed.), without a detailed description of the product, you have to look at the presumptions behind it.’

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:O From

Exclusive: New JSF Assessment Affirms Program Requires Billions More, Additional Time

DefenseAlert, Oct. 22, 2009 -- A new assessment of the Joint Strike Fighter program affirms earlier findings that substantially more money and time are required for the Pentagon's largest acquisition effort, a conclusion that could pose a formidable test of Defense Secretary Robert Gates' recent support for the F-35 program and President Obama's pledge to terminate weapons with bloated price tags.

no comment !!!!

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Boarf... c'est certes déplorable, mais quel grand programme ne passe pas par là ? Pas l'A400M en tout cas.

Visiblement les anglais vont largement rogner leur commande de JSF dixit "the times"

The decision to have only one new aircraft carrier will cut the number of JSFs to be flown by RAF squadrons from 138 to about 50, saving £7.6 billion. At current prices, the aircraft will cost close to £90m each, but this could rise to more than £100m.,438.msg402326.html#msg402326

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ça va couter 17,1 milliards de dollars de plus que prévu !


Colin has advanced the story broken by this morning about huge cost estimates that could dramatically restructure the Joint Strike Fighter program.

A preliminary Pentagon cost estimate that the F-35 could cost as much as $17.1 billion more than currently planned is prompting calls from congressional sources for the program to be reassessed and restructured.

The congressional sources also wryly noted this seemed to raise questions about the wisdom of Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ recent trip to the F-35 plant in Fort Worth to show his support for the program. One aide scoffed that the new cost estimates were “no surprise to anyone who hasn’t drunk the JSF Kool-Aid.”

The new cost estimate comes from the JSF Joint Estimate Team, formed this summer by Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn.

Two congressional aides familiar with the program said. the cost estimate seemed to indicate that the approach of developing, building, flying and testing planes as they come off the assembly line – known as concurrency – may pose too much program risk in the short term and should lead Defense Secretary Robert Gates to scale back the emphasis on producing and testing planes and trim the number of planes the Pentagon wants to buy in next year’s budget.

Be sure to read the entire story and to troll over to Inside for the the JET gouge. As one intelligent observer noted when he heard the news: "this could mean the end of manned combat flight"...

une paille !

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Bon, continuons notre enquête, celle visant à découvrir le prix réel du F-35. Selon le Sunday Times, dans son article expliquant que la Royal Navy refuserait à se payer deux vrais CVF avec les 138 F-35 originellement prévus, laisse comprendre que le prix unitaire d’un F-35 (F-35 B doit-on supposer ?) serait entre 90 et 100 millions £.

The decision to have only one new aircraft carrier will cut the number of JSFs to be flown by RAF squadrons from 138 to about 50, saving £7.6 billion. At current prices, the aircraft will cost close to £90m each, but this could rise to more than £100m.

Les conversions donnent :

90 m£ / 98 m€ / 147 m$

100 m£ / 108m€ / 163 m$

Certes, la pound est extrêmement basse actuellement, tendant à faire augmenter les coûts d’un F-35 importé. Cependant, la valeur du dollar n’est pas élevée du tout non plus.

Si les infos du Sunday Times s’avèrent exactes (il est difficile de le certifier en lisant l’article, mais on a l’impression que les valeurs proviennent de la Royal Navy), il n’y a pas que les GiBis qui vont avoir du mal à financer leurs flottes aériennes…


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J'ajouterais :

Note 3 : disponible et pleinement opérationnel à partir de l'upgrade 40, 50, soit 2020-2025 ....

enfin, ça fait quand même une belle vidéo de propagande....

C'est normal, c'est de la publicité NG va pas se tirer une balle dans le pied (mais dans celui de BAe!)

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C'est le système d'arme le plus cher qui ait jamais été développé, je vois pas pourquoi vous refusez d'admettre qu'il apporte de vraies grosses innovations.

Je vois rien d'irréalisable la dedans moi a part peut être le suivis des alliés et ennemis.

Le coup de "voir a travers le tableau de bord et le sol" ça fait des années qu'on en parle, pareil pour les détecteurs de départ missiles qui donnent une position précise du lanceur (d'ailleurs le rafale le fait aussi non?).

C'est "juste" des camera IR, heureusement que c'est pas fait pour le BVR pour ça l'engin disposera d'un radar AESA plus que correct (enfin dans la version Américaine  >:().

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Rumeurs de baisse des commandes de F-35 par les USA: (résumé rapide en français) (original en VO)

Le rapport a été commandé par le parlement Hollandais a un "spécialiste" d'intenet dont voici le site web.

Ce ne sont que des conjéctures....

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Oct 29/09: Controversy erupts in Norway after it’s revealed that the F-16 noise comparisons used by Lockheed Martin involved late-model F-16s that are much noisier than Norway’s current fleet. Norwegian media add that the government classified Lockheed Martin’s report when in was received in Sept/Oct 2009, but leaks have brought its contents to light. Aftenposten cites confirmation from several individuals that the difference is “dramatiske,” and match claims of noise data available “apne internettsider” (on the internet).

Norway is one of several European countries with strict airport-related noise laws that force governments to modify houses or even move them at government expense, if those levels are exceeded. Norway has recently taken steps to reduce its number of military airfields, and Bodo was selected as their future fighter base. Estimates of F-35 noise abatement cost at Bodo, a town of 40,000, are about 6.45 billion Norwegian Kronor (currently, about $1.13 billion).

One option, which could hike costs to NOK 6-10 billion, would involve moving the military runway about 0.7 km, behind a set of low hills, and building the runway out into the ocean. Whether this would remove the need for additional noise reimbursement outlays is not clear, and airfields into the ocean are technically challenging with the potential for budget overruns. All articles in Norwegian: Adressa | Afterposten | Nordlys | Teknisk Ukeblad. Defense Aerospace Aftenposten translation.

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